Journal September 23 - October 1
Sunday, September 23, 2007
This morning 10 kids came along to church with me. Next time we go 9 of them will be invited. Esbin was not on his best behavior today. Oh well I guess a 90% batting average isn’t all that bad. I had a good talk with him though and I am quite certain that he will be on his best behavior when he goes again in a few week.
After church Teri Caton a lady that goes to our church took us to see a little girl who is in need of a wheelchair.I was a bit hesitant about taking 10 kids along with me but most of them stayed out side and played Frisbee while Teri and I went in to see the little girl and her family.
Some of the people from our church were going to play soccer at a field in Antigua at 3 PM so we went to Burger king for lunch and then headed over to the orphanage until close to 3. Almost all of the kids in the younger kids section are still locked in a room with other kids that have chicken pox. Some of the nurses told me that the doctor wants to keep them in quarantine for another 2 weeks. I can understand doing that with the kids that are sick but what his reasoning is for locking up the kids that have already had it is beyond me, Especially considering that there are volunteers and nurses walking in and out of the room all day long.
I am not sure what happened with the soccer game but we waited at the field for nearly a half hour and no one showed up. Come to think of it the kid’s Sunday school teacher is the one that told them about the soccer game. Perhaps there never was a soccer game planned and this was just his way of getting back at me for bringing 10 kids to an already crowded Sunday school class. Just wait and see how many kids I bring with me next Sunday.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Today I went in to Hermano Pedro again. Several wheelchairs needed repair and a few of them needed to be made larger. Most of the kids were still in Quarantine but the doctor was checking them and trying to decide who if any of them he could release.
When I got back to the orphanage I discovered that Moyses, Byron, and David had been released. No one had thought to turn the power switch on for Byron’s wheelchair though, so for him it simply meant getting to sit in a different room. I quickly remedied that problem and soon he was towing Moises all over the place. David did his best to keep up with them but was no match for Byron’s power wheelchair. Poor Minor and Elmer, were not among those who got the green light and may have to stay in Quarantine for who knows how long. By the sound of their crying they made it clear to the doctor that they did not go along with his decision.
Even though I had already been to lunch the 3 kids that got released kept begging me to take them somewhere. I went and found Carlos and we took them across the street for a breath of fresh air and a coke. I also told them that in a few weeks I am going to try to take them to the zoo.
At 4:00 I made a change of location and of kids. I went home. It was what ever you can find in the cupboards and fridge night tonight.
Before heading for home several of the kids used my computer to call family in the USA. The calls are extremely inexpensive and it seems to mean the world to them and to there families.
Well we plan on doing a lot of driving tomorrow so I better head off to bed.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 4:50 PM
This morning Benjamin and I headed out to Huehuetenango. We plan doing camp recruitment for the next several days and then join Chris and some of the others in a town near here on Friday night. We are doing a wheelchair distribution there on Saturday.
Our trip to Huehuetenango took us close enough to Christopher’s home that we were able to return his power wheelchair that we had taken with us to be repaired last Thursday. Monday Saul had spent most of the day in the wheelchair shop getting it ready so that I could return it to Christopher today. Benjamin and I got into Christopher’s town shortly after lunch time. We left Christopher’s wheelchair in my Land Cruiser and hiked up to his house. He was happy to see us but really got excited when I told him that we had his wheelchair with us.
Before we left Christopher’s mother showed us the x-rays that the doctor had taken of Christopher’s brain. There is deffentely a large mass of some type forming on the left side of his brain. They were unable to go in for further tests on Monday but are going to try to get in on Thursday.
When we got to Huehue it was only about 3:30 but since we were in the middle of a thunder storm there was no way that we could do any visiting today. We are going to try to get an early start in the morning because we hope to visit a lot of people in the next few days.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 9:35 PM
Tonight once again finds us at the San Francisco Hotel in Huehuetenango. We did a lot of traveling today and actually got to within a few miles of the Mexico border. We managed to get invitations out to 7 campers today. That may not sound like many but most of them are scattered all over the place. We encountered a variety of welcomes, or in one case an unwelcome. A visit to a small repair shop that is operated by one of the married people that has come to our camp on several occasions proved to be a bit unusual. He and 2 of his buddies were on the floor of the shop and were very drunk. At first they were not at all friendly but calmed down a bit once they realized who we were. We didn’t stay long though because they were really out of it and we felt that they could not be totally trusted in their condition.
When we got back to the car we were met by the wife of the man that comes to camp. She told us that her and the children had gone over to a friend house because her husband had started hitting her. She assured us though that they were coming to camp and promised that he would not do any drinking while they were there there. I had to remind myself that he was one of the reasons that camp is so vital.

