I know that it has been nearly 2 weeks since I made my last journal entry but I have a good excuse. I lost my good camera and my Mac. computer is once again in the shop and it has taken me a week to figure out how to start up this windows contraption. And then another few days figuring out how to use it. Sorry this camera takes fuzzier pictures than the one that I lost, and no fancy frames on the pictures this week.
I have been busy doing many different things these past few weeks. Here are pictures and a few brief remarks of some of them.

My boys love spending time at Hermano Pedro orphanage almost as much as I do. We were happy to once again see 4 and a half year old Jose, but hearing that he was returned to the malnutrition ward weighing about 12 ponds after being back at his home for only 6 months brought tears to all of our eyes.
Stopping off at the park on our way to Camperos
Henry helping adjust a new wheelchair at the orphanage
These therapy students not only did a great job of helping repair wheelchairs at Hermano Pedro but they also had the time of their lives helping me take some of the orphanage kids out to Camperos for lunch.
Lunch at Piccadilly's with some of my kids
(See, we do occasionally eat at other places besides Camperos)
I also helped out at a few wheelchair distributions.
Not only did many receive new wheelchairs.
Several invited Jesus into their lives!
Lora who is staying with Pat for a few weeks,
has a real love for the kids where ever we go.
but then
How can anyone
not love
these kids ?
Pat, Lora & I visiting with
a widow and her children.
Pat and one of the
three widows
that we visited on
this particular day.
Pat's love for the Guamanian
people is highly contagious.
Up until we found a sponsor for them grandma, mom, and 4 kids lived on the income of Samuel, the oldest of the 4 kids.
Before finding a sponsor
for this family,
11 year old Samuel
had to work
every day
and was earning
$10 a week.
Well I better get this published before this computer crashes again.

<>< Yours in Christ : Dick ><>
Hello! My name is Nikki and I just stumbled across your blog. I am going to be in Guatemala this December/January. I have experience working with children with special needs in India and here at home. Am looking for a place to visit/donate to that works with special children in Guate. would love to hear your thoughts! Will be visiting Antigua, Panajachel, and Flores.
Thank you!
Nikki- ncochrane3 at hotmail dot com
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