A Three Day Tour
Written by Dave.

Our first stop was to return an electric chair to Delfina in San Pedro la Laguna. It had been into the shop for repairs, and as she uses it to get back and forth to work, Dick wanted to return it a.s.a.p. We showed up unannounced, and her smile was from ear to ear! I even had a personal escort from the road down the path to her home, being led by her sobrina ( niece ), 5 year old Clarita. Then her sobrino (nephew), 7 year old Chico, helped me and Dick replace her batteries. They definitely were not scared of 2 big gringos!

Today we are taking a new pump for a Hoyer lift ( lifts a person using a nylon harness and a manual hydaulic pump) to a 22 yr. old man, Jose, who lives towards the coast with his mom.His mom had him breach-birth in the middle of the night, and there was no one around in her small village to help.Dick told me mom would carry Jose 3 MILES to catch a bus for school ( when it would stop, often not wanting a handicapped person on board ). She also carries him 2 MILES to church on Sundays. She has had hernia surgery once already, and apparently needs it again.

Off to La Gomera today, to check on a lady's electric chair batteries. Norma is a 34 yr.old lady, who contracted polio just after birth. Her batteries did need to be changed, and I think she appreciated getting her chair working again, in order to get back and forth to town ( quite flat here )Another nice mom who also gave Dick some money for gas, etc.
Thank you Dave.
<>< Goodnight, Yours in Christ: Dick ><>
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