Our next visit was entirely the opposite of the previous. As we were driving up a seep hill out of the town where we had experienced the less than comfortable visit we saw a boy in a wheelchair being pushed up the steep hill by another boy. I immediately recognized them as Jose and his brother Mark. 2 years ago while recruiting for camp Chris and I had stumbled across Jose in much the same manner. Even though Jose is in a wheelchair he manages to make the one hour trip to school and the hour and a half return trip home everyday. Today when I pulled along side of Jose with my car and rolled down the window he immediately recognized Benjamin and myself. I wanted nothing worse than to offer him a ride. The trail in to his house was still another half mile up the steep winding road. I knew though that I didn’t dare load him into my car and I think that he and his brother knew it as well. The area where he lives is still highly suspicious of Americans and many of the people living there are still convinced that foreigners want to kidnap the children for body parts. We told Jose though that we would drive the car up to a spot that is near to the trail that goes to his house and then we would walk back and help him the rest of the way home.

Our last visit of the day involved a 4 wheel drive ride up an even steeper mountain side. Climbing 3000 feet in less than 15 minutes provided an interesting ride and a spectacular view. As we reached the trail that led in to where Pasqual lives our view suddenly disappeared though. A few scattered clouds suddenly turned in to a black sky and we found our selves in the middle of a thunder storm. We decided though that since we had driven so far and to return here tomorrow would cost us hours of time we decided to break out the umbrellas and hike in to Pasqual’s house. The umbrellas did some good but we still got wet. 15 minutes later we arrived at Pasqual’s door. He and his family were a bit surprised to see us but were happy that we had come. Much like Jose’s family Pasqual, his wife, and children made us feel like long lost friends. They felt bad that we could not stay longer but understood why we could not. We knew that we had to get back to our car and down the mountain as soon as possible or we would likely be overnight guests. The ride down the mountain was a slow one but we didn’t encounter any problems even though the road had become extremely muddy. About an hour and a half later we finally arrived back at our motel.
Tomorrow we plan on heading out to Aguatenango to see more campers. We are going to try to get an early start because it seems like the rain is coming in like clock work every afternoon at around 3 PM.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, September 27, 2007, 5:04 PM
We had another fantastic day today. Our first stop was an unscheduled one. I had a list of around 20 campers that we were not intending to personally visit this year. Instead we were going to give the list to Don Feliciano, a good friend who lives in Aguatenango. He was going to see to it that these people got contacted. Even though he has done this before and has done a marvelous job of it both Benjamin and I felt compelled to go and see one of the families that was on his list.
Marvin and his parents were surprised to see us and we visited for a long time. They told us that Marvin had just gotten back out of the national hospital in Huehuetenango where he had been suffering from a bladder infection. It sounded like the doctors wanted Marvin to have surgery but the family had run out of money so Marvin was sent home. His father was considering selling some of his land so that they could take Marvin in to Guatemala City to get a second opinion and the surgery if needed.
I told them about Hermano Pedro and the American specialists that often come there. When I told them that the price is extremely low because the doctors donate their time they could hardly believe it. Even though the cell phone signal was good I could not make contact with Jessica at the hospital but promised that I would get in contact with them as soon as I did. Marvin and his family said that they were praying that things would work out that we could get him in to the hospital there. It has to be so hard to see your child suffer when you know that money is the only thing keeping him from getting the help that he needs.
Next we talked about school. Marvin’s father said that as badly as they want Schooling for Marvin and as badly as he wants it him self, it is no longer possible to carry Marvin to school. With the infection that he has Marvin can no longer tolerate being carried that far every day and now that he 13 he is getting heavier and it is just to difficult for his dad to carry him up and back each day. I asked the family if they knew of the teaching program that we had for kids like Marvin who were unable to attend school. They had not heard of it but were on the edge of their chairs when I explained it to them. I asked if it would be hard to fine a teacher that would be willing to come to their home a few times a week and teach Marvin. Both mother and father said that they knew that it would be no problem at all. Some of the teachers that taught at the school where I had left my car lived quite close to Marvin and the family knew for a fact that since they only taught until 12:30 each day they would love some extra work. I told them to find the teacher that they thought would be best and we would help them get things set up when they come to camp in November. They looked at Benjamin and said something that I did not fully understand. Benjamin translated what they said into English. They had told him that this had to be one of the best days that they have ever had.
