Journal September 16-22
Sunday, September 16, 2007, 11:38 PM
I woke up feeling fine this morning. I guess that I just had a touch of the one day crud. Only 4 kids joined me for church today. A few of them are still a bit gun shy from the encounter that they had with their Sunday school teacher last week. Pastor Mike told me that last weeks teacher was only felling in for the regular teacher and they are presently looking for one more teacher for some of the older kids. He told me that he did not want me to discourage any of my neighborhood kids from coming to Sunday school in the mean time though.
The service that we had was great. Mike may not look or act like your average preacher but he is certainly a man of God. I think that is one thing that drew me here. Not many of the missionaries that I know down here fall into the category of what I always pictured a missionary to be like; No shining hello, no wings, just ordinary people who are willing to be where God wants them to be and willing to do what ever it is that God wants them to do.
Today we didn't visit the orphanage or go out to eat. No, it wasn’t because of anything that any of the kids did in Sunday school. They gave their teacher no problems today.
I had to take them straight home because Fernando was having a birthday party. Yep, this is the same Fernando who just had a birthday 3 weeks ago. No he wasn’t trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes like Calin use to do. Besides that, Calin always waited at least a few months before having another birthday, he knew that even with my memory I would have caught on if he had them only 3 weeks apart. Today Fernando was simply celebrating the birthday that he had 3 weeks ago.
Ashley and Judah came over to my house at 6 PM. They are returning to the States tomorrow so we decided that it would be nice to go out for supper together tonight. No I didn’t get out of cooking. The kids were waiting for me when I got home. The cheep microwave that I bought just a few weeks ago is proving to be exactly that, Cheep. Last week the #1 button quit working. Tonight the #2 button quit. At this rate in another month we will only be able to cook things that take 6 minutes or longer. Warranty?? Let me remind you this is Guatemala. Just last week I bought a pair of reading glasses. When I got to my car and opened the case I realized that the glasses were a different strength then what it said on the case. When I walked back into the store to return them I was told that the warranty had expired.
Well it is time for bed. I think that I will go crawl into bed. I hope that the mattress doesn’t suddenly self destruct. After all it is nearly a month old now.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Monday, September 17, 2007
Chickenpox has come to Hermano Pedro. At present it is only in the ward where the younger kids are but it is spreading rapidly among them. They have separated all of the younger kids into 2 rooms. The kids that have never had chicken pox are in one room and those that presently have or have had chickenpox in the past are in another room.
The 3 kids that had planned on going felt bad but cheered up a bit when I told them that I would do something special with them when they were no longer under quarantine. A couple from the USA had planned on joining us for lunch but as soon as they heard the word chickenpox they made a hasty retreat from the orphanage. I can’t blame them though. They have been here for several weeks trying to finish up on the adoption process of a little boy. If he were to get sick it could delay the process even longer.
While I was at the orphanage Jessica called me on my cell phone and asked if I would be willing to see a little girl who’s parents had brought her in to see one of the doctors. She could not walk and already had a wheelchair but Jessica was wondering if she could perhaps use a walker. She was a delightful little girl who was 8 years old. Her leg strength was marginal but her desire to walk was all there and then some. The hospital had been given some used walkers and although they were in good shape I knew that they would be to heavy for her.
Since I am planning on being on the road again starting tomorrow morning I had a lot to do tonight. I decided though that there was no way that I was going to lock the kids out. Some of them helped me by sweeping and taking in the laundry. Some tried to help. and some simply played. In spite of constant interruptions I managed to get enough accomplished that a 8 PM we all jumped into the car and headed off for some Pizza.
When we returned home at around 9 we all said goodbye and I headed into the house alone so that I could get some of the work that requires a bit more concentration done. I may have to burn a little midnight oil tonight but the time spent with the kids was well worth it. I will miss them while I am gone for the next several days.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
This morning Saul, his wife Hanna, (Chris and Donna’s daughter) and myself headed out for the Esquentla Area. Saul and Hanna will be joining me for the next several days as we do more recruiting for camp. Not only did we see campers and their families today but many of the people that we visited had other people that they wanted us to see. It seems that the needs are sometime overwhelming but we seldom turn down a request to at least go and talk with the people. Some need wheelchairs or medical attention. others are hungry. many ask for prayer.
Saul and Hanna have done a lot of wheelchair distributions and been involved with the ministry in so many other ways over the years but visiting the homes is a fairly new experience for both of them and they seem to really enjoy it. Along with their role in many other parts of the ministry, they are also planning on becoming involved with the tutoring programs that we are have going on. As we continue to add new kids to the list of those that we are helping to get an education we are also recognizing a need for more help in visiting the students and in finding teachers. I think that with their language skills, knowledge of the culture, and evident Christ like love for the people, that they will be a very welcome addition to this program.
