(Click on any picture to enlarge)I know that I just published a Journal a few days ago but you may have noticed that most of it was done by my friends Judy and Pat and had little to do with anything that took place here at home. That is why I thought I would bring you up to date on some of the things that have been going on here at home. Don't worry I will keep this one short.

Tuesday Cesar, Marcos, were thrilled when the head nurse and the doctor that work up in the malnutrition ward gave us the green light on taking 3 of the kids from that ward out the park. Taking any of the kids that are in the malnutrition ward out of the orphanage is usually a no no but the staff there is starting to recognize how well my boys do with these kids and I think that they are starting to realize that happy kids do a lot better health wise than ones that are sad.

Wednesday when 2 of my other boys and myself returned to the orphanage Jose headed straight for the gate thinking that he was going to get to go to the park with us again today. We immediately let him know that we had simply come to play with him but had no intentions of going to the park. He immediately let us and anyone else that was within crying distance know that if we were not intending to take him to the park he was not going to play with us. Jose may be small but his temper outweighs that of any of my kids.

Thursday I took 10 of my kids swimming at a place near San Martin. This was sort of a going away party for Alex and Elder. Although Alex and his family have talked about moving to a small 1 room house that Alex's Grandfather has given them for quite some time now, but up tell now they have not moved out of their rented house here in Chimaltenango. Mom finally decided that the $88 per month rent that they are paying here in Chimaltenango was more than she could pay, so on Friday Alex, Gladys, Windy, Chino, Elder and their mom will be moving to this small one room house that is located in a rather remote area about an hour from here. Alex's dad left for the States over 6 years ago to find work. He keeps telling his family that he will soon be returning but I am beginning to wonder if he has perhaps started a new life in the States that does not include his family that is here in Guatemala.

Friday we loaded up a large truck and my car with all of the belongings of Alex's family and headed off down the road. None of the kids want to move but if they move they will no longer have to pay rent so mom feels that it is something that they must do. I think that transition is going to be a rough one for the entire family. Please keep them in your prayers.

Friday was also my birthday but I did not plan on doing much in the way of celebrating, especially after spending most of the day loading and unloading furniture. When I got back home from helping Alex's family move my house slowly started filling up with kids though. Nearly each one showed up with some sort of small gift that they had either bought or made. None of the gifts could have cost over a dollar but believe you me I wouldn't sell any of them for a million. Calin even gave me a birthday cake. Let me tell you it is hard to cut up a cup cake into 12 peaces but no one complained about the size of the piece that they received. Fernando and Cesar were the last to arrive at my house but I could tell that some thing was bothering Fernando. Cesar presented me with a small gift but Fernando held back. His tears did not hold back though. He then explained that he and Cesar saved up to buy me presents and had taken their bikes to the mall and had each bought me some thing. However on their way home Fernando fell off from his Bicycle and the picture frame that he bought for me had broken. A few Kleenex and a tube of super glue later, Fernando and the picture frame were as good as new, well almost new. I convinced Fernando that not all picture frames have to have glass in them. When I asked the kids if they had eaten they said no but they did not feel that I should have to cook for them on my birthday. I then suggested that they take me out to Burger King for supper and got a few startled looks until I explained that I would foot the bill. I don't think that the Burger King staff is used to singing happy birthday to their customers but my kids some how talked them into it.

I was even presented with a free hamburger and a hot fudge sundae. The manager apologized for not having birthday candles but I told him that the straws that were polkaing out of my sundae were quite original. In 63 years this has to be one of the best birthday parties that I have ever had.

When we got home some of the kids decided that they would supply the evening entertainment by putting on a talent show. Elder won top honers with his impersonation of Rambo.
I think that tomorrow I will take Elder shopping for underwear. His older brother's underwear does not seem to fit him all that well.

Saturday I took the 7 kids that I did not have room in the car for on Thursday swimming. Unlike Thursday's group I took this group to Esquentla which is about 6000 feet lower and 20 degrees warmer than San Martin.

I think that tomorrow I will take Elder shopping for a swimsuit. His older brother's swimsuit does not seem to fit him all that well.
Sunday (today) we went to church and then I took the kids out for a relaxing hike.

Actually the kids
did most of the hiking.
I did most of the relaxing.
Yours in Christ:
Monday, January 11, 2010

This morning Marcos and Bryon accompanied me to Hermano Pedro Orphanage. I had promised 2 groups of students from Spring Arbor University that I would take them through the orphanage, one group in the morning and another in the afternoon. Unlike many groups that visit the orphanage this group did not ask me ahead of time what they could bring the kids in the way of tangible gifts. As it turned out they ended up bringing what the kids needed the most. They brought their love, and the kids loved it.
Thanks gang!"Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."Goodnight,
Yours in Christ:
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