My Crew
Most of my boys are back in school and doing fine. When they are not in school they love to go out on the road with me. Not only are they getting good at interpreting and helping repair and fit wheelchairs but most of them are great at talking with and praying with the people that we visit.

It has now been over a month and Abner is still not in the USA. His relatives have been told that he is being held in a house in Mexico until the family comes up with even more money and then the people that promised to get him into the States will release him. The family talked to him over the phone and he told thim that at one point he was given only 2 tortillas to eat in an entire week. I am very worried about his safety.
Fernando, Abner's nephew is very sad. Although he is worried about Abner he feels a bit betrayed because he and Abner who are about the same age, were like brothers. Both of their mothers left for the USA at the same time and until recently Fernando often talked about some day joining his mother as well. Those feelings have recently changed though. Mom has started a new life. She has remarried and started a new family, and recently she told Fernando that she does not want him to be a part of it. Fernando doesn't know who is father is either and feels very much deserted and alone. We had a good talk a few nights ago and Fernando confided in me that although he is staying out of trouble and doing well in school some times he feels like giving up. He knows that both Pat and I love him but still wants his mother to at least acknowledge that she is proud that he is doing well.
Please pray for both of these boys. Pray for wisdom in my part as well. Abner's walk with God is not all that good. Fernando has a closer walk with God but it is sometimes hard to believe that your heavenly Father loves you when your earthly parents will have almost nothing to do with you.
Bryan is doing OK but he needs to spend a bit more time doing his home work. Bryan does not know who his dad is and trying to get his mom to take at leas a little interest in him is like pulling teeth. He was really hurt when she refused to go to a special mother's day outing that Bran paid for out of money that he had earned working for me
This is an update I wrote the paragraphs above yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon Fernando and Bryan came to me and said that they were asked to do a school project. They decided that they wanted to go and help out some kids that are in an aldia (small village) that we try to visit every few months. Betehl Ministries has been helping several kids that are having difficulty in in their studies. All of these kids are very bright but are struggling in school because of language barriers. Most of their parents can not read or write so it is difficult for them to help their kids with their studies. Bethel has hired a teacher that comes in every after noon and works with the kids that are willing to use what could be free time to better themselves.
(Click on Photo to enlarge)

Jason has not been allowed into my house for several months now due to some drug and stealing issues. He stopped in yesterday to tell me that he is doing well. I tested him for drugs and he actually tested clean but I still have my reservations about letting him back into the house. Please pray for wisdom on my part.

Esbin was nearly expelled from school a few weeks ago. Both Pat, myself and some of his relatives have attended a number of meetings with is school principal. Esbin knows how to work when he wants to but he has been showing a real lack of respect for any authority. We had another meeting at his school yesterday and it seems that things are now going a bit better. Esbin has been through a lot with a father that he has never met and a mother who hasn't wanted anything to do with him for the past 10 years, but he has to get over being mad at te world and taking it out on everyone else.

Cessar is once again going to school in Chemaltenango. He wants to be a high school coach and is coaching a soccer teem that consists of a few kids from town and some of the younger ones that hang out here. Cessar does well with them. So far they have won all but one of there games. More importantly they are learning how to follow directions.

David is Cessar's little brother. He and Elder are the only 2 that are not in their teens. David fits in quite well and does very good in school.

Marcos had to miss a few weekends of working for Pat because of eye surgery but is now back to work and doing well. Marcos is not an A student but he is well liked by his teachers and is doing well. Marcos spends part of his school day learning to cook and tomorrow night he plans on cooking for our entire crew.
Calin is living with Pat in Antigua during the week and attending school there. He is learning the tourist trade and seems to enjoy it. I am praying that he gets hooked up with something that is Missions related as he is doing so well in his Christian walk.

Miguel giving
David a haircut.
Miguel and Tony work full time at Pat's group home. Right now there are only 2 residents but a third one is expected soon.

Kevin is studying to be a dental assistant and is talking about going to university to be a full fleged dentist.

Alex I do not see to much of Alex since he moved back with his family in San Marteen. I miss him but am glad that he is back with his family.
I know that I left some of the boys out and didn't get you updated on to much of what we have been up to but I will try to update you on some of that at a later date.

-Edgar who we have been taking to several speculates to see what can be done about all of the seizure activity that he has been having. Thing are improving a bit but we are praying that he can someday be seizure free.

-Alex and his family. Alex is 17 and looks like a skinny 6 year old. some of the boys and I spent an entire day at there Home. This is a beautiful family but Alex needs physicl strengtha and the entire family is seeking a closer walk with God.
-Pat and her group home. Wisdom and finances.