Journal February 4 & 5 (Update on Lisvi)
In the last Journal that I sent out I said that Lisvi’s parents had decided on taking her back home with them even though it was against the advice of the Doctors and staff of Hermano Pedro. Yesterday I loaded them and Silsi and her mother into my car and we headed twords their homes.

bringing her back to Hermano Pedro
to see a specialist on March 24.

I am not sure whether or not Lisvi’s parents plan on taking her to any more doctors. Funny thing though I have peace about it. I could not say that a few days ago but now I can. Many things led up to this change from outrage to acceptance but the topping on the cake came at 1:30 this morning as I read the following.
(I have a link to Mary Margaret’s blog in the upper left hand corner of my web page. I strongly recommend that you look at it.)
and the response that I gave.
We lost Chochi .... and I'm still not quite sure what to do with what wells up inside me... I miss her She was about 15 years old. She had a bowl haircut and sat in the same spot in the sun everyday. - Every morning she would greet us with "HOLA!!" - "Hola, Chochi" we'd call back in unison ... "Quetal esta??" least 15 times over - until we finally brought her bowl of food to her. She was a no nonsense sweet heart. She would have none of the typical baby gibberish that most visitors/volunteers bring with them - she only want to talk like two normal adults, thank you very much. She wasn't one of the popular ones with the volunteers - but oh, how her nurses loved her. The day she died, as we made the rounds feeding the kids ... we passed stories back and forth...funny things she'd done or said .... the adorable way her thick black eyebrows almost covered her little chinita eyes. It was a shock. I'd seen her only a few days before - and she seemed fine. It was a shock too ... when I first heard ... I thought of how jealous I was of Jesus - He gets to see her whole right now - I have to wait. .... I've never been so homesick for heaven as I was in that moment. Chochi - I wish you could see how your life was celebrated in our grief over you. - I wish you could know how very loved you were...and are ....and always and forever will be. Our little Clara - the curly headed angel who always sits next to the doors of Belin...paced up and down trying to look for some semblance of strength ... security - she finally latched herself onto me. - With tiny little moaning noises, she took me by the hand and shuffled over to Chochi's bed - sitting down, she patted the bed ...making little noises ....tears running down her face. - Finally she laid down on Chochi's pillow. I took off her shoes - and pulled the covers up over her... as she snuggled in she gave me a sad smile amidst the tears - and drifted off to sleep. ....Clara - who doesn't act like she knows one person from another .... grasped the loss of Chochi in a deeper way than I ever would have expected. I stumbled out of the hospital that day and called my mom .... "I just don't think I can do this anymore." we cried together. - I took my Bible and journal and went to the roof of La Merced to spend time with the One who waits to meet me at any moment ... "Lord - WHY am I here?? I couldn't save her. I didn't change her life. She came and went as if I were NEVER there....the only thing left is grief" - "My daughter.... what is it you are doing right now? You're grieving're recognizing a loss. You're here .... to bear witness of their lives celebrate them when they are here ....and grieve them when they are gone. Your purpose is being fulfilled even at this time. Chochi is worthy of your grief. Her life was a gift .... and I placed you in that hospital to recognize it" - ever faithful, my Father in heaven. Father of the fatherless For everything there is a time.... the time has come for me to mourn.... ....and for her DANCE What I would give to be able to witness her dance. Thank You, Jesus for the gift of our Choichi's life.
posted by Mary Margaret at 6:52 PM on Feb 4, 2009
Dick replied…..

Yours in Christ: Dick
Dick, thank you so much for your comment. Livsi looks like such a little sweetheart - I fell in love with her just through her pictures.
There is so much pain that I come in contact with ....that I simply don't understand. I've wrestled and wrestled with the things that shock me ...that are simply a way of life here in Guatemala. Over and over again I have come to understand that I see things only from my very human perspective ... our Jesus has them...each of these precious, pain-filled lives ...cradled in the palm of His hands. - it is a daily struggle to entrust the ones I've come to love so dearly - into the hands of their Creator.
- You are forever an inspiration and encouragement to me. - God Bless!!
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