Kids camp has just ended and I once again find that I have done not journaling. Fortunatly Pat duff is back from the States and she had the opportunity to visit camp so once again I am posting what she wrote. One of these days I plan on doing more of my own writing but this is so much easier. It also gives my spell checker a much needed rest. It know that it needed it when the only thing that it came up with were "Give me a hint." and "You have got to be kidding."
Today I went to visit the Hope Haven-Bethel ministries camp in Chimaltenango with Walmer and his family. Walmer was born in Guatemala, and now lives in the U.S. but has a passion to help his people. His family is especially committed to the children at Hermano Pedro. We were accompanied by Romie, a man from Holland who works for the Red Cross and is in Guatemala for only a few days.
This week is children's camp, last week the youth were at camp, and next week the adults will come. Camp is held in a Bible Institute in Chimaltenango, and people with disabilities and their care-takers come from literally all over the country to participate in this special time of fellowship.
And the race is on |
Craft time | | | | | | | |
Camp activities range from crafts, to wheelchair races, to zoo trips to chapel. For one week, the campers live together in community and it is powerful to watch the bonds that are made. A key goal is to help the campers grow in their relationship with God as well as with each other. It really is amazing to watch.
When we arrived we were immediately greeted by Henry from Hermano Pedro. Dick had just put him into his walker, and he was running around like a maniac and having the time of his life! It was neat to walk in and hear a number of kids call, "Paty." I couldn't help but contrast this with my first visit to camp about 4 years ago, when I knew no one. Now I knew many of the kids not only from Hermano Pedro, but also from villages I have been blessed to visit. And I finally got to meet Erica, a young lady with a severe skin disease. I've heard about her for years from Dick, and it was so neat to be able to visit with her. She has a voracious apetite for learning, and would love to be able to speak English.

Christopher and his mom |
As I was wandering around talking with campers and their care-givers and volunteers, I was suddenly "attacked" from behind. It was Moises from Hermano Pedro, who was beaming ear to ear. At the orphanage he often shies away from talking to me, and never wants his picture taken. Today he couldn't be more outgoing, and even posed for a snapshot! His hug made my day.
Since there were almost more volunteers than campers, we decided to head back to Hermano Pedro and spend some time with the kids who could not go to camp. Jane and Helene, two North American volunteers at camp, Dick, Carlin, Brian and I all piled into the the Land Cruiser (yes, Dick finally has his own car back) and headed for Antigua. Though the kids were all in bed when we got there, each of them got a special serving of love and attention this afternoon. All the volunteers joined in working with the kids on activities and in all it was a pretty productive afternoon.
Thanks Pat, One of these days I will get back to writing and then you can take a break and copy everything that I write.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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