Journal, June 20-25, 2009

Great news! The container of wheelchairs that was being held up at customs has been released. Thanks for your prayers!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Weekends are supposed to be relaxing but this one did not start out that way. Friday night at around 11 PM Alex’s sister Gladys came over and asked me if I had the phone number of the doctor that I had taken Alex to see earlier in the day. I told her that I didn’t and that there was no way that I would be able to get it until Monday because all of the offices at Hermano Pedro would be closed until then. Gladys told me that he was feeling worse and that he was vomiting. I quickly went over to his house to check on him. His pulse was racing and his color did not look good so we decided to take him in to the National hospital here in Chimaltenango. Most of you know what I think of the National Hospitals here in Guatemala but I knew that they had oxygen and was hoping that they could give him something to control the vomiting. Actually they did both for him but I am glad that it was not a life and death situation because it took them 3 hours to do this. I managed to get to bed at around 2:00 AM but woke up early because the kids that were at my house when I went over to see Alex the night before had decided to stay and unfortunately by 7:00 Am they were slept out.

After breakfast, (At least I think that we had breakfast) Calin and I headed over to the wheelchair shop. Before knowing that I was going to be at the hospital all night I had agreed to meet a family who was coming in all the way from Cobon to have their daughter’s wheelchair refitted.
At 4:00 PM the kids and I went over to the soccer field. I had sent one of the kids over to reserve it earlier in the day but when we got there at 4 we were told that they had accidentally rented it to someone else as well so we could not have it until 5 PM. Since I had to be at the airport at 7:00 Pm to pick up a group that was coming in I was not able to play soccer but the kids got to play.
I know that I usually keep my Saturday and Sunday journal entries short but since the group that came in has offered to do most of this weeks journaling for me I figured that I would at least do today’s journal.
Anyway I hope that you enjoy the following journal entries that are done by various members of the 12 member teem that is here for a week.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Ellis wrote,
Wow, I find It hard to believe that Just earlier today I was asleep, safe ; warm in my bed, with my cell phone and laptop available for me to use whenever I wanted, and now I am on a plane, headed to Guatemala, armed with only my IPod nano and books to entertain me for the next couple hours on the plane.

Emma wrote,
Hello from Dallas Texas!! I miss you all already!! The plane ride is ok. Its kind of boring, but reading makes the time go by! Last night I was at my boy-friends party and slept the night away. I got up at 5:00 in the morning to catch a 10:15 flight. Crazy, huh? Anyway, the plane ride isn’t as bad as usual. We were supposed to arrive at 3:15 in Dallas but the pilot was having some technical difleculties so we are now, arriving at 3:55. Can believe only one more hour till Guatemala? I’m so excited!! I will write back tomorrow. You will be in my prayers!! See you all later!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Ellis Hughes wrote,
This morning Brad, Josh and I woke up to the horrible sound of josh’s foghorn alarm after not being able to fall asleep until about 1 or 2 in the morning, Guatemalan time.

Sharron Leinweber wrote,
I am sitting here in the open air courtyard outside our rooms watching the rain fall. I am just in awe of the incredible beauty. It was dark when we arrived in Antigua last night so I couldn’t tell how rich and green everything is. All the flowers are in bloom and the colors are so vibrant. Surprisingly I slept really well.

Molly Anderson wrote,

Brad wrote, . . . . . . . . . . . .

Monday, June 22.2009
Brad, Josh and Ellis, wrote,

We all rose early this morning to be picked up at 5:45 AM. All of were ready, when Dick arrived but Chris, the wheelchair guy with the van, overslept. Cathy made the executive decision that I would take Ellis, Josh, Molly, and Brad with Dick. Dick had brought along Fernando, an eight year old from his neighborhood. Plus, Dr. Brad was in to provide free medical advice. The eight of us crammed into Dick’s Toyota that can seat five comfortably, and left. (Do not worry. We complied with all Guatemala traffic safety laws, at least the ones that are enforced.)
(Good thing that Bill was not with us the day that I had 21 people in my car. Dick)

(Click on any picture to enlarge)
Dick Rutgers, Ellis, and Brad set up an area for “specialized” chairs. These were the more customized units for more severely handicapped people. We also set up an area for Dr. Brad to meet patients. Father Tom and a local pastor met with individuals at another station. The rest of us broke into four teams of two for the “standard” wheelchair recipients. Chris had distributed pieces of paper with numbers on it.

