Dick had called me yesterday and said that Steven's chair which we had just delivered a few days ago was not charging properly, and that he had also found a reclining chair for Lucia, the little girl in San Pablo. So off to lake we go. We are joined by Nancy from Oregon, who comes to Guatemala every January ,and Joanne Mackay, Buffalo, who has lived here off and on for many years - even during the war.

Next we head to Steven's home in Chukmuk. He was at school, but his power chair was at home, so we check it out.

The ladies meet Steven and some of his teachers at his school, and get to see the beautiful wheelchair ramp there. After our visit at the school mom and sister Antonia, walk Steven's manual chair back home, where we meet them to give them some Kids Against Hunger dried food packets. I also get to play with the neighborhood kids again, much to their and my delight.

Next we drive to Alex's home in Santiago, to check on his power chair. It is not charging good either. Dick leaves Stephen a different charger, and says that we will stop off manana to check on it.
We then drive to San Pedro where we spend the night. It is here that the ladies teach Dick and me how to take out 100 Q split a Q123 dinner bill 3 ways and end up with 50 Q change. Something about one being on left, and one on the right, but I will let the ladies explain that one.
Next Morning
After brekky (Canadian word for Breakfast I think. Dick) {Then again it may mean using the bathroom. Dick} at our favorite place ( Lole's), we deliver the new chair to Lucia in San Pablo. We have heard there is a festival happening, and you cannot drive on the streets, so I call Pastor Efraim to check. He tells us no problem, it is only happening at night, he can take us to Lucia's home.

Dick fits Lucia into her new chair, and we all help in making side head rests from 2 towels and socks. My job was buying the socks and towels from a vendor in the street.

We then drive to San Juan to visit Albert at the Centro Maya school. Nancy and Jo are very impressed, and even get to witness a wheelchair race between Manuel and Domingo. The school is now teaching deaf and mute kids a well a the others.
We drive back to Alex,s place in Santiago, down near the lake, and find his batteries okay, so we exchange one charger. I get to watch the vehicle while the others help Alex with a computer problem, and I am not even bugged once by a street vendor!

We then drive back to Antigua, and before calling it a day Dick and I stop at Hermano Pedro to see Ervin, who has just returned from home. We had received word he had lost weight, and was pretty up set. Dick and I got him out of his crib, and talked to him, and held him. Hopefully tomorrow, we can visit him some more. Dick says Ervin's home life isn't too good.
I think Dick and I have visited the lake about 3 weeks in a row, now.
Hope God sends us again next week!
Thanks, Dick , Nancy, and Jo for the good time.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you Dave. Dave's journal was actually written over a week and a half ago but up until today I had not taken the time to translate it from Canadian into English. Pat did a bit of traveling with me this past week so I am procrastinating in posting a new journal for a few more days. If she does not take this as a hint and write something soon

Yours in Christ: Dick
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