Journal, October 3-6, 2010

but I have learned not to be surprised when God hands me a shovel."
Monday, Oct. 4, 2010
Debbie Hills who is here with the teem from the USA has also been doing some journaling. The following journal entries were written by her.
..........We are having a great trip and God has been at work among us. This team of folks has come together well and is doing great things for our Lord. It is truly one of the most humbling and awesome experiences to be at work in such a place as this. The people on this team have a unity of spirit and selfless service that is nothing less than God driven and Holy Spirit empowered, as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Our third little one was Melvin, who is quite bright and has good head control and sitting balance. He has Spina Bifida and is unable to walk. We were able to set up a chair that is just his size, and will allow him to be mobile for the first time in his life.
We then started working on the children and young adults who live at the orphanage. We had picked out chairs for them from pictures and measurements so we had a place to start. The severity of the deformities and disabilities is difficult to explain in words. Many of these precious ones have laid for years and their bodies have developed more and more deformities, things we rarely if ever see in the U.S. The first young lady I seated was Judith. It was amazing to see just how great she looked when we finished with her chair.
We started two other very severe cases but had to wait until Tues. to complete them. Both required total rebuilds of the chairs with some very creative adaptations. Things I have never done before. One of the seating gurus down here looked at it and said "I've never seen that done before." I had to admit, I had never done that before either.
HI Again Friends,

We had a God sighting today. With the severity of some of the spinal curvatures of these older "kids" we sometimes have to do a foam carving to fit around the curve. Geronimo was one of these. As we tried the chair we thought would work for him, it wouldn't. But one of the extra ones we brought looked promising. And Dick found a back from another chair that was carved for the child who it was donated from, and it fit his curvature exactly like it was made for him. That is about a one in a 10,000 possibility. Wow! God is good.
We got many of the children and young adults completed including Josefina. I mentioned her in my last journal entry. We had to build a box that was fully padded to keep her feet safe and positioned under her because the tightness in her knees prevented her from using footrests in the typical way. She also has a very tight left hip that is fixed in a position bent up toward her chest. When we got the chair done she was sitting upright and seemed to be fairly comfortable. The proof will be when we hear from her caregivers in the morning. I am hopeful and thank God for giving us the inspiration of how to set this chair up. After spending the night actually dreaming about how to go about fitting a chair for her, it was a relief to actually get it completed.
We continued working on Gaudy's chair today but did not get it finished. I do believe that when we are done, it will be good, but there is more to do.
Tomorrow we have a lot of repairs to do and several new chairs to finish. We will see how it goes, but hope to be finished tomorrow afternoon. It has been amazing to see the amount of work and the quality of work being done these first two days. This team is working so well together, and our time in the orphanage has been a real blessing.

Perhaps my favorite time was when I picked up a little one this afternoon and she just began to hug me. It was so hard to put her down, but after about 10 minutes I had to get back to work. She just wanted to be loved.
There is so much to do and so many children with so many needs. Please pray for this ministry. It is so needed here.
Wed. Oct. 6, 2010
Debbie writes,
Hi again from Sunny Guatemala. Please keep the prayers coming for sun here. It has been dry for 2 days!
We have had a great final day of seating at the Orphanage. Praise God, the report I got from Josefina's caregivers is that she was comfortable in her wheelchair last night and then again this morning. That is an answer to prayer. As I struggled with how to make a wheelchair comfortable for her, I just kept praying that we could ease her pain and make her comfortable and it seems to be working.
Another blessings is that Gaudy's wheelchair was finally completed this morning. With some additional work we were able to get her feet back under her chair a bit farther and that gave her the relief she needed to be able to bend her hips enough to actually sit on her bottom instead of her lower back. She was so happy and cheerful throughout the past 3 days as we tried her in and out of her chair, making adjustment after adjustment. When we finally got it done, she was all smiles.
Before noon we had finished all the new chairs (we thought) and had started on the badly needed repairs on many of the children's chairs. About 2:00 a baby was brought to me for a new chair. Claudio is 18 months old and has many medical problems, he was about the size of a 4 month old. At first I thought we did not have anything that would work for him, but after I prayed (it's amazing how that works!) my eyes landed on a small chair that had been sitting not far from where I was working. I thought it belonged to another child in the orphanage, but after asking about it, we determined that we had given another chair to it's previous owner yesterday and so it was ours to use again. After a bit of work and retrofitting, it worked out just right for this precious little one.
It is always a bitter sweet time when the work is done for another mission trip. With mixed emotions we left for our motel about 5:00PM. I hope I will be able to return here one day. I hope, most of all that one day I will see these precious little ones in God's heaven, running and playing as all children should. Thank you for all the ways each of you have supported the work down here. I have been blessed once again, by the experience.
Blessings, Debbie
Cyndi, another member of the teem wrote the following.
Wow! After 3 solid days working on wheelchairs at the orphanage I'm a bit tired and maybe even a little sore, but my hart is filled with joy at been given the privilege to meet some of the children and provide or fix their wheelchairs. Never having been to an orphanage I didn't know what to expect. The cleanliness of the center as well as the children was impressive. Staff were so attentive to the needs of the children, their care giving was exceptional.

I return home soon and am excited to see my family. The children and people I have met on this trip will always have a place in my hart.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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