I am finally back in Guatemala,and things are pretty much back to normal.

After having a house to myself while I was in the USA for the past six weeks, the first day back in Guatemala felt a bit strange with about 5 kids in the house. But that soon changed and now there are sometimes as many as 15 so things are pretty much back to normal. I have laid down some new ground rules though and so far I am managing to have a few hours to myself in the evening.

Most of my kids were out of money so I did not have to do much coaxing to get them to do some work. My house and my car look better than they have in a long time.

Other than that most everything else has been going pretty much as normal. My new camera stopped working. My cell phone gave up the ghost, and my Electric Widow Maker Shower Head caught on fire again. If you look closely at the picture you will see the last glimmer of fire on the wires that run to it. At least this time I remembered to pull the breaker before splashing water on the fire.

On Saturday the kids and several of the neighbors
decorated my car up for the BIG EVENT.


Saturday was Lady's 15 birthday and here in Guatemala that is almost as big of a deal as a wedding.
We used my car to bring her to her birthday party.

It was a nice party with over 150 people attending.

Personally I would have asked only one pastor to speak but I guess I should be thankful that one of the three kept his message down to an hour and a half. Then again the two longer messages may have been more interesting if I understood Spanish.

Some of my kids are now attending church in Chimaltenango and most of the others had soccer games today so Cessar's little brother David was the only one that came along to church with me in Antigua. We had planned on having Pat join us as well but she was a bit under the weather today.
After Lunch David and I met up at Hermano Pedro with Chris Mooney and a teem that is here from the States. It was great to be able to see all of the kids again. Bethel Ministries has a wheelchair distribution down near Mazatenango tomorrow but after that I plan on spending more time with the orphanage kids.

Well that is about it for now.
Please continue to pray for us.
My boys seem to have done fairly well while I was gone but they are teens and can always use prayer.We are still working on getting Mariam in for the operation on the tumor that is behind her eye but are having a hard time contacting the neurosurgeon. Please pray that he returns our phone calls soon.My infection is gone and I am feeling well but I am 65 an can always use prayer.I won't mention Pat's age but you can pray for her to.We have a wheelchair distribution tomorrow. Pray that Christ is magnified in that distribution and in all that we do here in Guatemala.Goodnight,
Yours in Christ:
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