Back In The Saddle Again
My good friend Dave black is back in town again. Dave once again volunteered to do some journaling for me and since I actually did the last one myself I gladly obliged.
Back in the saddle again.
Written by David Black.

Our next stop was near La Gomera to see Marvin, who has C.P. Dick says he is looking and doing much better after receiving vitamins and food. Dick also wanted to take Marvin's siblings to Camperos for obtaining good marks for the last school year, but they said thet had to collect firewood for mama. Quite a sacrifice to miss chicken at Camperos!
Our last stop was to visit Ronnie's family and take his brothers and sisters to Camperos for their school marks last year also. The ride to and from San Lucas was the best part of the day. Ronnie's sisters laughed the whole way there and back, hitting Dick's boys continually with a plastic pop bottle. While this was going on in the back, Dick had Orlindo and Djuan driving with him. This was worth the price of admission! Back at Ronnie's house, Dick checked with mama about school funding for this year, and received some hugs from the older sisters in the house.

We then visited Edger , a 15 year old boy who has C.P., but you wouldn't know it. He is one of the happiest, smiling boys I have met here, and his mom, and younger brother and sisters are the same. What a nice family. His chair had not been charging well, and after checking his charger, DIck gave him a new charger. Dick wanted to make sure his chair was okay, as school starts this week. His school even has even built a ramp for his chair to go up!

After having a dandy breakfast (Looks like we are getting David trained in English) for 20Q, we went to Mayan Families to meet Angel, a 16 yr.old boy who has M.D. (?) Dick had brought 2 electric chairs, and we had to figure out which one would fit Angel best, becuse of his severe curved back. We went with the first one , a hybrid Dick had made from an electric bottom, and a Hope Haven seat. After much cutting of foam and seat adjustments, Angel was driving around the yard with a big smile on his face!

The,best,part,of the morning for me was when Dick told mama this was a gift from God. When mama thanked us and God with tears in her eyes, ....well you can guess what happened to my eyes.

After lunch in Pana, we took a boat to Tsununa to visit Juaquin, a 16 yr. old boy with C.P. He is also scheduled to go to Dr. Will in Feb. for possible surgery to straighten his legs. Dick wanted to touch base with him and his family, and fortunately his uncle was there to translate from Spanish to Tzutuil, the local Mayan dialect. Tsununa is no Pana - very poor homes with dirt floors and bamboo walls , etc.

After breakfast in Pana ( at our favorite spot ), we drove to Santiago to meet Argentina, the lady in Santiago who knows everyone and their needs. We fiitted Augustina into the other electric chair. With minor adjustments, it was a perfect fit. Another grateful family, and she loved driving her new chair around their yard.
Funny (Godincident ?) how both chairs we had brought fitted Angel and Augustina so well. "Thank you Lord."
Thanks Dave, As usual it was great traveling with you. Even if your driving scared the kids. Didn't bother me though. I guess I must have slept through it.
<>< Yours in Christ: Dick ><>