* GUATEMALA * * * * * * * * Dick Rutgers *
An ongoing journal of life as a Missionary in Guatemala. It will make you laugh and cry at the same time.
About Me
- Name: Dick
- Location: Chimaltenango, Guatemala
I work in Guatemala with Hope Haven international and Bethel Ministries. Along with my friends Chris and Donna Mooney and their family, we share the love of Jesus in various ways. Although giving out and maintaining wheelchairs is our primary ministry, we are involved in many other things as well. Building houses, feeding the hungry, providing education to handicapped children in orphanages and villages, and hosting a camp for the handicapped are just a small part of the things that God has given us the privilege of getting involved in. For several years now I have been keeping daily journals. Once a week I try to post new journals and pictures. My e-mail is dick@dickrutgers.com Guatemala Cell Phone # 502 5379 9451 USA Phone # 360 312 7720(Relays free to Guatemala)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Journal November 20-25

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Last night I stayed at camp with Calin and 3 of the kids from Hermano Pedro. I was ready for a sleepless night but the kids were all tired enough that they fell asleep within an hour after being put to bed. One of the care givers from Hermano Pedro is once again coming in each night to help with the kids so that really helps. This morning she got Mercedes and Sonia showered and dressed while I did Moises, Byron, and David. Actually I had the boys finished before any one else got up. It seems that they were all slept out by 5 am so I took advantage of the empty showers and had them ready before the rest room filled up with other campers.

Sam and Christina so we stayed out side in the soccer field. A few of the families who had younger children did the same. The next 2 hours had to be the best hours of Sam Sam and Christina’s lives. Christina was content to sit with Mat and enjoy what was going on around herand she was happy and smiling the entire time. She looked so happy that it was hard to believe that this was the same girl who is often screaming and biting at herself and others.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 10:00 PM
Another outing on the lake today.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I pretty much stuck around camp today. Tomorrow kids camp is over so I wanted to be with the kids as much as possible.
This was our final night of camp so after a big dinner we had a closing ceremony. Each camper and their parent or care giver is given a gift bag and the opportunity to say something, if they want to. Several of the kids simply said thank you but the smile on there faces said it all. Others express their feelings in words that brought tears to many of our eyes.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Friday, November 25, 2007
Right after breakfast we gathered up the Hermano Pedro kids to take them home. Mercedes, who can not speak with words was fully communicating to us how she and so many of the other campers felt about going home.

As soon as I got back from the Orphanage we loaded up Ronny, his sister, and his grandmother. Lillian, (another camper) Lillian’s mother, her sister, and 5 of our volunteers from the States also joined us. This was the first time that these 5 volunteers had ever been to Guatemala so being able to see where some of our campers actually lived was quite an eye opener to them. Lillian’s home is a simple 2 room block house but her mother has a way of making their simple dwelling look so inviting that I think many of us could have moved right in. Everything in the house is kept spotless and the entire yard is full of flowers. The family served us rice milk and then gave us 2 live chickens to bring back to Chris and Donna as gifts. Both gifts were appreciated but a few of our volunteers were apprehensive about drinking the rice milk because it was likely made from water that was not filtered. I graciously drank mine but have for the most part developed an iron stomach after living here all of these years. I must admit though that the thought of having 2 live chickens with us in a warm van for the next several hours was not up there on my list of favorate things to do. Never the less there was no way to refuse such a generous gift.
We got into Antigua at around 5 pm. This gave the volunteers about an hour to shop. Pastor Bill and some of the others who had not come with us to bring the 2 families home met us there. When thye commented about their ride from Chemaltenango to Antigua on the Chicken buss I told them that they would feel right at home on their van ride to Chemaltenango. As much as I dread shopping I had chosen it over sitting in the warm van that was beginning to get down right ripe.
I have now had a shower and given the van and the chickens to Chris and Donna so I think that I will be able to get some sleep.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Saturday, November 26, 2007
Chris took six of the volunteers to the airport early this morning and then picked me up with the van at around 7:30. The chickens were no longer in the van. Evidence that they had been their was still lingering. After meeting with the rest of the teem for breakfast at Camperos (the chicken place) I drove the van straight to the car wash.
The rest of my day was spent bringing people to and from the airport. Several of my neighbor kids traded off in coming along. On our firs trip we had about 2 hours between drooping a group of and picking one up so Abner, Calin, and I spent some time at the Zoo.
