Journal, May 1-7, 2011

On Sunday May 1 we divided up the teem into 2 groups. Chris and Donna took one of the groups out to bring food and clothing to needy families while Benjamen and I took the other half to Hermano Pedro orphanage. Shortly after noon we all met up in Chimaltenango and after having lunch we swapped groups and did the same thing. Some times newcomers are overwhelmed when they see all of the kids with disabilities that are in the orphanage but all in all this group did well. I know that the orphanage kids enjoyed the adults and I think that the impact that the kids had on the adults was well worth the tears that were shed.

At noon my boys and I took 4 of our little helpers out to Camperos for lunch.

On Tuesday May 3 I rejoined the gang from Bethel Ministries and the teem that is here from Iowa for a Wheelchair distribution that took place near San Lucas. I think that we gave out about 50 wheelchairs and heard that a number of people accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Wednesday May 4 was Bill pay and see the Doctor day for me. I figured that since my last visit to a doctor was some where around 8 years ago that a check up would not hurt. Actually I would have put it off a few more years but some persuasive friends offered to break both arms if I didn't go.
On Thursday May 5 I had planned on going to Hope Haven's wheelchair factory in Antigua and helping out with a wheelchair distribution that they were having there but my doctor convinced me that blood tests and an ultra sound of my prostate would be a lot more fun.
On Friday May 6 I managed to make it to Hope Haven's wheelchair factory and helped out with another wheelchair distribution that they had that morning. Sorry no pictures of this one as I accidentally forgot my camera at home. I am now convinced that my doctor was wrong about me enjoying blood tests and ultrasounds more than wheelchair distributions.
Later that day I returned to doctor. The tests show no cancer but the doctor said that I will need surgery to reduce the size of my prostate. Don't worry I have already gotten second and third opinions and since it is 4 times it's normal size no one seems to think that medications will shrink it enough. Sorry no pictures of this one as I intentionally forgot my camera at home.
On Friday night six of my boys and I went and picked up Pat from the airport. Pat has been in the States for a few weeks and were all missing her.
On Saturday May 7 I took 7 of my boys and 4 of there friends to a soccer game that they were scheduled to have at 9 AM in San Lucas. We arrived at 8:30 only to be told that the the game had been rescheduled to 10 AM. At 10 AM the game got postponed to 10:130 because the apposing teem had not arrived. They finally arrived right at 10:30 but after a 25 minute discussion with the referee it was decided that since there was another game scheduled at 11 AM, and 5 minutes would not be enough time to play an hour game that the game would be canceled.
After lunch I let the kids hang around for a few hours then headed out to Antigua where I was was scheduled to have dinner with Pat. Getting out of my alley was a bit of a challenge as there was a wedding taking place at the house next door.

Gustavo had suffered a stroke a few years prior to the first time that I met him and even though his family had somehow found a manual wheelchair for him it was of little value to him during the day when he was left alone while his children were at school and his wife and mother were at work because he had no use of right arm.

James 2:14-17
My brothers and sisters, what good is it if people say they have faith but do nothing to show it? Claiming to have faith can’t save anyone, can it? Imagine a brother or sister who is naked and never has enough food to eat. What if one of you said, “Go in peace! Stay warm! Have a nice meal!”? What good is it if you don’t actually give them what their body needs? In the same way, faith is dead when it doesn’t result in faithful activity.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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