Journal November 29 - December 5

was mentioned about adult camp in my last journal entry.

Fernando and Bryan are not old enough to be allowed into the malnutrition ward but they do have a knack for coaxing some of the kids to come out to where they are.

It is still my wish that they someday come to their senses and put 12 year old Fernando in charge of this place.

She and her grandmother live in an 8 foot by 8 foot room that they rent for $50 per month.
of this vacant building and into the new home that we built for them.

Some of the people that came to volunteer at camp were able to visit several families with me.

was included with he food that we brought in for their family.

and asked us if we would take a look at her home.

She and her 5 children live in a one room shack that is made out of dried mud and corn stalks. Just like Maria, this lady also lost her husband a few years ago. I plan on handing her name in to Bethel Ministries but the waiting list for people that are in need of homes is staggering.

Unlike Maria and the other lady that we visited a few days earlier this lady's husband is still alive. Unfortunately a few months ago he walked out on her and his 8 children. The 2 girls that are pictured here have brittle bone disease.

who have children that are on the verge of starvation.

This is always one of my favorite families to visit because over the years we have become really good friends. It does not seem like it was all that long ago that some of these same children would run and hide when ever I came on their yard. Now the littler ones almost get in a fight to see who gets to sit on my lap.

Alex, his sister Gladis and a few of the other kids brought 4 kids over to my house to see if I had shoes for them. Even though they know that the amount of kids shoes that I have is limited and not all of them will be receiving new ones this Christmas, my kids felt that it was more important that these 4 kids who are extremely poor, be given shoes. It brought tears to my eyes as I watched my kids kneel at the feet of these kids giving them what they knew they needed themselves.
the finishing touches done on Gustavo's head controlled wheelchair.

I was tired so I sat out for the last part of the game.

and myself headed to Huehuetinango.
We have spent the past few days here visiting people in various remote villages. A lot of really neat things have happened but I am still 3 days behind on my journaling so it will likely be a few days before I get those days published.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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