A Few Changes

I know that there are still few of you that refuse to go onto FaceBook. I can not say that I blame you because it can be both time consuming and some of the posts are utterly ridicules. Personally I do not care to know what you had for breakfast, how to make hot dogs that look like they are growing hair, wether or not you passed gas today or any thing that I can look up in the encyclopedia all by myself. However I have found it a valuable tool for sharing information with family and friends in a quick and easy manner. Just last night I posted something about a little girl that we know who is starving and within minutes I had people in the USA contacting me and asking how they could help. Quite a difference from not that many years ago when missionaries had to wait months to receive an answer.
Anyway as much as I hate some of the things about FaceBook I have found it a necessary evil and will be doing more and more of my writing there.
Below are some of the Face Book posts that I have managed to post here on my journal page.
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