By the time we got back to the car the school was just letting out for the day. At first the kids were a bit shy but when we threw a hand full of suckers and some small super balls into the air we nearly got stampeded. It was really funny though because when we threw them all of the kids just stood back and watched them hit the ground. For a few seconds no one moved then everyone seemed to get brave all at the same time. When I reached into the car for more candy I almost got mobbed. I tried to make sure that everyone got some but there was no way to make sure. We saved only enough so that we could hand or throw some to kids that we saw as we drove down the mountain. We seemed to get the same reaction from most of the kids. Most of them were to shy to come close enough to the car to take the candy from us and even when we tossed it to them they would leave it lay until we had driven on a small ways and then make a mad dash for it.
Our next and final visit for the day was at Don Feliciano’s store. Feliciano and his wife have attended all 6 of our camps and are planning to return this year. He credits camp for changing his whole outlook on life. I remember the last evening of the first camp that we ever had. Feliciano got in front of all of us who were at camp and shared that he had felt that since he was in a wheelchair that he no longer wanted to live. He also shared that meeting so many other people who were in wheelchairs was giving him a vision of reaching out and helping his fellow Guatemalans who had handicaps. With in a few months he invited us into his town to speak to some handicapped people and their families. To our surprise what we thought would be a few people ended up being a few hundred. Shortly after that we did a large wheelchair distribution in his town. Now a few years and distributions later Feliciano has 2 schools going. One for deaf students and another for students who are physically or mentally challenged.
Feliciano, his wife, Benjamin, and I walked down to a little restaurant a few blocks away. Actually Feliciano’s wife, Benjamin, and I did the walking. We took turnes pushing Feliciano who is confined to a wheelchair. It seems that everyone that wee met stopped to say hello to him. You can tell that he is very respected by everyone in Aguacatan. At lunch he shared with us that it was not that many years ago that he did not dare to come out of his house for fear of what people would think of him just because he was in a wheelchair. He also shared that even though he has been instrumental in getting the handicapped people in the area out of their homes and into society, there are still a lot more that still fear to come out of their homes.
We only made 2 visits today but they were 2 visits that were well worth it. At the first home we were able to give just a little glimmer of hope to a family. At the second we were able to witness how far some one is able to go once they are given that glimmer of hope. Cool thing was both families, even though they appreciated the efforts to help, were not giving the praise any people or organizations but to God. I am thankful to God that he chose to use us to help deliver those few glimmers of hope.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Friday, September 28, 2007, 3:52 PM
Our rooms tonight are modest, My room has a bed with a small table at the foot of it. If you don’t have wide feet you can actually walk between the bed and the wall. I don’t think that many of the people that stay here have cars though because we had to park about a quarter mile away at the home of the motel owners mother in law.
We were told that the showers have hot water but I am not sure that I am going to take one because much like the toilets they are located in a separate building that is about 50 feet away. The walk back to my room in the rane may kill the effect of a warm shower. I have to be a bit careful because I have had a head cold for the past 3 days. All of the changes in elevation has done little good for my sinuses.
Chris, Donna, and the rest of the crew have not arrived yet but we are expecting them shortly.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I had a fairly rough night because my throat and head were really bothering me. Last night Donna had prayed that I would feel better by morning but I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be able to make it to today’s wheelchair distribution. When 6 AM rolled around I was feeling a lot better so I headed out with the rest of the group to help prepare for the wheelchair distribution. We had to get an early start because it was market day in Todas Santos and we had been told that getting cars or trucks down the narrow streets would be next to impossible once all of the people arrived from surrounding villages. We left our cars where we had parked them last night and walked to the school where the distribution was to be held. Even though it was only 6 AM the town was full of activity. A lot of people were setting up little stands or simply finding a spot to set their baskets of fruit, vegetables, chickens, or what ever it was that they were hoping to sell.
George walked to the edge of town where he had found a place to park his truck during the night while the rest of us set out to locate the school.
Once we got George’s truck unloaded we headed out to find some place to eat. After walking a few blocks we located a small place that served breakfast. The restaurants here are not exactly your traditional Denny’s but the food was good.
After breakfast we walked back to the school where families were already starting to gather to receive wheelchairs.
I was thrilled to see a girl that had received a wheelchair from us at a distribution in Huehuetenango a few months ago.
Many of the brothers and sisters of those that came in for wheelchairs were more than eager to help when ever we asked any of them to tighten a bold or help in any way, and my battery power drill was a big hit with some of the older kids. We had several difficult cases but we also had a lot of experienced people doing the seating and everything went well. By 2 PM we had every man woman and child that had come in for a wheelchair professionally fitted in a wheelchair that was perfect for them. The total day was awesome but I think that my highlight was the final fitting we did. Marcos and I got to seat the little boy that we had met out on the street this morning. Since he was not on our list he had to wait until we had given everyone else a wheelchair just in case we ran out of kids wheelchairs. We didn’t run out though and he received a brand new chair that was perfect for him.
