November 2014

Another great day on the road with Fernando, Esben, and Elder. We repared wheelchairs gave out food and visited with friends.

Fernando, Elder, Esvin and I are spending our last night on the road.pepper visiting a few families and fun Pablo with our friend Daryl Fulp the four of us headed cross-country over the mountains to give out our last wheelchair to florendaa little girl that my friends Rudy Varayi and his wife Anna are sponsoring. once again my boys did a marvelous job I hardly had to lift a finger to help.

I just phoned Fernando and asked if he wanted to go and register for school first thing Monday morning. Two generous Facebook friends contacted me within an hour of each-other telling me that they would each pay half of his school expenses. Neater knowing that the other was offering the other half, and neater knowing that they were doing so as mother and daughter. (Coincidence) I think not. (Godincidence) for sure!
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