10:00 pm
I just dropt of the last of our volunteers that flew in from the USA. Monday will be the beginning of our third and final camp of the year. We are expecting over 80 campers. Each of them will likely bring one or 2 family members along with them so I think that this will be a record breaker. We are looking forward to it though and are praying that this camp goes as smoothly as our last 2. They were fantastic. All of our campers had a wonderful time and many of them gave their harts to the Lord.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 8:54 PM
This morning most of the USA volunteers accompanied me to the church that I attend in Antigua. Fernando and Jason also came along. Most of the other kids went to the water slides with a church group from the church that Calin’s grandmother attends.
Yours in Christ; Dick
Monday, November 19, 2007
Journal November 12-19
Monday, November 12, 2007
Today was our first day of camp. I took 2 of the volunteers and Calin along with me to pick up the 7 teens who were coming from Hermano Pedro. By lunch time there were only 35 campers. That is only half as many as we had last year. One bus load of campers soon changed the numbers to 65. Donya Marie the lady that we work with in Mazatenango had contacted everyone who was come from that area and others along the way and they had rented a buss to bring the entire group down. Since they all chipped in it didn’t cost anyone much money to get here. I think that a few more campers showed up after that so we have to be approaching the 70 mark.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 10:21 PM
Another busy day. After getting last weeks journal ready and sent out Abner, Calin, and I headed down to camp. I had planed on heading to the coast this afternoon to pick up the lady that has a broken Femur and taking her to Hermano Pedro. While at camp I saw that David’s mother who lives only a half hour out of the way from where I was heading. She had come to pick up some medicine and other supplies for David. Since getting to camp requires a truck ride followed by 3 buss rides, David had decided not to come to camp this year. Since David’s other’s ride home required the same I asked her if we could bring her home. Not only was she delighted but so were the 2 volunteers who had asked to come along. They had never been in any of the Aldes and were eager to see more country. When we got to David’s house I looked at his bed sore and after 4 years it appears to be nearly healed. I still worry about it though because he stil runs an occasional fever and has some soreness. He is once again taking some antibiotics to help ward off any infection but unfortunately he had been on so many antibiotics during the past few years that he as built up an imunity to them.
Our next stop was at Ronny’s house. Ronny’s father was out working in the sugar cane fields but the rest of his family was at home. The have a new well dug on the property where their house is going to be built at and seem extremely happy that they will soon be getting a new home.
Next we went to the home of the lady that broke her femur a few months ago. At firs her husband and daughter wanted to accompany her to the hospital but we convinced her husband to stay home and her granddaughter came along in his place. I am sure that he is a nice man when he is sober but today he was not sober. It was nearly 7 pm bythe time we got into Antigua but the paper work went smoothly and it was not long before we had her and her grandaughters registered into a Casa Defay. That is where they wil be spending the night.
Am planning on bringing them to se a doctor at Hermano Pedro at 6:30 am. Since there are no appointments and it is first come first serve I want to be standing in line a half hour before they open up.
I guess I beer call it a day.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
This morning I left home at 6 am so that I could pick up Anglia the lady that has the broken femur from where she was staying in Antigua and get Her into Hermano Pedro before the lines got to long. Even though we got there at around 6:30 there were still plenty of people ahead of us in line. By the time the doors opened at 7 am there must have been 100 people waiting to see one of the doctors.
I stayed around until we got her registered but since her daughter had come along to help I left once we were sure that she would be seen by a doctor today.
My next stop was at the wheelchair shop where picked up a power wheelchair for Sergio. He is the boy that lives in Sequential who is going to be going to a school that is about a mile from his home. I am hoping that the power chair that I set up for him will be able to climb the steep holes that he has to go up to get from his house to school. Both he and his mother who has accompanied him to camp were thrilled with the power wheelchair. A lot of our other campers looked a bit envious but we explained to them that the power wheelchairs chairs can only be given out to someone who has little or no hand use.
Shortly before noon I received a phone call saying that Angla was ready to go home. Hank, (one of the volunteers who came from Canada to help out at camp) and Fernando rode along with me to bring this lady and her daughter back to their home. When we got to Hermano Pedro to pick them up Angela looked tired but had a big smile on her face. She was excited because it looks like she will soon be able to walk again. Our suspensions had been confirmed. The plate that the doctors at the national hospital had put into her leg 6 months ago had had broken in 2. Actually the x-rays reveled that on the day of her surgery the hospital must have been short on steal plate. In stead of using one 12 inch solid plate the had taken 2 shorter ones, over lapped them by about an inch and tried to screw them together with 2 small screws. Then they screwed the 2 plates to her femur with about 8 larger bolts. Needless to say the 2 smaller bolts that sandwiched the 2 plates together snapped.
