Journal, February 7-11, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Here are some of their journal entries.
their mission trip to Guatemala click on > James 1:27
Day 1
Scott writes,

Brad writes,
It was really good to be back in Guatemala. We were amazed that the bags made it here. We got stuck with a tax on some of the items we brought in. When they saw the blue plastic containers, they knew they had a great revenue source. For the amount of items we brought in, it was not bad at all.

I look forward to a great day tomorrow where we will build the bunk beds, load all the supplies up and head to the coast.

No privacy
Monday, February 8, 2010
Day 2
Brad writes

It was great being back at the wheelchair shop again. The men who work in the shop were having Bible fellowship when we got there. How cool to see men studying the same Bible, but in a different language.

Dick was fixing a power chair while we worked on the bunks. It was fun to see how he took parts and fabricated a custom head control for a chair. He was motoring around the shop in no time. I am amazed at how creative he is with the chairs. He really cares for the people he is working on these for. He is all heart.

The funny moment of the day was when it came time to move the bunks and supplies into the truck. There was a car parked in our way. So, all of us went out and literally picked the car’s front end up and moved it. It was a front wheel drive car, so we had to lift the front up (which happens to be the heavy end with the engine). We finally got into a rhythm and moved the car out of our way. The owner showed up later and obviously didn’t realize what had happened. He just got into his car and drove away like nothing happened.

Dick Writes,
The following is something that I have carried inside of my bible for over 40 years. It was written by Amy Carmichael a missionary who served in India for fifty-five years without furlough.

The tom-toms thumped straight on all night and the darkness shuddered round me like a living, feeling thing. I could not go to sleep, so I lay awake and looked; and I saw, as it seemed, this: That I stood on a grassy sward, and at my feet a precipice broke sheer down into infinite space. I looked, but saw no bottom; only cloud shapes, black and furiously coiled, and great shadow-shrouded hollows, and unfathomable depths. Back I drew, dizzy at the depth.

Then I saw forms of people moving single file along the grass. They were making for the edge. There was a woman with a baby in her arms and another little child holding on to her dress. She was on the very verge. Then I saw that she was blind. She lifted her foot for the next step . . . it trod air. She was over, and the children over with her. Oh, the cry as they went over!
Then I saw more streams of people flowing from all quarters. All were blind, stone blind; all made straight for the precipice edge. There were shrieks, as they suddenly knew themselves falling, and a tossing up of helpless arms, catching, clutching at empty air. But some went over quietly, and fell without a sound.
Then I wondered, with a wonder that was simply agony, why no one stopped them at the edge. I could not. I was glued to the ground, and I could only call; though I strained and tried, only a whisper would come.
Then I saw that along the edge there were sentries set at intervals. But the intervals were too great; there were wide, unguarded gaps between. And over these gaps the people fell in their blindness, quite unwarned; and the green grass seemed blood-red to me, and the gulf yawned like the mouth of hell.
Then I saw, like a little picture of peace, a group of people under some trees with their backs turned toward the gulf. They were making daisy chains. Sometimes when a piercing shriek cut the quiet air and reached them, it disturbed them and they thought it a rather vulgar noise. And if one of their number started up and wanted to go and do something to help, then all the others would pull that one down. “Why should you get so excited about it? You must wait for a definite call to go! You haven’t finished your daisy chain yet. It would be really selfish,” they said, “to leave us to finish the work alone.”
There was another group. It was made up of people whose great desire was to get more sentries out; but they found that very few wanted to go, and sometimes there were no sentries set for miles and miles of the edge.
Once a girl stood alone in her place, waving the people back; but her mother and other relations called and reminded her that her furlough was due; she must not break the rules. And being tired and needing a change, she had to go and rest for awhile; but no one was sent to guard her gap, and over and over the people fell, like a waterfall of souls.

Once a child caught a tuft of grass that grew at the very brink of the gulf; it clung convulsively, and it called – but nobody seemed to hear. Then the roots of the grass gave way, and with a cry the child went over, its two little hands still holding tight to the torn-off bunch of grass. And the girl who longed to be back in her gap thought she heard the little one cry, and she sprang up and wanted to go; at which they reproved her, reminding her that no one is necessary anywhere; the gap would be well taken care of, they knew. And then they sang a hymn.
Then through the hymn came another sound like the pain of a million broken hearts wrung out in one full drop, one sob. And a horror of great darkness was upon me, for I knew what it was – the Cry of the Blood.

The tom-toms still beat heavily, the darkness still shuddered and shivered about me; I heard the yells of the devil-dancers and weird, wild shriek of the devil-possessed just outside the gate.
What does it matter, after all? It has gone on for years; it will go on for years. Why make such a fuss about it?
God forgive us! God arouse us! Shame us out of our callousness! Shame us out of our sin.

It has been 3 over years since I have been back to the States. I am often asked when I will return home. My reply is that someday I may come back to the USA to visit but Guatemala is my home.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Day 3
Brad writes,
What a day! The thing I warned the guys about the most before the trip was that the first day on the worksite would be filthy, hot, hard work. Well, God did not disappoint us at all.
The first thing we did was start mixing the cement. It is a highly precise mixture of rock, sand and cement. Well, not really accurate! Ten wheelbarrows full of sand (150 shovels full), 5 bags of cement (430 pounds), and 5 wheelbarrows full of rock (65 shovels). The funny thing is that by the end of the day, I know the shovel amount got less and less. Oh well, it didn’t seem to matter as it all worked out perfectly.

