"It is in our lives and not our words that our Christianity must be read." |
I just realized that It has been well over a week since my last journal entry. I have my Mack back so posting pictures is now a lot easier for me. However Pat has gone to the States for a few weeks so I do not have her to fall back on when I do not have the time to write my own journals, and during the past week I have not had the time. The flowing will be mostly pictures of some of the things that took place. I will attempt to do a bit of writing but that will be from memory so the writing part, much like my memory will likely be short and not 100% accurate.
Yours in Christ: Dave Don Rick Dick
This week I made a number of trips bringing Maria to and from her village. On Saturday she got her surgery and on Sunday I took her back home.
This is Samuel, one of our sponsored kids, holding his little brother.
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Samuel and his Brother |
Until about a year ago 12 year old Samuel worked 12 hours a day for $10 per week so that his widowed mother, brothers and sisters would not starve. Now thanks to a sponsor Samuel and 3 of his siblings go to school and there is also food on the table.
Samuele's brother was shy at first, |
But he quickly got over that. |
Samuel taking his turn at driving the car. (Don't worry Donna it only looks like your car.) |
Some of the kids that live in Maria's village. |
A few more of the kids. |
Still more kids. |
You may not have noticed but I like the kids. |
Pat is learning to tolerate them as well. |
We had a teem her from Canada this week. I managed to spend a bit of time with them but I was on the road a lot so most of their time was spent with Chris.
The teem with the orphanage kids at the Park. |
No outing is complete with out lunch at Camperos. | | |
Before leaving for the States Pat gave Fernando
a giant water balloon slingshot.
The boys love it but several of my neighbors have a different opinion. | |
Once they all went to bed I thought that they were done getting into trouble, but if you enlarge this picture by clicking on it you may notice that somehow Bryan who is sleeping on the couch, mysteriously got his face painted during the night.
This week my friend Mario and I went out on the road for a few days and visited several people that we invited to camp.
Mario who is himself in a wheelchair is a Godly man who has a real love for his fellow Guatemalans.
This is Tim and his mother.
Tim started coming to camp
when he was 14 years old.
That was 5 years ago.
Tim is now 19.
Tim and his family
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You are no doubt wondering about Jessica the 6 year old girl who weighed 16 pounds, that I brought into the Malnutrition ward of Hermano Pedro last week. Since I have been on the road the past several days I have not had the opportunity to visit with her but understand that she is doing well. Today Chris, Pastor Juan and I managed to drive up to where her family lives to look at the land next to the shack that Jessica's mom and her 6 children call their home. Thanks to several of you who responded to last week's journal it looks like we will soon be building a new home for this family. Someone has also come forward who is willing to sponsor this family so we will now be able to provide them with some food on a monthly bases.
Well it is getting late so I will say "Goodnight"
Yours in Christ: Dick
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