Since we had such a large teem some of the group brought clothing and water filters to some of the other needy families in the area.

A few more of the
wheelchair recipients.
One not so pleasant surprise when I got back home was to discover that the pump that supplies to this end of town has quit working. The good news is that I have a 300 gallon water tank on the top of my house for emergencies like this. However I left a key with the kids so that they could use the shower while I was gone. I am still trying to figure out how many kids it takes to use 300 gallons of water in 3 days but not a drop was left in the tank when I got back home. Fortunately there is a business that has it's own well and delivers water just across the street from me and by 6:00 PM I had water. Unfortunately one of the kids some how managed to burn out my electric widow maker shower head so it took me another 2 hours to locate and install a new one.

I know that I have written in the past about parents who want nothing to do with a child simply because he or she has some type of disability but over the years we are meeting more and more families that show a lot of love to a disabled child. Today we met a family that not only accepted their little girl who was both physically and mentally disabled but they considered her a gift from God and a real blessing. Papa especially seemed to radiate when ever he was near his precious little girl. Was he praying that she would some day be heeled? Certainly! but whether that would be in this life or once she got to heaven this man and his wife had an unconditional love for their little girl that I have not seen in many parents. They were a real inspiration to all of us.
By the way, Pat has posted several journals in the last few days. I hate to swipe everything that she writes so instead I will leave you THIS LINK to Pat's Journal.
The rest of the teem got back from Jalapa last night. I did not get a chance to get any pictures of the completed house from them yet, but will try to post some soon.

Most of my kids have a youth group activity in Antigua this afternoon and evening so that is why I finally found some time to get caught up with this journal. I have to go and pick them up from Antigua at 8:30 Oh no! That reminds me I left my car at the car wash over 4 hours ago and promised to pick it up an hour later. It is now 6:30 and they normally close at 6:00 PM.
Yours in Christ: Dick