A few days ago I posted a Journal that was primarily written by Daryl Felt. A day later I received the following from John Simons, who was one of the other men that accompanied us on the trip up to Nebaj. I thought that you would enjoy reading what John wrote about the trip.
John wrote the following.Once again I find myself back in Guatemala for my second short term mission. And again I am traveling with my best friend Scott Hardee from Kansas City.
We connected with Daryl Fulp from Ohio who we met down here last year. Since then Daryl has moved his family here to Guatemala. Our second day started with a 3 day trip with Dick Rutgers to sign up special needs Guatemalans for camp this November which will be the 11th held here since Dick arrived in Guatemala. Also traveling with us was a young man named Gerardo who is a Guatemalan who the Lord's hand is upon. Our journey will take us through the rough terrain of Guatemala's mountains and valleys searching for the villages and homes of several campers. The 5 of us will become a Band of Christian Brothers who will come to know, love and appreciate each one's gifts.
As we traveled the steep mountains and their valleys we encountered dozens of rock and mud slides, and we were unable to count all the pot holes and speed bumps in our path. In spite of the swaying back and forth and the many bruises and back pain, we endured the long hours traveling each day. During this time we shared about the many speed bumps, pot holes and mud slides we had encountered in our lives(whether they were the failed relationships, our hardened hearts or times of doubting our faith). But as each one shared THAT when we repented, like the small passages through the rock and mud slides that Dick's new Toyota was able to find a way through, God was always there to help us through and welcome us back. As we encouraged each Other with God’s word and knowing Jesus is the author and finisher of our Faith. In psalms 121 it reads I lift my eyes to the Hills, where does my help come from, my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth. And the last verse reads the Lord watches over our coming and going both now and forever. Even through the valleys and all the way to the mountain tops. Praise be to our God.
Dick has traveled many times through the rough terrain giving wheel chairs and other support that is needed to these special people. And he would be the first to say all would be in vain if not for Jesus and the message of salvation through HIM. My key verse coming to Guatemala is 2 Corinthians chapt 5 verse 20: We are therefore Christ's ambassadors as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf; be reconciled to God. It was a privilege to meet the campers in their homes where they welcomed us as family. Especially the 70 year old lady who has not missed a year at camp. She does not speak a work of Spanish, but a local Mayan language. I could tell that she was proud to be a part of camp and displayed a certificate of last year's on her wall. We also met Victor, a 19 year old man, who also is coming to camp and needed new crutches.
We also brought him a P.E.T. The best way to describe it is a 3 wheeled wagon with a seat and hand peddles that turn a gear to the front wheel. He had one as a child and out grew that one and this larger one fit him well. As we started to put the P.E.T. together the neighbors and his family came out. What a blessing to see the acceptance he has with his family and village. Before we left we prayed for Victor and his family and for a blessing upon the village. We really were blessed by Gerardo with doing the translating and prayers. We also encountered Donald, Dick's friend who runs a restaurant and school for the poor and special needs children in his town. I had the privilege of praying over Don a blessing on the restaurant and school, and that he would come to know Gods purpose for his life. I hope you have been blessed by reading of the journey of our Band of brothers in Christ.John SymonsThanks John,
Yours in Christ:
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