Before heading home we stopped off at Ronny’s house we had been told that he was not going to be able to come to camp because his family did not have the money for buss fair for him and his grandmother to come to camp. We also brought in some groceries because they were out of everything and it would still be a week before Ronny’s father would receive any pay for working in the sugar cane fields.
We made it back to Chemaltenango just before supper time so I at least got to eat with the campers. I have not had a chance to spend much time at camp this week but plan on going on an all day outing with them tomorrow.
Once again the close muscles on my eye lids are overpowering the open muscles so I will say goodnight.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I know that these journals are short but my with camp going on my free time is even shorter.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007, 10:37 PM
This one is also going to be quite short because I have to get up at 4 am to take someone to the airport. I picked up a new group this morning and Bill Vandyken and I were on our way to pick up another group this evening when the Kea van overheated. I quickly phoned Chris who was on his way to bed because he had to get up at 4 am to bring Bill’s daughter to the plane. Chris quickly went and picked up tonight’s group. About an hour ago I gave Chris a call telling him that I had taken care of the overheating problem so I will do the early morning run tomorrow. If you think that this is confusing to you then you ought to imagine how we feel. I have little doubt that before camp is over we will one day find that we have both driven to the airport to pick up the same person. Or worse yet both stay home think that the other one had gone to pick someone up. I mentioned a few days ago that during the 3 weeks of camp we will have to do 13 round trips to and from Guatemala City to either pick up people from the airport or bring them back to the airport. What I failed to mentioned is that 6 round trips will be taken to get Guatemalan volunteers who live in the city and 2 trip for campers from the orphanage in Guatemala city. That is 21 round trips to and from the city in a 2 week span. It has been a long and rather confusing day. I am hoping a few hours of sleep will help relieve some of that confusion.
Oh ya some where it the middle of all of this we managed to get to Antigua and take 7 of the kids from the orphanage out to lunch. I would normally go back and insert this in the right spot but at this point I have no Idea just where in the last paragraph it belongs. Besides that trying to figure it out would rob me of minutes of precious sleep.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, November 18, 2007, 8:56 AM
You may think that this is a strange time for me to be writing but as busy as it has been lately I find that I have to use any spare minute that I have to write in my journal or it won’t get done. Bill and Chris made to the airport in time to pick up last nights arriving group. Chris was able to sleep in this morning while I took Bill’s daughter to the airport. Bill is the one that didn’t get much sleep though. He not only rode along with Chris to pick up the 3 volunteers that he had personally promised to meet at the airport but came along to see his daughter off at 4:30 am. Guess who is preaching at Chris’s church this morning. Bill is afraid that he may be the first preacher to ever fall asleep during his own sermon.
Well I better close for now. I have to get ready to take a group of people to the airport.
7:47 PM
After making a second trip to the airport this morning I think that I can get there and back with my eyes closed. Thankfully we don’t have any trips scheduled for a few days so I may get a chance to rest.
After the entire group met for lunch at 56 I took a van load of people to Antigua. We spent a good part of the afternoon at the orphanage. This was the first time in Hermano Pedro for some of our group and I could that they were quite nervous at first but it did not take long before they warmed up to the kids. For others of our group it had been a year but it did not take long before old friendships were reestablished. Most of the members of our group had intended on only staying at the orphanage for a short time and then going shopping in Antigua however they found the kids to be more appealing than buying gifts and souvenirs, so by when we finally left the orphanage they only a short time to shop.
Tomorrow will be the first day of kids camp so even though it is early I am going to head of to bed and catch ahead of time on the sleep that I am going to loose this coming week. We have gotten the OK for all of the kids to go except for Moises. We had to tell him yesterday that we have done everything possible to contact and receive permission from his family for him to go to camp but so far we have heard nothing. This week Nearly all of the kids in the orphanage that have families are going home for Christmas break. That is why we need to notify the parents of those coming to camp to pick their children up a week later than usual. If we do not here from Moises’ parents by tomorrow morning it is doubtful that he will be allowed to attend camp. We are all praying for a miricle because we know how devistaded he will be if he can not come to camp.
