Journal August 7-14 2009

Sorry that I have not done any journaling for the past few days but after stopping off and visiting a few families on our way from Xela, we all took a few days off and went to the beach.

Monday, August 10, 2009

OK I am sort of getting with it again but am going to start out slow. I don't want to strain myself after lying around the past few days.
I did manage to get in to the orphanage this morning and had it not been for the half dozen kids that were in the pool with us I almost felt like we were back at the beech. As much as I enjoyed a few days off I must admit it was really great getting back to the orphanage and spending time with the kids.
Most of them are doing OK but Florenda who is up in malnutrition is once again running a fever. A friend of mine had a few American pediatricians take a look at her a few days ago and things are not looking favorable for her.
I only stayed at the orphanage until around 11 because Scott and I headed up to Huehuetinango to pick up 3 more kids that have doctor's appointments in Antigua on Wednesday. Tonight we are staying at a motel in Huehue and tomorrow morning we plan on driving another 2 hours to pick up these children and their parents. It seems the the needs never end but hopefully these 3 can receive the help that they need.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

When we got back to HueHuetinango we picked up Freddy another little boy that we have been working with, Freddy's mother, and Roland Elf. Then the nine of us headed for Antigua.
A Fathers Love
All three of the parents that came along whit us were very loving with there children but Eric's father really stood out as a father that had unconditional love for his son. Eric is an average looking boy who is a little less than average in intelligence. Due to an illness that Eric had at a young age he is a bit slower than most kids his own age. His speech is a bit slurred and he did not learn to walk until he was 9 years old. Although Eric is a pleasant boy he shows little emotion, he seldom smiles and by most standards would not be an easy son for a father to love.

After we got the group settled in at Cassia Defay I headed for home. There I was greeted by a bunch of my kids. I had intended on taking the three families that we brought down from Huehuetinango back to there homes on Thursday but after spending a few hours here at home with my kids I think that I will see if the families that we brought here can take the buss back to there homes. Several of my kids have been going through there share of problems lately and I think that I need to be close enough to them that they can reach out to my outstretched hand when ever they choose to.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I left home at around 7:00 AM this morning because I had to stop in at Cassia Defay and pick up the 3 families that we brought in from near Huehuetinango yesterday. Roland was suppose to be there as well but when I got to Cassai Defay he was no where to be found. Not having anyone to interpret for me made things interesting but some how I got everyone registered with the proper doctors and by 8:30 all of the necessary paper work was done. It was about then that I received a phone call from Roland. He apologized for not being there but explained that the restaurant that we had stopped at on our way from Huehuetinango yesterday had given something that he had not ordered.

Two of the kids got to see specialists and the other child saw a good pediatrician. Today’s visits only cost around $6 each but all 3 are now scheduled for some fairly expensive special tests in Guatemala City around the middle of next month.

Tonight the kids made the entire supper and I did not have to lift a hand. I still have anywhere from 8 to 12 kids at the supper table on the nights that I am at home but am missing a few of the regulars. Calin is still banned from my house but I try to talk to him every few days. I love that kid but cannot trust him and unfortunately I see little remorse for what he has done. Abner stops by occasionally but is hesitant to stay for long periods of time because he is fearful that his uncle and aunt will discover that he is here and that they will force him to move back in with them. It is still uncertain when Daniel will be leaving for the USA and also undecided weather or not Abner will go with him.

Well it is time for bed so I will say “Goodnight”
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, August 13, 2009, 9:25 PM
Today was one of those fun days. NOT! I just love spending the day in Guatemala city trying to get all of the necessary stamps put back into my new passport.

Tonight all of my kids wanted to earn a little money so I once again have a spick and span car, house, and yard. I had planned on having the house to myself for a few hours but Jason is still here doing homework on the computer and Cesar just showed up and told me that he has no school tomorrow.
Oh well just last weekend I had a quiet 2 days at the ocean without any kids and who know next time I may not let 2 years go by before I do that again.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Jason #2 - Jason had a foul mouth and was making a lot of bad decisions when I first met him a few years ago. He has come a long way in a short time and is a pleasure to have around.
Cesar#3 - Cesar and his brother Miguel are from a poor family that lives near me. After father pays the rent on the tin shack that they live in there is scarcely enough left for food and nothing left to keep Cesar or Miguel in school. Thanks to a sponsor they are both back in school now.
Elmer #4 - Is now married but he and his wife come over and visit frequently. He is currently working 5 days a week but only receives 800 Q ($100) per month.
Fernando #5 - Who has not seen his mother since he was one year old and does not know who his father is, continues to be one of my favorites. His love and compassion for the children in the orphanages and the villages is something to behold.
Daniel #6 - Just turned 16. He is planning on going to the USA as soon as his brother Walter who is already there sends him the money to go.
Christian #7 - He and his mother moved into my neighborhood from Guatemalan City a few months ago. They came here to escape an abusive husband and father.
Abner #8 - Abner stops by occasionally but is hesitant to stay for long periods of time because he is fearful that his uncle and aunt will discover that he is here and that they will force him to move back in with them. It is still uncertain when and if he will be leaving for the USA.
Miguel #9 - Brother to Cesar. Miguel is doing well in school and is a good Christian inspiration to my other kids. Miguel wants to be baptized later this month.
Marcos #10 - Marco's father died in a drowning accident about 4 years ago. last year his mother got sick and died. Marcos' 24 year old brother is doing his best to raise Marcos, 4 other siblings and the 2 boys that his mother had adopted.
Calin #11 - Calin is out of my house for stealing, but not out of my hart.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Cesar had no school today (???) so he spent the day with me. Our first stop was at the wheelchair shop where we intended on picking up a few parts and then going to Hermano Pedro to work on some wheelchairs. It seems that I some how got sidetracked while I was looking for wheelchair parts though and found myself an hour later still talking with Alturo about several people who are still need of power wheelchairs. Some of these people have been waiting for far to long but are in need of specialty parts like head control units and we simply do not have them. We got one chair in a few weeks ago that has a broken head controller on it so I promised Alturo that I will spend a few days with him next week seeing if we can repair that one or possibly design one of our own.

When we got back home my house quickly filled up with kids. About a half hour ago I told them that I needed an hour or 2 to myself so that I could get this weeks journal published. Usually the kids protest when I tell them that but considering that tomorrow I am planning on taking the kids to the Ocean that did not get to go there last week, they quickly left when I explained that I would have to stay at home and work tomorrow if I did not finish up tonight.
Hope that you all have a great weekend, we plan on having one.
in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting..."
"Don't only give your care, but give your heart as well."
Yours in Christ: Dick
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