Last week we had the pleasure of hosting a teem from
Nooksack Valley Reformed Church in Washington State. Nooksack is a town that is located just a few miles from where I grew up so many of these people were old friends. One was even my old boss and another was my cousin's son. While they were here they took turns journaling so once again I was off the hook in having to do any writing. I think that you will enjoy what they had to say.
Mission team's journal,
Wednesday – February 6th
Day! Today was the first day here doing work. Me (Callie), Amanda,
Ashley and Arlis went and made the food bags and packed the clothes. We
made 20 food bags but sent only 6. Those six families we went to had all
different stories, but all broke your heart. Seeing kids getting so
happy over a little race car or a pack of candy and parents and
grandparents being so grateful for a bag of food that hopefully lasts
them a month with 5 or more people living with them, it really opens
your eyes and makes you see how truly grateful we are. And that the
people and we know that God is always there. (Callie)
1st Day cont’d – Thinking 6am was going to be early for
wake up was taken care of by the local chickens and dogs. Headed out of
hotel at 6:45am and off to breakfast and then to the wheelchair repair
shop. Chris and Dick introduced us to the work being done in the shop
and all the other jobs them and others have. Very impressive! The guys
were then made into two groups to start house foundations.
was with Chris’s group. Little did I know what kind of character Chris
is. Also, little did I know how hard dirt can get! We dug out, set the
blocks and poured the slab for the house to be built later. Sounds easy,
but task was a great accomplishment when it was done. I know I will
sleep well tonight! The house we are working on is a part of a small
cluster of houses with others next door. A mother, son and daughter were
busy next to us most of the day. The little brother would watch, smile,
and take off running, only to be back in 30 minutes. We worked hard,
and laughed hard. Chris has a way of making everyone laugh. Although, I
think he had the locals laughing at us! Or maybe, they too were laughing
at Chris’s singing! Although his singing needs to be worked on, the
driving classes should come first. However, we all made it back to the
hotel safe. Praise the Lord. (Ryan)
Thursday- February 7th
2nd Day! Today a group of us went to do food and clothing
distribution. It was my second day doing this and it opened my eyes just
as much as it did 4 years ago. Nothing has changed, people are so happy
with anything and everything we give them. One lady specifically said,
“How could my relationship with God not be great? After all He’s my
provider and creator.” I don’t think I will ever forget that. It made me
realize that even though she has so little she is still so happy and
feels blessed by her Lord. The next thing that really stuck out to me
was when we were giving out candy to a few kids all of a sudden a ton of
kids were coming out of all the houses on the block. Dick played a
trick on them that made them think that money was coming out of their
ears, and then when we were driving away the kids were checking their
ears. Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while! I feel so blessed that God
brought me here for a second time to see all of these wonderful people.
Day – cont’d… Dan, Ted, Kyle and Josh continued to work on building
houses today. The rest of us went on food/clothing distributions with
Chris. We went out of town for part of the day. The families were all so
appreciative. Many of them had at least 4 or 5 kids. One girl was 13
and an orphan. She stays with random families. It broke my heart to hear
of her loss. For lunch, we went to a buffet style restaurant that had
Guatemalan food. It was really delicious! It was a great day! I’m
excited to see what God has planned the rest of the week. (Ashley)
Friday – February 8th
Day – Wheelchair Distribution Day We were picked up by Chris and Donna
at 6:15am this morning, but the local rooster and dog took care of the
wake-up call. Then off to breakfast at Pollo Compero, “old faithful”.
From there, we drove to Guatemala City. I (Blake), Ted, and Ashley rode
with Dick in the Land Cruiser and the rest in the van. We gave out the
wheelchairs at a government building that looked to be a school type
property. We gave away just under 50 chairs, with one recipient giving
their life to the Lord. Praise God! Even if this was the only fruit we
could see, it was well worth it. Even though we didn’t speak the same
language, the love of Christ was shown without words, through smiles,
hugs, and countless “mucho gracias” coming from kids and parents, and
the lights of the eyes of those severely disabled children of the
Father. (Blake)

3rd Day cont’d….We were in Guatemala City distributing
wheelchairs as previously mentioned. A great experience, we have to
remember how good we got it at home. Our daily needs are almost never in
jeopardy. The countless thank yous from the people we tried to help
make any inconvenience seem extremely small. The day’s
mission ended a bit early around 3:30pm, so we stopped at Antigua on the
way home. It is a small town (in perspective), started by the Spanish,
church’s and buildings from the 1700’s, an incredible place to see.
