Journal May 9-16

A friend that was here with the last team gave me some money and told me to spend it on my kids so this weekend we did it up big.

We went swimming and then out for hamburgers on Saturday, and after church on Sunday we went out to eat and then 15 of us rented a soccer field. That was my weekend in a nut shell.

Monday, May 10, 2009

After my visit with Xiomara I went into see the kids. A few of the therapist were in the pool with a couple of the kids. I quickly put on my swimsuit and joined them. This at least allowed one more kid to get into the pool. Five kids is not a lot but since there were no volunteers, only 5 kids got to swim this week.

As you can see by the photos neither Byron nor Ervin were all that pleased either.

I did not stay long because I had to make an emergency run to the coast. Carlos a little boy who we supply seizure medicine for had run out of medicine. Since there was no school today (What is the reason for no school? Logical - It is 1 day after Mother’s Day day today.) Calin, Caser, and Miguel accompanied me.

Ronny is not running fevers like he had been a few months ago but he is getting weaker. He can still sit up and drive his power wheel chair but often times his head falls forward and he does not have the strength to bring it back up again. I will likely have to get up every few hours and re-position him because he gets sore lying in one position and cannot re-position even his arms or his legs anymore.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Arlindo is in the shower and Ronny is in his wheelchair playing on the computer. Ronny slept about an hour and a half at a time but then he would call me to re-position him. We did this all through the night but at around 6 AM he asked me if I would put him into his wheelchair. He seems to really be enjoying himself though and although he is a very quiet boy and visits very little with my other kids he seems quite content just being here. Seven year old Arlindo on the other hand is an extrovert and has my neighbor kids in stitches most of the time. I am praying that he does not have muscular Dystrophy like his brother. If he does it will likely show up with in the next year or 2.

Once Arlindo got out of the shower the 3 of us headed to Camperos for breakfast. (Believe it or not all of the other kids are in school today). Since we had taken Ronny’s power wheelchair along to my house we decided to walk. When we got to Camperos Arlindo complained about how cold it was. Actually it was near 75 but that is a lot colder than the weather where he is from. He told me that when we got back home he wanted to take a hot shower to warm up but fortunately he forgot about that by the time we returned.
At 2:30 the kids got out of school. I had promised Abner, Fernando, and Alex that they could come along to bring Ronny and Mr. clean back home. I had also hoped to pick up 2 families that live near the coast on our way back from Ronny’s and get them in to Hermano Pedro to see the doctor but we were unable to contact one of them and the other evidently waited for us at the wrong place. Tomorrow both families plan on taking the bus in to Antigua and meeting me there. We can only wait and see.
I am back at home and have just ushered the second to the last of a dozen kids to the gate. It seems that even though it is past 10 PM none of them were all that anxious to leave. Calin is still here but I told him that he may stay. I want to have a little talk with him. His brother Walter just sent him $100 so that he could buy a new cell phone that has a built in camera and plays music. I am paying Calin’s way through school because his family cannot afford to. Am I just tired or is there something wrong with this picture?
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

As I was on my way out of the door I received a call from David, who works at the Hope Haven wheelchair factor in Antigua. He told me that a family had shown up there with a 13 year old girl that needed a wheelchair and he was wondering if I could come by and fit her. I told him no problem but when I got there I discovered that there was one. None of the wheelchairs that Hope Haven had on hand were right for her. A quick phone call to Chris over at Bethel Ministries and we were back in business. Chris confirmed that he had the right chair for her. At first I was going to drive back to Chimaltenango by my self and pick up the chair but then I decided to take the family that needed the chair along with me. That way I could fit the girl there and make sure that it was indeed the chair that she needed. It was, and with in an hour we were all on our way back to Antigua. I love it when Christian organizations can work together to help change someone’s life.

Well I guess I better head over to Hermano Pedro. The Lady that I waited nearly an hour for yesterday is suppose to meet me there in a little while. She called this morning to ask why I wasn’t at the place that we had arranged to meet at yesterday. I was there, so I am hoping that today one of us is more visible. There are actually two families that are supposed to meet me at Hermano Pedro today. Each of them has a child that has been having severe seizures and the parents want to see if anything can be done for their children. These are the 2 kids that I wrote about on May 5. They have not seen doctors in several years and there seems to be little interest on the part of the doctors that they had seen to see them again.

Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, May 14, 2009, 10:27 PM

I managed to get some wheelchair fitted to a few of the kids and even got one of the new little boys into a wheelchair. This was not the boy that I met yesterday that can walk. though. I am still fighting that one. The work that I got done on the wheelchairs went even slower than usual because there are almost on volunteers allowed in the orphanage, thus my amount of little helpers was even higher than usual.
I hated to do it but tonight I simply had to get caught up on answering e-mails, returning phone calls, and getting caught up on this journal, so no kids tonight. This is not easy for me or for the kids but sometimes it simply has to be done.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Friday, May 15, 2009, 7:42 PM

Since Cesar had no school I asked him if he wanted to spend the day with me. Our morning was one of those run around and get nothing done mornings but Cesar seemed to enjoy just hanging out with me. One of our more interesting get nothing done stops was at the upholstery shop that had upholstered the drivers side seat of my car a few months ago. A few weeks ago the front passenger seat of my car got a tare in it so I decided that I would fork out a whopping $25. Not only would it be good to have the tare in the seat fixed but I thought it would be nice to have the 2 front seats match. Who knows if I liked it I would possibly have them upholster the back seat some day so that all of the seats were the same color. Before the helper of the man that owns the upholstery shop removed the front seat of my car I double checked on the price and also confirmed that they could have the work done by noon tomorrow. We have a group coming in from the States Sunday night and I hate to make them sit on apple boxes all of the way from the airport. The owner promised that the job would be done by noon tomorrow because he already had the fabric and confirmed that the price would not change. I then gave a nod to his helper who was already standing next to my car with his wrenches in his hand. With in ten minutes he had the front seat of my car lying out on the ground.

Next we went to work on Myrna’s wheelchair Myrna is a little girl that lives up in Santa Maria Dejesus. She has gotten good use of a power chair that I set up for her several years ago but has finally outgrown it. Alturo had already replaced a faulty controller so today Caser and I dissembled the chair and built a new seating system for it.

I think that tonight the amount kids have made up for lack of kids that were at my house last night. I am sure this was partly due to the fact that I did not lock them out tonight, but for some reason there were even more kids than usual. I don’t think that wall-to-wall kids is an overstatement. I tried to get a head count but outer than a half dozen that were quietly sitting on a mattresses and another 5 or 6 that were on one of the computers, it was like trying to count a swarm of bees.

Yours in Christ: Dick
Saturday, May 16, 2009, 11:10 AM
That’s right it is the weekend. The 4 kids that never left last night have finished making breakfast and are now doing the dishes, sweeping, and mopping the house. I am paying them for doing some of the chores but they are doing some of the other things with no pay because even though they are not here all of the time (some are getting close to that though) this has in a lot of ways become their home as well as mine.

I am going to try to get this journal out yet today and then the kids and I are going to go out and play soccer.
Hope you have a great weekend; we plan to have one.
Yours in Christ: Dick
2:12 PM
Well we almost got out of the gate to go and play soccer but when we opened it there was a man standing there who told us that he had just driven in from his home that is several hours from here. He told us that he had a 17 year old son that has muscular dystrophy and that his son's power wheelchair had stopped running. This man had taken the wheelchair to Guatemala City hoping that someone there would be able to repair it but had found no one. By a stroke of luck he ran across someone that know about Bethel’s wheelchair repair shop, so not knowing that the shop was closed on Saturdays he had headed out early this morning to see if he could get the chair fixed there. Even though the shop was closed it just so happened that Pastor Juan was there doing some carpentry work. Once Juan heard this man’s story he told him where I lived. Luckily he showed up when he did because if he had shown up at my door 2 minutes later he would not have found me.

Twenty minutes later Calin, Cesar, the father of the boy that needed his wheelchair repaired, and myself were at the wheelchair shop. As chance would have it we happened to have the needed parts and in less than an hour we had the chair loaded back into this man's car and were on our way back home with a good running wheelchair. Over and over again this father said how grateful he was, and that he considered it a miracle that his son’s wheelchair had been repaired. Neat thing is Calin and Caser were more excited about the fact that this man’s son now had a working wheelchair than they would have been about scoring a goal in soccer. Could it be that just perhaps all of the so called coincidences that made this happen was actually a GODINCIDENCE ?

Oh by the way, we did get that Soccer game in a bit later today.
Hope that you have a great weekend; ours certainly has been so far.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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