Journal November 22-28
IT’S KID'S CAMP WEEK. If you are wondering where Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday went to, so am I. I guess my only explanation is sentence # 1. IT’S KID'S CAMP WEEK. It’s a bit ironic that some of the days that have the most to write about are the ones that I simply have no time to write about, so once again my account of what went on during the past few days will be sketchy at best.

Most of Saturday was spent bringing camp volinteers to and from the airport.

Since the eleven orphanage kids had no caregivers come along with them we are all kept quite busy feeding, dressing, and bathing them.

Yours in Christ: Dick

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It was another busy day today but a good one. This was the day that we took all of our campers to the beach. Other than having the alarm on the van that I was driving go off and continue to stay on until I could borrow some wrenches from the driver of the burning truck that we donated 5 gallons of drinking water to, and then having the a nearby mountain show signs of indigestion, we had a fairly normal drive to the beech.

One hundred twenty five out of the one hundred forty seven people that came along to the beach with us swam, so we were kept busy carrying campers to and from the pool and the beach. On our way home the clutch went out on one of the buses that we were using but the driver managed to drive it most of the way back to camp. I would love to write more but simply do not have the time. I guess that in order for you to find out just what camp is like is for you to come on down and see for your self

Yours in Christ: Dick
. . .
. . . . .^ Click button
. . . .Video of Jose and his power wheelchair that he received at camp.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008.
Saying goodbye is never easy but it was a great camp.

Fact is we had such a hard time . . . . .
saying goodbye that we decided . . . . .
to take several of the orphanage . . . . .
kids out to Camperos after getting . . . .
them back to the orphanage. .. . . . .

. . . . .Are we all tired?

Was it worth it?

You be the judge.

Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
. . . . . . .Goodnight,
. . . . . . .Yours in Christ: Dick
Dick- You are truely a blessing to the people in Guatemala!! It is neat to read how God uses you to reach so many lives!! Keep up the good work.
We hope you have a great Christmas!!
Scott & Margaret Hamstra
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