Thank God for the opportunity. (Mark)
Saturday - February 9th
4th day - We split into two groups; one built the second
house on the last foundation of the two we put in and poured on
Wednesday. The second group went on family visiting and distributing
food, clothing, shoes, candy and love to several needy families. The
house build went well and we also set up a stove plus a 3 story bunk bed
for them. This house was for a blind widow and her 2 single daughters.
We had a very moving dedication with them and then headed to the Hotel
for a hot shower. A great day and gift from God. (Dan)
Sunday – February 10th
5th Day – We went to church in Antigua. It was a lot
different than I expected. They had both Spanish and English
spoken/sung. After church we went to the Cross on the hill. It was an
awesome view of the town! We met Dick for a tour of the orphanage and
played with the kids. It was a great experience seeing how they love to
interact. It was also sad to know many go to bed after lunch and stay
till morning. We got to have some free time to shop and look around
Antigua. We went to dinner at an Italian restaurant. It was a great day!
Mon - February 11th
We had an early 6:30 breakfast at Pollo Compero. After breakfast we
loaded all the tools and wheel barrows and each crew headed out to the
jobsites to level and pour foundations and floors for the two houses
that the next team will build. Our crew consisted of me (John), Dan,
Mark, Ted, Chris, Juan, Ashley, Amanda, Arlis and Callie. We had a
fairly level site, so there was not a lot of prep work to do before
starting the foundation. Dick came after we had the foundation done and
picked up Ted and Arlis to go out on family visits. We had the floor
poured and everything picked up and loaded by 11:30. Then it was off to
help the other crew finish their job. The 2nd crew consisted
of Ryan, Josh, Kyle, Saul and Blake. They had a really tough jobsite.
The foundation needed an extra row of blocks to bring the floor height
above the existing old cement and debris. This required lots of fill
that had to be dumped on the street and wheeled between two buildings
into the courtyard and then up a ramp between two more buildings, up a
plank and then leveled between the foundation blocks. That’s what you
call a tough build! By lunch time we realized we were short on fill,
cement and sand. We made sandwiches and ate lunch while we waited for
more material. The truck arrived just as we finished lunch. The
hydraulic dump on the truck would not lift the heavy load, so 6 of us, 3
on each side, lifted on the front of the truck bed to help dump the
load. We wheeled in the rest of the fill dirt and sand.
After leveling
and watering down the fill, we started on the concrete floor. We had
everyone, including the girls mixing cement in 5 wheelbarrows. The
couple that will own the house, also helped mix cement. Picture 12
people shoveling the correct amount of rock, sand and cement dust into 5
wheelbarrows, adding water and mixing. As you can imagine this was, at
times, quite a circus! Dan and Kyle were laying down the concrete and
did a great job troweling out a perfect finish. After we finished, we
gathered together with the family, husband and wife, two daughters and
son. The father and mother are professional clowns that perform for
Christian children’s events. They gave their testimony and then thanked
and prayed for our team. We finished by praying for the family and
dedicating their future home to the Glory of God. (John)
Monday – February 11th (cont’d)
Dick, Ted and myself(Arlis) decided we would take some of the
orphanage kids out for lunch to Pollo Compero’s and then do some family
visiting later in the afternoon. We took the scenic route into Antigua
and were still a little early so we had coffee at a little coffee shop
by Central Park area of Antigua. We then met up with Dave Black (friend
of Dick’s) at the orphanage. He had checked out 4 boys to take to lunch –
Alfonso, Diego, Mynor and I can’t remember the other boy’s name. Wow!
Were they excited to go! It was so neat to see their smiles! Dick was
glad that Dave had chosen which boys to take because it is so hard to
say no to all the others. After loving on the other kids for awhile, we
headed out pushing the boys in their wheelchairs down the street and
across Central Park to Pollo Comperos; the kids were having so much fun
on the way! When we arrived there, the waitresses welcomed us and
quickly set up some tables for us. Dick, Dave, Ted and I each helped one
of the boys with their lunch. They all were very well behaved and
enjoyed their lunch. I helped Mynor; he loved his French fries dipped in
salsa! As we took them back to the orphanage, they still had these big
smiles on their faces! What a joy it was to be able to take these kids
out of their 24/7 orphanage environment to the outside world of God’s
creation – sun, fresh air, trees, flowers, water fountains, people,
horses, dogs, street noises, Pollo Compero’s food, and……..watching them
enjoy every minute of it! Bless these little ones Lord!
