Journal, August 28- September 4, 2009

When we got there we visited with several of the kids who had already been put to bed for the day.
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sometimes my boys can be a bit childish, like when they try to look cool simply because their picture is being taken.

I try to tell them that they are being immature when they do that but some kids never seem to grow up.
Our primary reason for going to Robinal was to try and make Contact with Luis and Julia. We have worked with them for several years now and they do a lot of the leg work and make a lot of initial contacts for us when ever we bring in water filters or have a wheelchairs distribution in their area. For several weeks now Chris and I have been trying to contact them so that we could arrange to bring some new water filter cartridges in to a village that brought water filters in to about a year and a half ago. We were not sure just why but try as we may we could not reach either of them by phone so I finally decided to take a 5 hour drive and see if I could locate them.

Sunday, August 30, 2009
This morning we met with Julia. She said that she knew of a boy that could use the wheelchair that I HAPPENED to have taken along with me. When we arrived at his house we discovered that he was not at home. After his mother showed me pictures of him I was convinced that he needed a larger wheelchair than the one that we had taken along anyway.. I felt a bit bad that Godincidence # 3 hadn’t worked out exactly as I had prayed that it would. Little did I know that the wheelchair that I so badly wanted to give away would be needed if a little boy an hour further down the road was to continue to go to school. I often forget that God's answers are wiser than my prayers.
After bringing Julia back to her home the boys and I went back to our motel and had a teem meeting. Since there was no school on Monday (?) and Champey was only 4 ½ hours away why not spend an extra day on the road and make this a real adventure. The vote came in at 100% and soon all 3 of the kids had phoned home and convinced their families that it was a great Idea. Jason’s family seemed a bit uncertain at first but once he convinced them that I was not ready to strangle him yet they also agreed.

If there is anyone reading this that believes that all of these things that HAPPENED the last few days were not Godincidences but simply coincidences that’s OK because I am convinced that,
“A coincidence is when God performs a miracle, but decides to remain anonymous.”

Yours in Christ: Dick
Monday, August 31, 2009

As often as I have been to Champey I still cannot get over it’s beauty. This was Fernando’s second time here and the first time for the other 2 boys. For the next several hours all we did was hike and swim.

Cesar entertained us but may have scared away a few strangers by proving that he could get his entire body into his stretch swimsuit.

We would have all liked to have been able to stay longer but we still had an 8 hour drive ahead of us so at 11:30 we hiked back to my car.
About a month ago I lost 1 of the 2 transmitters that I have for the burglar alarm of my car and have been a bet paranoid about what would happen if I lost the other one. Not only will the alarm not shut off but my car not start with out it. That is why being here in Champey which is in the middle of no where I was especially careful to hide it in a good place while swimming. No I didn’t put it in my pocket and swim with it I hid it under the cover of my spare tire and that is exactly where I found it when I got back to the car. Why then did it not work? Good question, but I do not have the answerer. Try as I am I could not get it to work. It let up so I knew that the battery was good but it certainly did not unlock the doors to my car. I managed to get my door open with a spare key that I had hidden under the car the day we headed out on our trip and I even managed to get the alarm shut off by removing my battery cable, but now what? Every time that I reconnected the battery cable the alarm would come back and there was no way to start the engine with out deactivating tit A few prayers later I decided to hold the remote right up next to the alarm and sure enough it worked.
Most of our trip home was quite uneventful but the traffic and the rain storm that I encountered while driving through Guatemala City made me wish that we had taken the dirt road that we had driven on Saturday.

Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, October 31, 2009, 3:35 PM
Spent the morning putting my car back together and then went and got a new burglar alarm installed. This afternoon I have been hiding out working on my journal at restaurant 56. Now that I am caught up I am going to head for home and spend some time with the kids.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I spent most of my day at Hermano Pedro today. Alex has been in need of a new wheelchair for a long time and today I finally got him fitted into a new one that is much better for him. Nine year old Alex had been loosing weight for the past several years and had crept down to 18 pounds.

Since there were no other volunteers available to help take any of the kids to lunch I was only able to take Fidel. He seemed to enjoy the one on one time that we had though and between his limited English and my limited Spanish we were actually able to carry on somewhat of a conversation.

When we got back to the orphanage I did some repairs on more of the wheelchairs but at around 2 PM I received a phone call from Mark Richard over at Hope Haven’s wheelchair factory, asking me if I could come over and fit a little boy with downs syndrome into a wheelchair. He was not all that hard to fit into a wheelchair but I was glad that I had gone over to help because I was able to convince his mother to let me set up an appointment for him with the doctors and therapists at Hermano Pedro. I have a feeling that with proper treatment this little boy can learn to walk.
Before heading home I stopped off at the place that had installed my new car alarm yesterday. The sensitivity had to be readjusted. What brought this to my attention was the fact that it went off every few minutes while it was parked at the orphanage. One time it went of fwas when a man who was walking on the other side of the street sneezed.

My kids wanted to play soccer tonight but I told them that I was not footing the bill so if they wanted to play they would have to come up with the money for it themselves. I once again have the cleanest yard, house, car, and dishes in town. We could not get the soccer field until 9PM but it was a fun way to finish out the day.

Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, September 3, 2009, 9:35 PM

Little Jose is also doing well. His mom and brother were there today and they are great with him. Tomorrow this spirited 11 pound boy will celebrate his third birthday.
When I got back home tonight I was greeted by an alley full of kids. On our way home I had told Cesar that I had a lot of work to do and that I was not going to let the kids in tonight. How do you say no to nearly a dozen kids that greet you like they have not seen you in years? You don’t, or at least I didn’t. I made it clear to them though that I had lots of work to do so I was only going to let them stay for a half hour or so. That ridicules announcement was made at 6:00 PM. At 8:00 I told them that I really meant it. It is now 10:00 PM and there have been no kids in my house for at least a half hour. I am sure glad that I can be stern when I have to be. Now The silence is driving me crazy so I guess that I will head off to bed. Marcos has asked me if he can spend the day with me tomorrow. He has no school (?).
Yours in Christ: Dick
Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:25 PM
I was scheduled to meet at Hermano Pedro with a man and his wife who came in from the USA yesterday but just before heading there this morning I received an e-mail saying that they would not be there. The e-mail did not go into much detail but Dave told me that his wife was admitted to the hospital shortly after they arrived here in Guatemala. I don’t know what the problem was but It sounds like she will be getting out some time today. I actually had plenty of work to do at the wheelchair shop but I had already promised 3 of the kids from the orphanage that I was taking them out today and I could not go back on my word. Nothing to worry about though, because neither Marcos nor Cesar had school today, (?!?) so they both willingly came along to help me out with the orphanage kids.

Today we took Bobby, Diago, and Ervin out to eat. If you don’t think that all of the rigmarole of getting the kids signed out, taking them down the not so wheelchair friendly cobble stone roads and then having to hand feed them is worth it take one look at these pictures.

Before heading for home I managed to get Nelson seated better in his new wheelchair. This was not an easy task either but the end result was well worth it.
Unlike last night, tonight I did not even attempt to get an hour or 2 to myself. After all it is Friday tomorrow and that means that 100% of the kids have no school . About 12 were here for supper, 7 wanted to spend the night. Report cards came out today and after looking them over 5 are spending the night. At least they shouldn’t be carrying in any bugs because they have been in the shower the entire time that I have been wring tonight journal.
Well that is about it for now so I am going to say “Goodnight”.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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