We had a great day of visiting with old friends and meaning several new ones and are looking forward to doing the same tomorrow.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 8:41 PM
Tonight I am back at my home away from home, The Bamboo Motel. This is quite a treat compared to the hotel that we stayed in last night. Actually my room was not all that bad but Saul and Hanna’s room left a little to be desired. We asked the lady at the desk for 2 rooms that were not facing the street. They got that one 50% right. After a few busses and a semi truck went by they quickly got a different room. Believe it or not even though this was a nothing to brag about hotel Saul and Hanna told me that it had a hot tub in it. I though that they were kidding and it was perhaps a sink hole in the floor but sure enough it was a genuine hot tub. Unfortunately there was no way to make the water in it hot and the pump didn’t work but there it was. One luxury that we do try to get when we are staying near the coast is air-conditioning. They are usually much to small to do an adequate job but if you get a room with a good one in it you can often get the temperature down into the low eighties. Last night I experienced one of those rare occasions, Saul and Hanna did not. Even on the back side of this hotel the sound of the trucks and busses that go by bother any one with normal hearing. Fortunately I do not have normal hearing. Some people claim that I have no hearing but I never listen to them. Unfortunately Saul and Hanna hear well.
Sergio’s house was our first stop of the day.
He and his mother been coming to camp for as long as I can remember. Sergio who is 13 and has only had a few years of schooling has expressed a desire to return to school. However the rough roads that lead from his house prevent Sergio who is fairly heavy from being able to leave his house without the help of at least 2 adults. His mother has been trying to find a tooter for him but so far has had no success. This morning while visiting with him we asked him what his biggest wish was. He told us that it was to actually attend a real school, but the difficulty of getting from his house to school was impossible. On the rare occasions that he does leave the house it takes the effort of 2 strong adults to get him anywhere. His mother told us that the town keeps promising to pave some of the streets but it never happens. We asked his mother if there were any schools that were closer to his home than the public school that was a long ways away. She told us that there was a Christian school but it was private so there would be cost involved and there were still hills and rough terrain that led there. I knew that it would have to be a really powerful and tough Wheelchair but I wondered if there was a possibility that a power wheelchair could navigate the rocks and hills that lead to the school. With in minutes Sergio’s mother, Hanna, Saul, and myself were walking towards the school. We decided that the first trail that we went on would be impossible for anything but a mountain bike to navigate. Were there other routs that were a little smoother and not quite as steep? We walked various alleys and paths but each one of them had obstacles that would prevent even the best of power wheelchairs from navigating them. After doing a lot of zigzagging around we figured out a rout that was rough but possibly navigate-able. The biggest hurtle would be the first hill that led from Sergio’s house and then a section of extremely rough dirt road. I told the others that Stephen use to have a Ranger power chair that we took down trails that were worse then these. It was built tough and climbed like a tank. Perhaps if we could set up one of them for Sergio it would do the job. I still questioned the first steep hill though. Saul comented that if only we could get our hands on a Ranger power chair and give it a try we would know. Then we could peruse getting Sergio into school. We didn’t want to get his hopes up and then have them shattered. Waite a Minute! Just last week I had taken Mario’s power wheelchair home from Mazatenango. It had some electrical problems. Mario had told me that he had a struggled getting up the hill that led from his house with it so when I got it back to our shop I found a stronger chassis that had larger motors on it and one of the guys at the shop mounted Mario’s seating system on to it. I wasn’t even sure what kind of chassis it was but knew that it was built tough and had very large motors on it. It just so HAPPENED that Mario’s wheel chair was buried under our luggage in my car. Knowing how lost Mario would be with out his wheelchair we routed this trip so that we would be able to get his chair back to him. We were soon unloading all of our luggage and getting the power chair out of my car. Even though we could not give this chair to Sergio we could at least see if a power chair navigated these rocks and hills. As we were getting it out of the car I said that I still tough a Ranger would be the best chair for these Conditions though. Once we unloaded it I looked it over a bit more closely. I had been in quite a hurry when I picked out the chassis on Monday because I know that we would be leaving on Tuesday and the mechanics would only have the day to do all of the necessary modifications to it. I had not even paid attention to it all I know was that it looked strong and had larger motors on it. To my surprise it HAPPENED to be a Ranger. It was exactly the same kind of chair that Stephen use to own. With all of the different makes of wheelchairs out there I wondered what the CHANCES were of that HAPPENING, and weren’t we LUCKY that we HAPPENED to have a power chair with us? Or was this another Godincidence? Saul weighs just a little more than Sergio so we figured that if the chair would climb the hill with him in it then it would have no problem getting Sergio up the hill. It worked!!
Before leaving Sergio’s mother asked if she could take us to one home. There we found 6 children, Their mother has deserted them and their father is trying to raise them on his own. His biggest problem is that he drives truck for a living and has to be gone a lot of the time. This very loving and caring father told us that he wants to do everything possible to keep his family together but his 15 Year old daughter who is mentally handicapped needs some one to work with her and teach her how to care for her self.
