Journal December 26, 2008 - January 2, 2009

..Real children.
. .Real stories.
. . .Real life.
Don’t just read it.
. . "Live it.”
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?

(Click on any picture to enlarge)
Friday, December 26, 2008, 9:45 PM

This morning I actually headed for Hermano Pedro all by myself. I think that much like the night before most of the kids once again stayed up all night last night shooting off fire works so none of them were around when I left for Antigua. I gave some thought to taking my tools out of the car and doing some needed repair on some of the wheelchairs that are at the orphanage but decided that today would still be a day off, so I ended up spending most of my day just visiting with the kids. Since the kids that do not go home for the holidays are the ones that have no families they are some of the kids that also receive little or no attention so today I decided to spend time with as many of them as possible. Benjamin was already at the orphanage when I arrived and between him and I a lot of kids got at least a half hour of one on one attention today.

This evening Ben came back home with me from Antigua. He is great with the kids and loves to just hang out with them.

Saturday, December 27, 2008, 10:23 PM

Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, December 28, 2008 6:50 PM

I don’t know why but when we got to my house and all of the kids got out of the car I told Ben that I would drive him back to Antigua. He was originally going to go on the buss but some how a car ride with only myself and another adult sounded kind of good to me. Had it not been for Calin yelling at me we may have pulled it off. When I stopped to see what Calin wanted he told me that the neighbors across the alley from me were wondering if I would drive them to the hospital. Their new baby girl was a bit premature, (No it was not the fire works.) She was born a day before the fireworks. She had been having some breathing problems so they had kept her there for a few days. Anyway since an interpreter was needed Calin came along as well but one kid is still less than 14 of them.

When we got to Antigua we stopped of at the orphanage for a while. I know, I know, but I haven’t seen those kids in two days. Alex remains about the same. Some of his days are better than others. Lionel on the other hand seems to be doing better by the day. Even though he does not talk he has a great personality and if you give him the slightest bit of attention he will respond with a smile or a laugh.
Now that we are back home I set my foot down and locked all of the kids out of the house so that I can get some writing done in this journal. See, I can get hard nosed when I have to. I sure miss them though. But an hour and ten minutes isn’t all that long. I promised them all that I would open the house back up to them at 8:00 PM.
Just in case I am to busy to say it later tonight I will say it now. “Goodnight.”
Yours in Christ: Dick
Monday & Tuesday, December 29 & 30, 2008
Both of these days were packed with fun filled stuff like paying bills, cleaning house, and having a root canal done on a broken tooth.

Actually I only stopped off at the dentist to make an appointment but walked out less than an hour later having had the root canal done. No insurance here so I had to dish out $90. There are cheaper dentists here in town but this one doesn’t use rusty needles. Seriously he was very professional and I would recommend him to any one that comes to Guatemala. Next week I plan on going back to him to have a gold crown put on the tooth. He wants a whopping $200 for but I think that he will come down if I have him replace the two $75 gold crowns that another dentist here in town put on a few years ago. Not quite as cheep as my $3:50 visit to an eye doctor a while back but I hear that prices are actually a bit higher in the USA.

Friday, December 31, 2008, 11:34 PM

At around 3 PM the boys and I headed for home. The kids were not all that happy with me when I told them that I was going to the shop and that I was taking no one along with me.

Most of my neighbors stayed up all night. I stayed in the house and tried to sleep but by the sound of things you would have thought that the entire neighborhood was right in the house with me. I did not get a very early start this morning but I got out of the house before any one other than Calin showed up. He and I went to the wheelchair shop today. I know it's suppose to be a holiday but try and tell that to some one who has been waiting for a head controlled power wheelchair for well over a year now. I started working on this one several months ago but since I could not locate any head controllers it has sat in the corner gathering dust for quite some time now.

Today Calin and I were finely able to make a phone call to the 10 year old boy who has been waiting for this wheelchair for far to long. He and his family are planning on coming in to the shop on Monday and after a few final adjustments he should be moving around on his own for the first time in his life in no time at all. Calin has taken great pride in helping me put this wheelchair together and I am hoping that he can be at the shop with me on Monday to see why all of our work was well worth it.
January 2, 2009 7:45 PM

It was Abner's turn to come along with me to Hermano Pedro this morning but at the very last minute he had one of those Abner things and decided not to come along. Calin and Fernando were more than happy to take his place and the two of them are always a lot easier than the one of Abner. I did find that they and Fidel got a little wild when I left them by themselves while I showed a group of people around the orphanage but they stayed in an area that is closed during the Christmas season and I think that the floor was a lot shinier after they had finished being drug behind Fidel's wheelchair than it was before they started.
. . . .. .
Click arrow to play movie.
It was to late to take any of the orphanage kids out to lunch by the time I had shown the group around but just being able to go out side of the building proved to be a treat for the three kids that we took for a walk.

This after noon we gave a power wheelchair to one of the older ladies that is a resident at Hermano Pedro. A few days ago one of the nurses brought it to my attention that this lady no longer has use of her right arm. I don't think that this dear lady has ever operated anything that was any more mechanical than a light switch but Calin patiently explained everything to her and a few of the nurses, and soon she was driving her new power wheelchair all over the building.
On our way home Calin, Fernando, and I stopped off at the barber shop and we all got haircuts. their haircuts didn't turn out to bad but the guy who cut mine must have wanted to make sure that I got my money's worth because he did a lot of cutting. Then again it might have been a language thing. I held my fingers close together and indicated that I only wanted him to take a little bit off, but instead he only left a little bit on. Oh well the hair on the top of my head usually grows back pretty fast. I wish that I had not asked him to trim my beard though. Sorry no pictures. You are going to have to use your imagination.

Well I think that I will try to get this sent out while I can. I have been having a lot of problems connecting to my web server this week but things seem to be working well tonight.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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