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Monday, October 3, 2011
Today I met up with my friends Scot and John at Hermano Pedro orphanage and along with 2 volunteers from Korea. The 5 of us took 4 of the kids from the orphanage out to lunch. I don't know who had more fun the adults or the kids but we all had a great time.

After we got back from lunch Jessica (The head therapist from Hermano Pedro ) and I went out and visited Ricardo, A 15 year old boy that has muscular dystrophy. Ricardo is in a wheelchiar that is much to small for him so we are going to see what we can do to get him a larger one. We are also planning on getting him into a power wheelchair because he can no longer propel himself to and from school. Please pray for this family. It was recently discovered that Ricardo's younger brother has muscular dystrophy as well.
Yours in Christ:
Tuesday, October 4, 2011Pat is back!This morning I took Keven and Esbin along with me to the airport to pick up Pat. She has been in the USA for nearly 3 weeks.

If you think that we missed her you are right but our welcome back was nothing compared to that of the orphanage kids.
Yours in Christ:
Wednesday, November 5, 2011
Pat was catching up on sleep today so Mario and I went out and did some camp recruiting. Most of the families that we visited with were old friends but one family that I have never had the pleasure of meeting before was that of Glendy, her mother and 4 siblings. Glendy (front center) appears to be around 10 years old but she is actually 17. Mother has worked hard at keeping her children in school and even Glendy who has some learning disabilities attends school on a regular bases. Life is not easy for this family as father is an alcoholic.

Our visit with Maria and her family was a bitter sweet one. In the past 2 years 2 of Maria's siblings who use to attend our camp have passed away. Today we discovered that Maria's health is now deteriorating rapidly. She insisted on sitting up when we came but did so with great difficulty. Both her cousin and I had to hold her up. She even mustered up a smile for this picture. Actually she smiled the whole time that we were there. These visits mean so much to our campers and their families.

Mari's mother is a real trooper. Even though she has health problems of her own, up until a few years ago she managed to get her 3 wheelchair bound adult children to and from camp by buss every year. Life is not easy for this dear lady as her husband and several other relatives disappeared during the war in the mid eighties.
Yours in Christ:
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I Can't really remember what I did on Thursday but I must have gone to the orphanage becasue I have these pictures of Lionell on my camera.
Actually I do remember but I would rather forget. It had something to do with one of my normally trust worthy kids and some missing money. 
Lionell has been on a feeding tube for over 2 months now and up until today he has not eaten a thing the entire time. Today he seemed more alert than he has been in a long time. I got him to smile a few times and even managed to get him drink a little bit of milk.
Yours in Christ:
Friday, October 7, 2011
Another day at Hermano Pedro. 
Thanks to 2 wheelchairs that I was given by Hope Haven Guatemala, today I was able to seat 2 kids in wheelchairs that they desperately needed. Juan Bernardo had long since outgrown his old one and Marina who is in the malnutrition ward received her first wheelchiar ever.
Yours in Christ:
Saturday, October 8, 2011This morning 4 of my boys and I headed to Guatemala City to try and buy tickets to an upcoming soccer game but after several frustrating hours in the City we discovered that the game was sold out.

As we were leaving the city it started to rain and by the time we got home the streets were flooded. This did not stop 2 of my boys from playing soccer later in the afternoon though.

Yours in Christ:
DickSunday, October 9, 2011After Church Pat, my boys, and I grabbed a bite to eat then headed back to the orphanage. Soon Chris arrived with 11 people that are here for the week. This group is from, West Side, which is Pat's home church in Omaha, so she was anxious to see them. After giving them a tour of the orphanage we turned them and my boys loose on the kids.
Was it a worth while day? I will let you be the judge.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress
and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27
Yours in Christ: