Journal March 4-12, 2009

I have once again fallen three days behind on my Journaling so rather that scratching my memory and trying to remember just what took place and when, I am going to rely on the date stamp of my camera and attempt to jog my memory by sharing some pictures that were taken the past few days.
Saturday, January 1, 1955 ? ?
(Whoops, I guess I shouldn’t have left the battery in my camera go dead.)
OK let’s try again.
Wednesday, March 4 - Friday March 6, 2009
Several people have asked me about Jose, the little boy who is shown in my February 18 & 19 Journal entries. Jose is almost two and a half years old. He is very alert which is quite uncommon for some one that is in his condition. When Jose was admitted into the malnutrition ward of Hermano Pedro about a month ago he was starving to death. He did not seem to have any other health issues but it was quickly discovered that he could not hold down any food that was given to him. That is why even after a month of being in the malnutrition ward Jose still only weighs 8 pounds.

(I just got word that they found out that Jose is lactose intolerant so we are praying that a new milk free diet will make a difference.)

My friend Dave is still in Antigua but may be returning to Canada with in a few weeks.

Yesterday, or one of those days he went along with me up to the school up in Santa MariadeJesus where we fitted Balanki into a new wheelchair. I had a walker with me that our shop in Chimaltenango had repaired for Luis but he was not at school. After getting Balanki fitted into her chair we headed over to where Luis lives.

After lunch we met up with a lady that I had met on Tuesday. She knew of a 26 year old man that had been shot in a robbery last month. Seems that a cell phone and a motor scooter were worth more to the robers than this man’s life. He managed to survive but will never walk again. We had a good visit and did a lot of talking about his fear to go out in public now that he cannot walk anymore. We also prayed together. I also told him about the camp that we have in November and told him that I was going to make sure that he got an inviteation. (Sorry Pastor Bill but you can share my room with me if you don’t like sleeping in a tent.)

Roland Elf sent me these pictures of Rolando, the young man that we got a touter for up in Huehuetenango.
He told me that Rolando loves his schooling and that the teacher that we hired is doing great with him.

After getting Miguel seated I stopped of at the coffee shop and restaurant that our church has here in Antigua and grabbed some lunch. Since they have wireless Internet I decided to get caught up on my journal before heading over to the orphanage. It looks like my journaling time and orphanage time are going to have to be cut short though because Calin just phoned me. A few days ago he told me about new girl that attends his school that is extremely poor. Since there are times that Calin’s family and lots of others that are in my neighborhood can not afford to put food on their tables this girl and her family must really be hurting in order for Calin to recognize her as poor. Anyway Calin just called and told me that when he got out of school he walked to where this girl lives. Calin says that this family needs help and that they need it now. I will try to write more later.
7:40 PM

Yours in Christ: Dick
Saturday, March 7, 2009

At about 5 Pm we packed things up and headed for home. I let the kids in for a while but had not gotten much sleep so at around 8:00 I told them that I was going to call it a day. By 8:30 I was fast asleep. That is why this journal entry is being written a day late.
Good morning,
Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I had intended on heading out to Santiago with Saul, Hanna, and the group from the USA this morning but when eight kids showed up at my door asking me why I wasn't going to take them to church today, I quickly changed my mind. Calin and Daniel had also wanted to come along to church but they slept in just a little too late and didn't call me until I was a few miles out of town. They managed to catch up with us when lunchtime rolled around though so even if they missed out on spiritual food they got some of the physical stuff.

Santiago is a sleepy little town that is located on Lake Atitlan here in Guatemala. As tranquil as things appear this town had a tragedy about three years ago that most of its residence will not soon forget. During Hurricane Stan there was a large landslide just outside of town that buried houses and killed 650 of the residence. Since the survivors had little place to go many of them now live in makeshift shelters that are located directly over their old home and the earth covered remains of their loved ones. Tonight we are staying at a Baptist campground that is only a few hundred feet from the edge of that mudslide. I think that I will sleep wiht one eye open.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Monday, March 10, 2009

After breakfast we headed down to a community hall that is located in the center of town. Over thirty people showed up that were in need of wheelchairs. Since over half of them were teens and children that were in need of specialty wheelchairs we were all kept busy. Thankfully a couple that just happened to be wheelchair seating specialists just happened to be in town this week and they some how had found out about the distributi0n so they and some of their friends stopped by and helped us out the entire day. Just another one of those GODINCIDENCE things I guess.
This distribution was good for the therapy students as well.

During the distribution a man from Holland struck up a conversation with me. He and his wife had been doing some volunteer work in a town that was located across the Lake and they had brought in a lady that was in need of a wheelchair. During our conversation he told me about Manwell, a 13 year old boy who was born with birth defects that left him with hands and feet that were useless to him. He told me that they had not brought Manwell along with them because he already had a manual wheelchair. He said that he wished that Manwell had a little use of his hands though because he knew that a powered wheelchair would change his life. He went on to tell me that Manwell's mother takes him to school every day, but she is a small lady and pushing him there in his manual wheelchair is getting to hard for her.

The rest of the group is staying in Santiago for a few days. They are going to conduce a foot care clinic with some of the local residents but since they also mentioned the sh.. word we all decided that it was best if I did not stick around. Somehow shopping does not bring out the best of me. I plan on rejoining the group in a few days when we do more wheelchair work in some of the orphanages.

Well everyone has found a place to sleep so I guess I will head off to bed.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
After giving the kids breakfast, sending them off to school and then getting caught up on some book work I headed off to Hermano Pedro. When I got there I was mobbed by kids that all wanted attention. I so much wanted to spend time with each of them but know that was not possible. Moises and Byron pleaded with me to take them out to lunch but I told them that today it was Lionel's turn to go with me. They held back the tears but I could see that they were close to the surface. I looked around to see if there were any volunteers that I colud invite along but there were none. Besides that even if I could take these two boys along what about the half dozen others that had already gathered round me in hopes that I had just a little of my time to give them. As far as that goes what about the other 240 residence of Hermano Pedro, some of whom never have anyone spend time with them? And what about . . . . . . . . ? I was starting to feel overwhelmed when I was suddenly reminded of a story that I often share with groups that I take through the orphanage.
I posted this last June, but today I needed it again.
The starfish
Once upon a time there was a philosopher who would walk along the beach every morning, thinking about how to help the world. One day as he was walking along the shore, he looked down the beach and saw a small figure moving back and forth. He began to walk faster to catch up. As he got closer, he saw that it was a little boy. He was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean. When he got closer he called out, “Good morning! What are you doing?”'

As it turned out Lionel was the right pick because I found him lying in a stroller crying. I never did find out why he was not in his own wheelchair which he likes much better. It probably would not have made to much difference anyway because I later found out that he had been doing a lot of crying for the past few days. Last Wednesday had been the last time that I was in the Orphanage and that was the day that his father went back home as well.

I could not help but think about how disappointed Moises and Byron had looked when after not seeing them for several days. I had hated to tell them that they could not come along with me today. Then I got a brain storm. What about supper.

When I got home I had to feed even more kids. Was that four meals or five meals that I had today? I think that I have lost count. Oh well, I think that I will have a snack and then head off to bed.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Today I had a rather busy day at Hermano Pedro, took more kids to lunch. Had a meeting with the staff of Hermano Pedro to see why out teacher seems to be getting crowded out of her room,

Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Today Saul, Hanna, the group of therapy students that are here from the States, and myself headed down to Annini Orphanage. On Saturday we had gone there to make an assessment of which wheelchairs needed to be adjusted or repaired and what ones had to be replaced. Today we were there to do those repairs, and replacements. There was a lot of work that needed to be done there but everyone pitched in and we got everything that we had wanted to do accomplished.

Tonight is one of those rare ones when I am setting here in my house all alone. I got home at around 5:30 and let the kids stay for a while but then told them that I had to get caught up on my Journal. They didn't seem to like that idea too well but reluctantly when along with it. I guess that they got the word out to those that normally come a bit later because I have only heard some one knocking at the gate once in the past hour.
I guess I will close for now and see if I can get this thing spell checked and then sent out.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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