Journal October 11-17 2008
Since I have been on the go all week I decided that spending time with the kids was more important than writing in my Journal. I will try to get back to writing on Monday.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It is still the weekend so I will make this one short. Kids, food, church, more kids, more food and then off to Xela for 3 days of wheelchair distributions.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Monday, October 13, 2008

As you can see I kept my weekend journal entries shorter than short. I needed a few days off from writing. Besides that I was on the computer most of Saturday morning getting last weeks journal out. Saturday afternoon I took the kids back to the new restaurant that is located on an old plantation less than 15 minutes from where I live. We actually had baloney sandwiches at home before going there because it would have cost too much to buy lunch there for all of the kids. However the kids seemed delighted when I told them that they could each have a piece of cake at the restaurant and the price of the cake was no worse than the entry fee to a park that I sometime take them to. After the cake we played soccer, Frisbee and hiked around the plantation. The entire time that we were there we only saw 2 other customers come into the restaurant.

Sunday I took 6 of the kids to Church but only after having a little talk with them about a few small items that have been disappearing from my house lately.

After church I fed them well by stopping off at Martha’s and letting them load up on food. All 7 of us left the place absolutely stuffed for under $20. I had wanted to go to the orphanage but we are having 3 days of wheelchair distributions up around the Xela area and I had to leave by 2 PM.
Now on to today. (Monday)

One of our more difficult cases today was a 22 year old lady that appears to be dying.

Now that we all have one day of working together under our belts we will see if we can face an even bigger challenge because tomorrow we have over 90 people scheduled to come In for wheelchairs in the town of Ratolaio. We plan on driving there in the morning and have to head out at 5:30, so I think I will call it a night.
Yours in Christ: Dick

Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 9:22 PM

Tomorrow’s distribution in San Marcos is suppose to be a bit smaller than today’s distribution was but we are still planning on giving out and fitting around 65 wheelchairs so I think that I will get some rest.
Yours in Christ: Dick

Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 8:36 PM

Another great day today and another 67 happy wheelchair recipients. I would love to share more stories but it has been a busy 3 days, so tonight I will let the pictures do the talking.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, October 16, 2008, 8:20 PM
It rained all night so I decided not to take the normal rout back home from Xela, because there are usually problems with landslides along this rout whenever it rains a lot. The rout that we took back home was about an hour longer but today it paid off because my suspicions about the other rout having landslides were later confirmed.
Today it was Calin who had the built in radar because I was no sooner in the gate than my phone rang. Within 20 minutes the word was out that I was back and my house quickly filled up with hungry kids.

Yours in Christ: Dick
Friday, October 17, 2008, 6:05 PM

I was worried that I was pushing my luck when I let Abner and three others come along with me to Hermano Pedro today but all went well and the four boys spent there entire time there playing with the orphanage kids. It was really good to get back there after not being there for over a week and a half and I spent my time just visiting with the kids as well. Not that there were not a lot of wheelchairs that needed fixing but accidentally forgetting to take my tools along helped ease my consciences when I did nothing but play. Who says getting forgetful when you get older does not have it’s benefits?

We did not take any of the kids out to lunch today because it was raining but still had a good time visiting with them. After spending some time with the kids down stares I snuck off to the malnutrition ward to see how Lionel was doing. When I walked up to his crib he immediately recognized me and gave me a smile that melted my hart. The nurses told me that he has had no more seizures and that he continues to gain weight. Twenty four pounds is still no record for a nine year old but that is 50% heavier than he was when we brought him in a little over a month ago.
I wish that I could say the same for Alex though.

Before Leaving the orphanage I went up to Father Bernardo’s room. With in minutes Father Bernardo was in the car with the 4 boys and myself and we were on our way to see Cesar, the man who’s leg I have been treating. Father Bernardo had not seen me in over a week so most of the stories that he told me were repeats but for the most part he remembered that I spoke English and he did not use to much Italian, Chinese, or Spanish when talking to me. Once we got to Cesar’s house, Abner asked me if he could do the interpreting. After I picked myself up off from the floor I looked over at Father Bernardo and he nodded that it was fine with him. Cesar’s leg is looking so much better that I am going to stop using the Unaboot and just monitor things. Now this one really is a miracle because only a few months ago he was told that his leg needed to be amputated. Next week Cesar wants to take me to meet a man who has the same condition. Our visit with Cesar and his family was much to short. He and his family have become such good friends that it is always hard to say goodbye.

As we drove Father Bernardo back to Hermano Pedro we discussed how sad it is that so many churches and mission organizations are splitting up over small little things. This dear old Catholic priest has become a good friend. Even though he is nearly thirty years older than me and we are worlds apart on theology, we are thankful that we are able to work well together. God has given both of us a burden for those that are suffering here in Guatemala. Perhaps when we both get old and can find nothing better to do we will sit down and argue about theology.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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