Yours in Christ; Dick
Monday, November 19, 2007, 3:36 PM
Camp is under way and everyone is settling in. I plan on spending most of my time there this week but managed to sleek away for a few hours to see if I could possibly get this journal out.
This morning Calin, 3 of the USA volunteers, and myself went to Hermano Pedro orphanage. Shortly after I arrived I talked to Jessica. Her and I decided to go in and talk to Social work about the possibility fo taking Moises to cam with out hearing form his parents. We were first going to ask if he could go if we promised that I would be able to gat him back to Hermano Pedro within an hour of a phone call from them if Moises’ parents did show up for him. If they did not go for that Jessica was going to ask them if I could check him out from Hermano Pedro every morning and return him every night is a similar fashion to the way we do it when he comes to my house for the day. “Oh ye of little faith.” After Jessica got into about the first minute of her well rehired speech one of the ladies from social work held up her hand and stopped her. She told us that she had just gotten a phone call from Moises’ father and he had said that it was all right for Moises to come to camp. Soon we had 5 happy kids from Hermano Pedro, 2 families who had arranged to meat us at Hermano Pedro, and the 5 of us who had come to get them stuffed into the Kea van and Carlos’ pickup truck and we were on our way to a fun filled week of camp.
When I left camp at around 1 PM there were over 40 campers there. Many of them were accompanied by more than the suggested one family member or companion. So there are already more than 100 people there. I am sure that more will still be arriving this afternoon.
I am going to close for now so that I can get back to camp.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Journal November 5-11

Today was graduation day for the 7 kids that we school at Hermano Pedro. Nanette, their teacher has a graduation ceremony at the end of each school year giving recognition to the kids for having been promoted another grade in School. The Audience was small but supportive. It consisted of Chris, Donna, Sonia’s mother and brother, one volunteer from Hermano Pedro, Calin, and myself. Booth teacher, students, audience, were beaming with delight at how much had been accomplished by the students this year. Along with advancing a grade level many of them accomplished other things as well.
After The graduation program Calin and I went and got some lunch. We had intended on taking Thomasina and her brother Manwell out for lunch today but it was a bit colder than usual today so we could not take them out of the malnutrition ward. After lunch I looked in on Jennifer. She is doing a lot better since we built her the bed that keeps her on her side.
Spaghetti night seems to be a favorate around my house. Tonight I simply added ground hamburger. For some reason meat balls or anything else that resembled an eye ball did not sound appetizing. No complaints from the kids though. I only counted 10 of them at the table but was sure that I had made enough food to feed 20. All of the plates were licked so clean that I thought about putting them into the cupboard without washing them.
Well I think that I will head off to bed.
Goodnight, Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 11:25 PM
What can be more relaxing than going down to the coast and relaxing by the water. Probably a lot of things considering that the water was not the ocean but a water slide park.
Well due to the fact that I can not type with my eyes closed I am going to call it a day and head for bed.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
This morning Fernando and I headed to the wheelchair shop and repaired a power wheelchair that some one had brought in. After doing that and paying a few bills we headed to Hermano Pedro and quickly signed out Manwell and Thomisina from the malnutrition ward.
More power chair repairs this afternoon and then we headed for home. On our way home we stopped off at the home of Hullio a teen age boy who was paralyzed in a diving accident. I had been told that he was having some problems with his power wheelchair. Evidently they were not big problems because his mother told us that he had gone some where with his friends. Up until a year ago he was basically confined to his home. Hullio’s power chair has changed his life.
The cook took a night off tonight. I simply set some cereal boxes out on the table and told the kids to have at it. The funny thing is some of the kids like cereal better than anything that I make for them. I guess that does not say much for my cooking.
Well it is getting late and all of the kids except Calin are gone. Calin managed to fall to sleep before I told the kids that it was time to go so I guess he is staying.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, November 8, 2007, 11:20 PM
Calin and I met Chris, Gordon, and Juan at Camperos at 8 AM. After breakfast we drove to Ronny’s home. Juan is a pastor in Tecpan but he also works as a block layer so that he can feed his family. He will soon be laying the foundation for the new home that will be built for Ronny’s family in February. At that time a church group of around 20 people from Washington state will be coming to help with building of the house so we want to have the foundation ready for them so that they can start laying cement block when they get here. Not only have they offered to build the house but they are also paying for all of the material.