Towards the end, Dick, Ellis, and Brad were working hard on a chair for a boy that needed a custom chair. Each time they added a piece, such as a chest belt or a head rest, he would break out in a BIG smile. It was a golden moment each time. He could not speak, but he did not have to.
After we gave chairs to everyone, Axel, our local contact, invited us to his home for lunch. A committee of women made us a delicious meal that we ate local delicacies on his patio. We all chatted about the people whom we served and had touched our hearts. We then loaded up and drove back to Antigua to take a shower.
Ellis wrote,
This morning we woke up too early. Granted, it was the time that I normally would wake up for school, but that night I had fallen asleep around midnight. After waking up, and getting dressed, we saw no one out in the courtyard, and assumed everyone had not woken up. After a few minutes, I saw some other people getting up. When Dick got here, only my dad, molly, josh, brad and I fit in with the gear, and two other people. When we got to the place to do the wheelchairs, brad and I got assigned to work on special wheel chairs.
The first kid that we helped was about 6, and after 3 hours, the chair had been modified and fit the child with Cerebral Palsy and seizures. The father and mother were thrilled, and eagerly learned how to move the angle of the wheelchair and move it around.

When we strapped him in, his smile almost split his face in half, and even though his scoliosis had almost bent his spine so it was nearly unrecognizable, he sat up strait in the seat. That had to be the highlight of my day.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The group will be with Chris and Howie building a house for the next few days. I will continue to post their journals but will also be writing about a few highlights of some of the things that have been taking place around here.

Molly wrote,
Another early morning, and another great day. After showing up almost 45 minutes late yesterday, Chris Mooney decided to arrive to pick us up twenty minutes early today, much to my surprise (I was still in the shower when he pulled up, oops!). Although the hotel usually provides breakfast, six AM was too early for them, so we ate a gourmet breakfast at Burger King. After that deliciousness, we broke into two teams of six.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Emiliana Tol Vargas and her 4 children live in one room of a mostly vacant building in Chimaltenango Guatemala. Emiliana is unable to work due to poor health. Her oldest daughter works 3 days a week but after paying rent the family has less than $15 per month left for food, clothing, or any other expenses. We have found a sponsor so that the 2 younger children, Iadelaida and Estuardao can go to school and so that some food can be provided each month. Silvia who is blind was thrilled when I took her hand and explained each button of the audio bible that Calin, Cesar, and I brought her today. You should have seen her face light up when she heard the New Testament being read to here.
with their new Spanish audio bible.

After visiting Emiliana and her family the boys and I stopped by the shop to drop off some paper work. Our 5 minute stop turned out to be about an hour and a half though because a family that had a little girl that needed a wheelchair was there and there was no one around to fit her. My work was made easy though because Calin is getting really good a working on wheelchairs. Cesar does not have as much experience as Calin but he is very willing to learn.
Since I will be gone with a group on Saturday and Sunday, the boys and I took advantage of an hours break in the thunder storms and played soccer this afternoon.
I spoke with Alex today and although he still has to take it easy he is feeling much better. Please pray for a complete recovery.
Sharron Leinweber wrote,
Do you ever have those days when you know exactly what you are doing and everything is clearly planned and it doesn’t take you long to realize that God is laughing because you are silly enough to think you are in charge? Today was one of those days for me so bear with me as this may take a bit to explain. We split up again today and half the team began distributing food and clothes early this morning. Like yesterday, the first family we saw had several children without shoes. I cannot tell you how it feels to see these people in the muddy, dirty streets or hauling water without anything on their feet. That being said, I am already working on a way to possibly help alleviate some of this. The rest of the day was similar and we ended up finishing the distributions early. Our last stop was to bring food to the family of the build site.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

At noon we took nine teen age girls to lunch and I don’t know who had the most fun, the girls from the orphanage or the team. Overall I think that it was a win win situation. Everyone ended up with new friends and everyone was a bit richer for it. After lunch we spent some time in the park and a few of the more childish members of our team even had a water fight in one of the fountains. I made a promise to the rest of the group that I would try to grow up and refrain from getting any one wet if we ever do this again.

We got the girls back to the orphanage at around 2 PM. That is when reality set in for the members of the team. The team members noticed that all of the wheelchairs were sitting empty in front of the rooms where the kids sleep and one of the ladies asked me if the kids were all taking naps. When I told her that they were in bed until 8 AM tomorrow morning they all looked at me in disbelief. “That is 18 hours!” one of them exclaimed.

Yours in Christ: Dick
Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them.
Mother Teresa
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