Sunday, September 30, 2007, 7:59 PM
We all stayed in Huehuetenango last night then Chris, Donna, and 5 others headed back for home. Benjamin and I are planning on staying out for a few more days. We were only a few hours from Nebaj so we decided to do some camp recruiting done there and then head on down to Quichie to see several more families on Monday.
On our way to Nebaj we discussed weather or not to take a short cut. It cut off a few miles but included 15 miles of some of the steepest bumpiest dirt road that I have traveled here in Guatemala. I have driven it once before and knew that it also included some of the most breathtaking scenery in Guatemala. In 15 miles you clime several thousand feet and drove through small villages that have not changed much in hundreds of years. When we got to the turn off to the short cut made the decision to take it. About 5 miles up the dirt road, which was even bumpier than I had remembered we saw a man who was walking the same direction that we were going. As we drove by him he motioned to me indicating that he would like a ride. We had plenty of room so we obliged. He told us that he lived about 10 miles up the hill and was hoping that some one would be willing to give him a lift. I imagine that had we not picked him up it would have been quite a while before another car came by. As we drove we visited. We told him a little bit about ourselves and the wheelchair ministry. He told us that he had a niece who was 16 years old who was in need of a wheelchair. When we found out that she lived only a mile or 2 from where we were taking him I offered to stop and see her. He also told us that he was a Christian and asked if we knew of any Spanish Bible studies that he could do at home. I promised that I would look into it when I got back to Chemaltenango. About a half hour later we passed his home and shortly after that reached the home of his niece.
When we arrived in Nebaj we went directly to where Donald lives. Donald can best be described as an old American hippie who ended up in Guatemala and for some reason never returned home. Although Donald is not a Christian and wants nothing to do with Christianity himself he has fallen in love with the people of Guatemala and under a very rough grizzly bear exterior is a gentle person who has done a lot to help some of the less fortunate where he lives. Not only has he helped us find people who need wheelchairs and invited them to distributions that we have had in Nebaj but he also pays a teacher to teach several handicapped children that live in Nebaj. Up until last time we visited his family consisted of a cat and a dog. Today he told us that he has taken in 2 more strays, a dog and a boy. He said that neither of them had a place to live so he took them both in. He said that at first the boy was harder to train than the dog but things are getting easier now. After feeding us lunch he sent the boy (Freddie) along with us to help us locate 2 people that we wanted to invite for lunch. Freddie and Benjamin hit it off greatly and I think that he would have gladly spent the entire day with us except for the fact that we were on our way to Quiche so after visiting the 2 homes we said goodbye and were on our way. Tomorrow we hope to get an early start so that we can possibly finish up here and head for home on Tuesday.
Well it is once again Bedtime so I will say goodnight.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Monday, October 1, 2007, 5:01 PM
We just got back into Chemaltenango after being on the road for 7 days. We hadn’t planned on getting back home until tomorrow some time but things went faster than expected today. We got an early start and finished up on the list of people that we wanted to visit in the Quiche area by 1:30 Pm. Sometimes a visits of an hour or 2 are not uncommon but since Benjamin and I both have head colds we cut or visits a bit shorter than usual.

We made one more stop after visiting Timothy and then headed for home. Once again we were faced with the decision of what road to take home. Or perhaps I should say weather or not to take a road home. Two years ago when Chris and I got stranded in this area we took some dirt roads home.
Actually I wouldn’t even call them roads but since most of them had been carved into the side of the mountains for at least a hundred years they were less susceptible to land slides and we were able to make it home on them. That trip was not a fast one because we had to stop and ask directions every time there was a fork in the road. I had my GPS with me though and even though non of these roads were on it at that time I recorded our trip and now have it on my GPS.
If you are wondering how I can find the time to write after being gone from home for a week it is because I am not actually home yet. I stopped of at the wheelchair shop and am finishing up on my journal here before heading home. I am anxious to see the kids but feel that if I get this done before going home I can give them my full attention in a few hours when I finish up here. I know there are going to be plenty of stories to here and a lot of Band-Aids to catch up on. This past month of camp recruiting has been great and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world but I am glad that it is almost over. Chris and Donna are going to try to make it our for a few days then I should be able to finish up by going out for three or four days. I am going to give it about a week before going out though. It is time to focus my attention on the kids for a while. Both those and home and the ones at the orphanage have been very understanding about me having to be gone so much lately but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t miss coming over or having me do stuff with them. I know they missed me but not half as much as I missed them.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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