I had noticed Ronny’s mother was crying while she was talking to Juan when we were visiting and on our ride home he shared with us why she was crying. Even though Ronny is very intelligent and doing well in school most of Ronny’s aunts, uncles, and cousins feel that he is worthless just because he is in a wheelchair. Not only do they feel that way about Ronny but they let him and his family know that they feel that way. I have seen a lot of improvement during the past few years in the way that Guatemalan people treat people with disabilities, but today I was once again reminded that there is still a long way to go.
It is hard to believe that it has already been another year but Monday Camp starts. Harder yet to believe is that it is Camp # 7. I can remember our first year of camp like it was yesterday. Then again they say that older people can often remember things from the past it is just the present that is a bluer. Anyway tomorrow some of the volunteers from the States will be arriving. I have other commitments tomorrow so Chris is going after the 2 groups that arrive tomorrow. We will all get our turns though because it looks like during the next 3 weeks we will be making 13 scheduled trips to and from the airport. Those are just the scheduled trips. Add to that the unscheduled trips to retrieve lost or delayed luggage and it gets to be a lot of driving.
Well it is past midnight so I will once again say goodnight. Or should that be good morning?
Yours in Christ: Dick
Friday, November 9, 2007, 9:26 PM
Fernando’s turn to come along with me today. We first went in to Hermano Pedro but only for a short time. I had to meat with social work to make sure that the teens could still come to camp this coming Monday. It was a good thing that I checked because there had been some mix up but we managed to get things worked out and providing we can get in contact with Carlos’s mom all 7 of the teens from Hermano Pedro will be able to come to camp.
While I was there I made an appointment for the lady with the broken femur to see a doctor on Wednesday. Actually an appointment simply means, be there at 6:30 am so that you are one of the first in line when the doors open at 7:00. I plan on picking her up Tuesday afternoon and she will stay In Antigua over night so that see can be at Hermano Pedro first thing in the morning on Wednesday. She will likely be there most of the day getting exams and x-rays. Then hopefully she will be told when to come back and see a specialist that comes with one of the teems from the USA. It is a bit of a process but well worth it compared to what she would get at one of the national hospitals. Even if they did see her it would likely be a year or 2 before they would be able to do something for her if they did anything at all.
This afternoon Chris went to pick up a group of camp volunteers from the airport while Gordon and I went to see how the bathroom for Maria turned out. Other than a few leeks that will soon be taken care of everything looks good. We had intended on talking with the family about putting cement in 2 of their 3 small homes but after talking with grandmother we could tell that her bigger concern was the 3rd home which was falling down around Maria who still slept there.
This evening I went out to eat with the 3 volunteers that Chris picked up this afternoon. Right now Chris is on his way back to the airport to pick up 3 more people that are coming in tonight. At 5 AM I head to the airport to get someone else. That reminds me. It is time for bed.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Saturday, November 10, 2007
At 5 am Abner, Calin, and I headed to the airport to pick up Hank Hampstra. Hank has come from Canada to volunteer at camp for 2 weeks. Had I only known that his plane was going to be 2 hours late I could have slept in. At least he got here safely. This after noon I took Hank and some of the volunteers that arrived yesterday in to Hermano Pedro to meet some of the kids that will be coming to camp. They had a great time visiting with them and others who will not get to come this year.
Jennifer is doing quite well and the nurses are doing a good job of not letting her lye in one position for more than a few hours.
The 14 year old boy who was admitted to malnutrition a few days ago is not looking well at all. He is in isolation so I only spent a short time with him. Please remember these children in your prayers.
The group of volunteers went out to eat this evening but I went home and took an hour and a half nap. I had to be back at the airport to pick up 3 more people at 9 pm. My nap was interrupted by 3 phone calls but I was to sleepy to even remember who I talked to or what I said. All I know is when I went to open the gate so that I could head off to the airport 3 kids were standing there waiting for me. All 3 claimed that they had talked to me on the phone and I had individually promised each one of them that they could ride along with me to the airport. I wasn’t to sure weather or not this was some type of conspiracy but having remembered answering the phone 3 times I felt that their stories had enough merit that I had to believe them, so I let them come along. As we approached a McDonalds while coming into Guatemala City the 3 of them tried to convince me that I had also promised that we would stop off there for some food. I had some serious doubts about this especially since I heard a lot of whispering going on just before they told me this, but since I was getting hungry and McDonalds is cheep we stopped off for a bite to eat.
