Journal, June 22-29, 2010

It appears that Camperos was the favorite part of this groups outing as well.
It would have been very easy for me to turn around and leave. When I first entered the children's ward I was so overwhelmed I thought I might lose my breath. There were what seemed like hundreds of children all lined up against the walls strapped into wheelchairs. Some were covered with mosquito netting so bugs and flies would not crawl into their open mouths and eyes. Most of the children where starring into space and slobbering. I thought to myself I will never make it through this day let alone this trip. There were a few little fellows zipping along in a more open area. Some with stand up wheelchairs and one with a head controlled wheelchair, and they were so darn cute. Angela turned to us and said, "well, OK pick one". Pick one? Was Angela crazy? This wasn't exactly like going to the pond for a new puppy. These were children, someone's most precious possessions, a little person with a heart and a soul and a mind, no matter how functioning, and I was just supposed to pick one? There would be no way I could possibly help any of these kids. This was way beyond a small group of volunteers. I was starting to think hiking Volvan Agua would be a nice way to spend the day, and then Angela handed me Perla.
She had gorgeous black curls and a total of 4 teeth, all that were fully covered with bright silver mercury filled fillings. She was expressionless, just looking out to nowhere. I sat down and said one of the few Spanish things I knew, "hola Perla", and suddenly her face wasn't so expressionless,maybe she had heard me? I was wishing that I had learned at least one Spanish song, but since I hadn't I started counting. By the time I got to diez I got a full fledged smile. This precious little girl, who would never walk, talk, sit up, or probably ever eat solid food, she just smiled at me.
I guess I held Perla there for about an hour or so. I sang the days of the week and counted to ten probably one hundred times and she seemed happy the whole time. It was amazing.

I was so overwhelmed when I had first walked in but by the end of the day I had made several wonderful new friends, Patita being one of my favorites. I guess Angela wasn't so crazy after all.
Amber Greathouse

No Camperos here
but we all had
a great time.
but a few days later I let him join us for a neighborhood soccer game.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Cesar, Bryan (Who are also out of school for a week) and I traveled down to Jalapa Along with Chris, some of the Bethel workers, and a group of volunteers from the States. Cesar Bryan and myself helped out with the wheelchair distribution that was held in Jalapa on Saturday and then headed back home on Sunday. Chris and the others are planning on staying in Jalapa for several days so that they can build a house for a family who's son received a wheelchair and also to distribute food to needy families in the area.
Kathy Christensen who is here with the volunteer group from the Seattle area is doing some journaling and here is what she wrote about the wheelchair distribution.
Cathy Wrote the following.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord."

There were a lot of children needing chairs. From previous experiences these require specialized fittings. Though I've lived 18 years with a child in a wheelchair, never would I profess to have the talent for such an undertaking. And yet when confronted with the task, and by God's grace, oh, and Dick's excellent suggestions, my group was able to fit a chair to a precious little girl whose loving father was grateful for receiving. It was a highlight, and a reminder of the power of the Holy Spirit.

To be the hands and feet of Christ is an awesome experience, and does so much more for us than the recipients. To understand that God is changing our hearts and minds while we are serving others is a reminder that these types of trips are so necessary for our spiritual journey. When I am here it is apparent that God calls us to help others not just for their benefit, but for ours. And this team I am on is truly serving with fervor, jumping in and working hard in Jesus' name - with actions and in truth.

Yours in Christ: Dick