This Past Week
A Few Of This Week's Facebook Entries
Jan 10, 2015
Gary and Anita Senesac headed for home. Pat, Juan Carlos Curruchich,
David and I plan on visiting a few more people tomorrow and then picking
up Erica and her sister before heading home. We have had a great week
up here in Huehuetinago.
Jan 9, 2015
Today Anita Senesac sent
me the following account of this past week. I won't say that it was not
an emotional time for all of us but all of us are glad that we were
exactly where we felt God wanted us to be. Please take the time to read
the following.
Have you ever waited for something for a really long time? I mean thought about, prayed about, almost begged for something?
That has been me for the past 5.5 years....
That has been me for the past 5.5 years....
this week this dream came true! You see I have wanted to visit
Huehuetenango for a very long time. It is in northwest Guatemala. Our
family started sponsoring a boy named Freddy about 6 years ago for
medicine and diapers each month. I had also meet little Lionel at
hermano Pedro as well. His family also lives out there! So 2 boys and
their families that I wanted to meet. Finally Dick asked Gary and I to
travel together to meet both families and soooooo many more.
is hard for me to put into words how touching these days have been. To
see the kids and families that Dick visits every month or so, to put a
name with a face, to see the wife of the mayor reaching out to her, it gets you down deep in your heart.....
the family of my buddy Lionel was so special. I was teary just driving
up there! And it is up there on the side of a mountain! We meet mama, 2
little sisters, 1 of the 2 brothers, and his older sister, Jessica. We
saw great report cards and got to know them. We showed them current
photos of Lionel on Christmas day...there was a mix of emotions from the
family. Mama was grateful but saddened by the photos. Jessica wanted to
hear all about it....and asked so many questions. He wants to know and
remember her brother. You see, she has only seen Lionel once or twice in
6 years. She called me friend. She loved hearing how he laughed that he is feeling better...but how she knows he can't come home
because they just can't care for him but she loves him so. She asked for
my number to be able to call and talk to him. It will be an honor to
have her call and let the family speak to him. So much love for this
little guy. And they can let him know. Please join me in praying that
Jessica will get to journey to Antigua (about 5 hrs by car) to see him.
It only costs about $19.00 round trip. That seems like nothing to us,
but for 6 years it has held them back from visiting. Papa comes and
loves on him when he can...but only him because of money. Think on
Then we meet Freddy.
The sponsored child for 4 years. He is 13 and looks 7 or so....but what a
character!! His smile lit up the room. We did piggy back rides around
their land and just enjoyed getting to know each other for a bit. Got to
pray over him and also with mama. Special times. He is a special kid
and I am blessed to know him.
have seen so many....and help a few along the way. Today was special
because we went with a special lady Clara almost to the border of Mexico
to distribute wheelchairs with Dick and the boys, but also the mayor of
the was awesome! But sad too. God put us in the right places
at the right time. A brother and sister both with severe special needs.
The little girl is wasting away to bones. She is so skinny and
malnutritioned....Dick bought her mom a can of ensure to try to beef her
up. It is just a start. She needs a doctor and special care....Lord,
why does this happen? Because the mom doesn't love her? NO!! Because the
mom is struggling to make ends meet with 2 disabled kids and no
money.... Poverty....I hate it! So many are doing without the most basic
necessities of life while others have so much excess... It is easier to
overlook them or worse yet, judge them. You can do something!! We need
sponsors for at least 2 kids we meet today. They are slowly dying just
because they are poor.$30-50 a month to help them survive...just
God has opened our
eyes once again to another beautiful part of Guatemala....but a very
poor side. If you look, it's all around us.... One difference is poverty
paired with disabilities in children. La k of education....lack of
But you know
what? You can be content with what you have for sure! That was Gods
message to me through Miss Kenya. We hiked up, up, up to her rocky,
uneven yard to deliver her wheelchair. She is a picture of contentment.
Her smile touched the edge of heaven and lifted our hearts. She is
content and now she has a wheelchair to sit outside in. This child will
probably never leave her perch up on the side of the mountain....but she
is content.
I need to learn
to be content even in the valleys. Smile like I am on the mountain top.
Appeciate God's goodness and sacrifice for us. These people may not have
much, but they have joy unspeakable in their hearts. I prayed and cried
with the moms of these kids. Reminding them that God doesn't make
mistakes. Their child is wonderful. That they are good moms. Even great
because they are fighting incredible odds to help their children live,
not just survive. Please join us in praying.
world is packed with problems and needs. Do what you can when you can,
as often as you can. Make someone smile. Let an outcast child feel
loved. Bless someone with food just because. Make a monthly pledge to
change the life of a child and their family. Let go of stuff. Live more
simple. Help someone. Don't turn away from the homeless or unloved just
because it is too hard. Do something.
Be blessed and be the blessing! Enjoy the pictures to follow! To God be the glory!
posted by Dick | 10:02 PM