All 3 ladies arrived on time so we were out of the airport by 10. Had it not been for the fact that the gate to the bible school where the ladies are staying was locked and I had not taken the right key along I may have gotten back home and to bed before midnight. Fortunately Pastor Bill, who was staying at the bible school with the other volunteers, has a cell phone. Unfortunately Pastor Bill, who was staying at the bible school with the other volunteers, is almost as hard of hearing as I am. Fortunately as hard of hearing as I am I can still hear my cell phone ring, even when I am asleep. As I previously mentioned I don’t remember what anyone who wakes me up tells me but at least I can hear it ring. Unfortunately pastor Bill wears ear plugs when he sleeps and they make him even deafer than I am. After 3 attempts of phoning Pastor bill it was time for plan B. Fortunately I had given Hank a spare cell phone to use while he is hear, and fortunately he is not deaf. Unfortunately as keen as Hank’s hearing is he is still not able to hear a cell phone that is shut off. The 3 ladies that were with us were good sports but when I told them that they could sleep on my floor with the 3 boys I could see that they preferred something a bit softer. Calin offered to clime over the 10 foot wall that surrounded the bible school. Now back 4 years ago when Calin made a living by climbing other people’s walls he could have scaled this one in 5 seconds. Unfortunately Calin has gained about 100 pounds since then and even claming up on a chair to eat dinner is beginning to be a challenge for him. Abner and Fernando have never been thieves but they have been known to scale a few walls when a misguided soccer ball has gone astray so with very little effort they got inside. They later told me that they pounded on the door of pastor bills room for quite some time. They never did wake him up but managed to wake up enough other people that they finally found someone who had a key to the gate.
It was nearly 1 am when I crawled into bed. That is why today’s journal is actually being written tomorrow. ??????
Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, November 11, 2007, 8:50 PM
I took 4 kids along to church with me this morning and then rushed back to Chemaltenango to pick up a van load of volunteers and head straight back to Antigua. Chris, Danna, and their family also came along.
Some of the group went shopping after lunch. 4 of us went to the orphanage. After an hour those that had come along with me to the orphanage also went shopping. I stayed at the orphanage until it was time to pick up the group.
Tomorrow camp starts so the journals may get a bit shorter for a while.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Journal October 30 - November 4

At 4:50 AM Chris and I were on our way to El Salvador. Traffic was light and we found our selves at the border by 9:00 AM. We were met there by Lezete, the lady from El Salvador who would be taking us to where the people that needed wheelchairs lived. We had anticipated a bit of a hassle in getting 5 wheelchairs across the border and were not disappointed.

About an hour and a half later we arrived at our destination. We had made it there with the van but not with out wishing that we had 4 wheel drive. At least if there had been any rust on the bottom side of the van it had been scraped off by now. Several people were waiting for us at a small Catholic church that was located in the poor looking aldea that we had come to. Only 3 of the 5 people that were to receive wheelchairs had been able to get to the church.
Before heading for home we were told that one of the families in the aldea had prepared food for us so we graciously accepted this invitation for lunch. The meal was actually very tasty and as hungry as I was I ate it with out asking what kind of meat it was. Sometimes it is better not to know what you are eating and to say a little prayer that if it is not chicken you will never find out.
As we headed for home we realized that it had been a long trip considering we had only given out a few wheelchairs. We also committed that we would gladly do it again for any one of the 4 people that received wheelchairs today. I have little doubt that we will be back. Especially if we are able to get the wheelchairs for the 200 people that Lezete knows who need them.
I originally thought we were going to be gone for up to 3 days but since we have a lot to do before camp starts we decided to return home tonight. Exactly 15 hours after leaving my house I found myself back at home feeling about as tired as I did after waking up at 4:30 this morning with only 4 and a half hours of sleep.