The rest of our day was spent visiting more homes and running into more needs. We know that we can not make things better for everyone that we meet but are grateful that God allows us to help some of them. Yes, we sometimes get tired and a bit overwhelmed but after all that Jesus has done for us, how can we possibly not try to share a bit of that love with those He leads us to?
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, September 20, 2007, 7:38 PM
Just a few miles from Xela we stopped at the home of Angelica. Angelica was another one of those Godincidence people that we have met. Chris found her when his car overheated last year and he pulled into a welding shop because he saw a water hose hanging by the door. A welding shop may not sound like a likely place for a 24 year old paraplegic to be but sure enough in the back of the welding shop was her families home. Last year was Angelica’s first year at camp but she is hooked. She told us that she would not miss this years camp for the world.
Next we headed off to were Christopher, his mother, and several brothers and sisters live. You have to walk in to where Christopher lives. This was the first time that Saul and Hanna had ever been there. I have been in on several occasions and the people who live along the way are slowly becoming less shy and more friendly. Unfortunately some of the dogs are also getting less shy but no friendlier. Generally a hand full of well aimed rocks discourages them. Christopher and his mother were not at home but some of his brothers and sisters took us to an aunts house where Christopher was. Christopher was sitting in his manual wheelchair. His power chair has to stay at a friends shed near where we left our car.
Christopher told us that he had not been going to school lately, partly because he had not been feeling well but also because his power wheelchair was having some problems. We told him that we wanted to hike over to Erica’s to see her but would be at the car later. Several of the kids that were listening in on the conversation offered to meat us later at my car and then take us to where Christopher’s power wheelchair was.
The dogs along the way to Erica’s house seemed a bit friendlier and we made it the entire way with out having to throw any rocks. I admit I did felt a bit silly when Erica’s father came to the gate and tried to shake my hand. I thought about offering him the rocks as a gift but politely laid them down beside the gate. A few more visits and he can gravel the path that leads to their house. Erica’s face and arms seem to be doing quite well with the medicine. Her legs and feet are improving but still have a long way to go. Her mother told us that she applies the medicine to Erica’s entire body every other day. Unfortunately each treatment takes two and a half $6 tubes of medicine so we are still looking for a cheaper place to buy it from. The improvements are well worth it though.
When we finally returned to my car we found most of Christopher’s brothers, sisters, and cousins waiting for us. His mother was also there.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tonight we are back at home in Chemaltenango. We stopped off and visited 2 different families on our way home. Both of the girls that we visited are excited about attending camp again this year. I have not tallied up the count but I think that once again we must have visited around 20 families this week. Not only have we invited a lot of people to camp but we also have lists of people that who are in need of some type of help. During the next few days we will be looking over these lists, trying to decide who to help first and who can hang on for a while. The 2 people that come to mind with out refreshing my memory are Christopher, who need brain surgery and the 15 year old girl who needs some one to take care of her for at least a little while.

It was great to see the neighborhood kids when I got home. I didn’t even attempt to get any work done tonight. Rudy offered to make supper for the crew so I gave him some money for groceries. Soon he and Abner returned from the store with all of the fixings for a dozen hamburgers. I offered to help cook but he told me that he could handle it. he did a great job and soon all 12 of us were fed. After the kids cleaned up most of them watched a video on one of the computers. Some of the others found other things to do but due to the rain no one played outside. They all seem to be so much at home here. I could not help but wonder how they felt about my house being locked up for the past 4 days.
Saturday, September 22, 2007 4:28 PM
Today has been a rather laid back day. The kids started to show up at around 7 AM. They seemed nearly as content to do little or nothing as I did. Most of them gathered around the computer and watched videos until I finally fed them at around 10:30. Calin did the dishes while Kimberly swept and mopped the house.
I managed to get out of the house for a bit but only long enough to go and get a few things from the store. Right now I am franticly trying to finish up on my journal because I told the kids that I would let them all back in to the house at 5:30. I still have to decide about Abner though. I lost my rule book and can’t remember if kicking some one is a one day out of the house offence. I believe though that if it is a relative and you are not wearing shoes it is only a half day.
9:19 PM
There were an even dozen kids for supper again and yes Abner was one of them. I can’t believe it though. This has to be an all time record, not one glass of pop was spilled and my floor still looks as clean as it did when Kimberly mopped it this morning. That is a real wonder considering it is raining hard and the alley is nothing but mud. Everyone has headed for home except Calin and Fernando. I promised them that thy could spend the night. I am going to try to proof read this journal and get it sent out before going to bed. I know you are probably saying to your self, PROOF READ! Than why doesn’t he catch those spelling mistakes. Actually I manage to correct about 95% of them. Wouldn’t you love to try and read this before I corrected it.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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