Jeff began to feel a little ill, which turned out to be more later. Jeff told me later that as he went over to the fence to get sick, Juanito came over and placed his hand on him, and began to pray. Jeff refers to him as the “Prayer locomotive”. Juanito is very quiet and mild. But, when he prays, he is a completely different person. Jeff said that when Juanito began to pray for him, he had never felt that kind of feeling. I have experienced something like that previously in my own life, and I have to agree with Jeff that no words can describe the emotion that runs through you. Jeff headed back to the hotel to rest. I hope he is doing better tomorrow.
Bill and Dick were our trowel men. As we mixed the concrete, Jeff and Dick spread all of it where needed. I think Bill has a second calling in life! He really did a great job. Especially when you consider how hot it was on the site. We mixed the cement in the shade, Bill and Dick were in the direct sun all day.

Our team was completely amazing. We were so fast! After we finished the foundation, we still had time to assemble all of the walls and the ceiling. This will save us so much time tomorrow. We need it as we still have to install the ONIL Stove, the Pila, water line, and electricity.
We had a great moment when the mayor’s wife visited the site. She has been so involved behind the scenes in getting the land purchased and things prepared for us. She invited us to her restaurant off the coast for dinner. We gladly accepted her invitation, though we knew we would be worn out. Boy, am I glad we took her offer.

We headed back to the boat and the adventure continued. The sun was up when we arrived. But, it was completely pitch black on the return trip. I am amazed that we did not run over something on the way. It was so dark that it was funny. Well, maybe not that funny.
It was a day full of amazing moments. God never ceases to amaze any of us. He blessed us with experiences that we never imagined at the beginning of the day. I love it! God is good!!!
As I write this, two cats are attempting to kill each other (or something else) outside. I really hope they just get it over with. It may be hard to sleep with the wailing and gnashing of teeth outside our window.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 4
Scott writes,
Two marathons, back to back…that is how Bill Wagner, a.k.a. “Forest”, described our last two days of work. I did not expect it to be easy, but I certainly did not train for this. At the end of today’s labor I watched each man drag himself back to the van with a smile, though. We were so grimy we were unrecognizable. We literally had Guatemala all over us, and in us (from breathing the constant clouds of dust).
Yes, you are right, this is what we wanted. The Holy Spirit is all over this project. So, is it cliché’ to say that during a Christian mission trip? Who cares! When was the last time that there was no room between you and God? Aren’t you sick of the layers of junk that get between you and the Creator of the universe?

Brad writes,

Today was not what I expected. I told my Dad as we were getting dressed for today that it should not be as dusty as yesterday. But, I decided to wear the same pants just in case. I don’t know what it is, but I seem to attract dirt more than the other guys. I am amazed at how hard everyone is working on this trip. Chris Mooney was saying how much we had gotten accomplished in the two days. One of the things that made the difference was having Jeff back with us today. It’s amazing how 24 hours can make a difference. Yesterday, he was not feeling well at all. He slept most of the day. Today, he was on the worksite eating Jalepeno Doritos and ice cream! Jeff also had a great time playing with some kids that took up residence on the worksite. He took pictures, tried to talk to them and watched them as they picked up three poisonous frogs. None of us would pick them up. One little boy finally picked up a plastic wrapper and moved all three without any fear.

Tomorrow morning, Dick, Jeff and I will drive up to get the family. We will bring them back for the dedication, spend time with them and take them back to their place. The family is not quite set up to move down to the coast. The staff at the clinic that has helped care for them will hold all of their donations until they are ready. Hopefully, that will be soon.

Oh, one last highlight is the ONIL Stove we installed today. I have been wanting to see one installed for a long time. I finally got to witness it. It was really awesome seeing it. Some women from around the neighborhood were standing admiring the stove. They were obviously very interested in it when they heard that it takes so little firewood.

I am so thankful to have my dad with me on this trip. It has been a wonderful time. The memories that we are building together will last a lifetime.
Day 5
Brad writes,

Rosa was so nice. She smiled and laughed, which was both heart-warming and spirit lifting. I imagined that she would not be as joyful since her pictures always showed her sad looking. The kids were cute but very shy. The 6-year old, Marvin, looked like he was 4-years old. He was so tiny. We loaded them up in Dick’s car and drove them to the house in Sipacate. They laughed as Dick drove over the rough Guatemalan roads. Jeff and I really wished that we could speak Spanish. There were so many things we wanted to ask her.
When we arrived, the rest of the guys were setting the donations up and finishing the electrical work. There was a huge crowd gathered as the Mayor of Gomera and his wife and entire entourage was there. The Mayors in Guatemala must have armed protection. So, his guards blocked off the road to keep traffic away. He was so nice. He spoke many words of gratitude for what we and Bethel had done. He thanked God for the blessing to the family. He did a wonderful job of welcoming Rosa into the town.
I thanked the Mayor, his wife and the community for allowing us to be a part of this wonderful event this week. Juanito finished with a prayer to bless the family and house.
We went inside and Bill explained all of the donations to Rosa. She will not be moving in for another 5 days. She took many supplies back with her.

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