After bringing the kids back to the orphanage, we drove back to
Chimal and met up with Carol (Bethel’s social worker) at the wheelchair
shop. We packed up some bags of food, backpacks and bibles to go visit
some families that had applied at Bethel Ministries for help with food
and possibly a new home. The first stop was a family with three kids.
The father had been shot in his stomach and he was in need of more
surgery but could not afford to pay for it. He also was not able to
work, so his wife and the kids were working to make some money. The kids
were still able to go to school so we gave them backpacks and a bible
along with the food. They were so grateful for the help we could give
them! We prayed for them and gave them hugs along with our goodbyes.
(While we were visiting, Ted was up by Dick’s car making friends with
all the neighborhood kids)Ted has such a heart for all the kids.
Our next stop was a single mother and daughter that were living next
to her son and family. The little girl was going to school so we also
gave a backpack and children’s bible along with the bag of food. Carol
asked about her family and the needs that she had and explained about
the food in the bag, the vitamins and the bible. We then prayed with the
family and gave hugs and our goodbyes. We got lost trying to find the
last family….

After driving a few miles up a steep dirt road with big
ruts in it, we decided to turn around. There was a man chopping down
corn stalks by the road so we stopped and asked directions, which were
to go in the opposite direction up a long hill We arrived at the home of
a single mother with the sweetest little boy and girl! They lived in a
small house with plywood walls, a tin roof that leaked and a dirt floor.
The mother told us she didn’t have any more food and had prayed that
God would provide her family with food - God answered her prayer by
using us! It was the little boy’s birthday, he was so happy and thankful
to get a backpack and a bible to read some day when he could read
better, and the little girl was thankful for the hair clip and bracelet I
gave her. These children melted our hearts by their smiles, hugs and
gratitude – such polite children! We prayed for this family and thanked
God for providing for their needs. With big hugs, we said our goodbyes.
*This was a special day for me, knowing we were being used by God
in such a special way! Lord, bless all these families with Your loving
presence, Your protection and Your provision always!
For dinner tonight we went to a favorite Mexican Restaurant in a
small nearby Mall. We surprised Ryan with a birthday cake (that Callie
had picked out for him) as the waiters put a Sombrero on him and sang
Happy Birthday to him! Kyle, Ryan and Josh surprised us all by riding up
to our table on little battery powered horses they had bribed the owner
to let them ride on! What a fun way to end our week in Guatemala!
Tuesday – February 12th
John did the daily wake- up call this morning at 4:15am so we could
be ready for Chris to pick us up at 4:45am. We were on the road by 5am –
it was good that we got an early start because we ran into a lot of
morning traffic on the way into Guatemala City! I think it was around
6:30am when we arrived at the airport….we said our goodbyes to Chris and
checked in and went through security without any problems. We had
coffee and breakfast together, did a little shopping and boarded plane
for Dallas around 9am. We had a 3 hour layover in Dallas which ended up
being 4 because they had to do some clean-up and repair work on the
plane. We arrived at Seattle around 7:30pm and were at church around
*Thank you Lord for allowing us to go to Guatemala to be a
blessing for you! Thank you for watching over us and our families! Thank
you for touching our hearts by this experience. Now guide and help each
of us to act upon what You have taught us through this experience.
Please continue to show Your loving presence, protection and provision
to all the people we met and helped in Guatemala. And Lord, we ask a
special blessing on Chris & Donna, their family, their ministry,
Dick and Pat as they follow You, doing Your Kingdom work in Guatemala.
Lord, fill them with Your love and grace, Your power and strength, Your
wisdom and guidance. Help them Lord to work together in unity and love
as they share Your love with everyone that You put into their lives and
their paths. In Jesus name we pray, Amen (Arlis)
Thanks teem for coming down and especally for journaling, and an extra big thank you to Ryan who polked more fun of Chris's driving than mine. I am sure glad that Ryan didn't hear me sing though.
Good night,
Yours in Christ:
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