I think that I will head off to bed now.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 10:29 PM
The doorbell rang at 7:00 this morning. At 7:30 I got up to answer it. Calin asked me why it took so long to get to the gate. I reminded him that he had been told not to ring the bell every 2 minutes because if I do not come to the gate right away I am likely sleeping. He apologized and asked me what time I wanted him back. I told him that an hour later would be great. At 7:35 I am falling back to sleep. At 7:40 my phone rings. Calin wants to know if I want his aunt to come and do my laundry today. I said yes but told him not to have her come for an hour yet. Calin asks if that was to be an hour from now or from when he was coming back. I told him that it was an hour from now and that was how long I wanted him to wait since the last 10 minutes had not been all that restful. 7:44 back to sleep. 7:47 phone rings again. “Hello Calin, what do you want now?” silence “Calin?” “No Dick this is Paul. It sounds like you got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” “No Paul I am in bed.” More silence “Can I call you back in about an hour?” “No problem Dick. Why don’t you go back to sleep?” 7:48 I try to go back to sleep. 7:55 still trying. 8:00 still ……. You get the point. I finally get up and wait to see what happens next. Who or what will be next? Will it be Calin at the gate? Will it be the phone? Or perhaps it will be Calin’s aunt who is coming to do the laundry. RING! RING! the phone wins. It is Chris, he tells me that he had intended on bringing me the van earlier this morning so that I could use it if I wanted to go anywhere but had slept in and would not be here until later. “No problem Chris.” I hadn’t planned on hurrying off anywhere this morning unless he knew of a quiet motel where I could get another hour of sleep. Soon the house was feeing up with kids and seeing how happy they were that I had not stayed away for 3 days like I had thought brightened up my day and soon I was wide awake and making breakfast for the entire crew. We even fed the laundry lady and her helper.
Well I am going to call it a day and head off to bed.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, November 1, 2007, 9:45 PM
November first is considered Kite day here in Guatemala, so none of my neighbor kids came along with me today because they were busy making Kites. I got a bit of a late start but made it into Hermano Pedro in time for Carlos and myself to take to of the older teens out to lunch. It is not all that often that we take the older ones out to eat but they love it just as much as the kids do. I guess that my only excuse for not taking them out more often is that there are just to many residence in the orphanage and so few volunteers and it is impossible to give each of the residence the amount of attention that they need.
When Carlos and I returned from lunch we found that not only the kids that can do very little when they are in their wheelchairs but even the more able bodied ones had been put to bed until tomorrow morning. Only 3 kids were in their wheelchairs. As I walked past their cribs many of them pleaded with me to take them out. Unfortunately Carlos was going back over to the teen section and there were no volunteers here today. There were plenty of nurses but they were all gathered around a table in another room having lunch. It was difficult to decide who to take out of bed and who to leave in bed until tomorrow morning. Elmer was crying like mad and pleaded with me to take him out of his crib. Sam Sam, who had not been out of bed all day was banging his head on the sides of his crib. Bobby gave me his sad look that can bring tears to the eyes of grown men.
When we got home I made some hot dogs and beans. The kids know that I do not like it if they take any of the food that I am preparing with out asking. After returning from getting something from my car I discovered that one of the hot dogs that I was preparing was missing. I asked the kids where it had gone but they all denied taking it. They told that perhaps the dog had grabbed it of the table so I left it at that. A few minutes later a few of the kids got into a small argument over who’s turn it was to use the computer and I was immediately told that Fernando and Alex had taken the hot dog. I know that taking one hot dog with out being asked is no big deal but because of all of the stealing that use to go on in my house I have to make sure that there is a consequence for taking even the littlest thing. I also explained to Fernando and Alex that they had both lied to me when I asked them if they had taken it. Tonight these 2 boys went home without supper. Later this evening Fernando returned and apologized. I told him that he was still not allowed any hot dogs but let him make himself some scrambled eggs.
Good night:
Yours in Christ: Dick
Friday, November 2, 2007
This morning Fernando and I headed to Hermano Pedro to meat with a group of therapists that are here from the States for a few days.
After returning to Hermano Pedro I took the group up to the malnutrition ward. I wanted to have the therapists see Jennifer. My hart sunk when I saw that Jennifer’s bed was empty. I was thankful when I was told that one of the nurses had taken her into another room.
It has been a long day so I am going to say goodnight.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Saturday, November 3, 2007, 8:22 PM
We didn’t change the world today but we had the God given opportunity to help improve the lives of a few children and at least better their lives a bit.
At around 10:30 am the 4 therapists that were with me yesterday and 2 members of the Scott family came to the orphanage so with their help and the help of Abner and Calin we were able to take 8 more kids to lunch.
Our high light of the day was when we all put our heads together and built something for Jennifer, the little girl who’s head and back bend backwards in a half circle.
I was extremely tired when I finally got home at around 8 PM. It has been a long exhausting day but a great one. Knowing that Jennifer will finally be able to sleep tonight will also help me sleep well.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Another wonderful church service followed by a visit to the orphanage. I guess that I don’t have to tell you who I went to see first. When I walked into the malnutrition ward I was greeted by a half dozen smiling nurses.
Yours in Christ: Dick