Journal, September 12-18, 2009

A few years ago Chris and I met with some Guatemalan business men who had a concern for their fellow Guatemalans. These men had a vision of helping their fellow Guatemalans that lived in and around Huehuetenango, but did not know exactly how to go about it. After hearing about Bethel Ministries and the work that they do they asked us if they could help coordinate wheelchair distributions in Huehuetenango.

Today 56 People here in Huehuetenango received wheelchairs and over a half dozen of them received Christ as their Lord and Savior.

It was a long day because after seating these 56 people into wheelchairs we drove all the way back to Chimaltenango. At 3:30 tomorrow morning the group that was here for the distribution will be heading for the airport. Chris offered to take them there. I did not argue. I get tired just thinking about it so I am heading off to bed.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
with the kids
Monday, September 14, 2009
Well I'm on the road again. Once again it is getting near camp time so today was the first of many days of camp recruiting. During this time of year we go out and personally invite people who are in wheelchairs to one of the three camps that we have in Chimaltenango each year. If my memory serves me right this will be our tenth year of hosting camp for around 180 people with disabilities. Since each person that comes to camp has some type of disability they are asked to take a friend or family member along with them to help serve as a care giver. Add to that 15 to 20 volunteers from the States,and nearly that many Guatemalan volunteers and you have a sell out crowd. This year we will have less accommodations than usual for the campers so when I visit them I have to make it perfectly clear that each camper takes only one companion along with them to camp.

Tuesday, September 15, 20o9

It is independence day here in Guatemala so this morning we did not get out on the road until about 10 AM. Not because we spent the night celebrating but because of a parade that that kept us from getting our car out of the motel parking lot. I have learned to go with the flow here in Guatemala so for the next hour and a half we enjoyed the parade.

We then took a different road back to the same motel that we had stayed at last night. This road was steep and not paved but the scenery was breathtaking. Tomorrow we plan on heading for home.
but the food was good... . . .. .
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

After 2 and a half days on the road I am back home. It was a good trip but it is good to be back. This evening the kids and I celebrated by having a soccer game. My friend Mike came along as well. Mike had a sore leg so he sat out the game. I played for a little while but then I told the kids that I also wanted to be a spectator tonight. After the game most of the crew came over for spaghetti.
10:15 PM
Miguel, one of my older boys just brought some thing to my Attention. There is a text message on my phone saying that 100 Q (around $12 of air time was transferred from my phone to the phone of Alex's brother Chino. I just got off from the phone with Chino and Alex and discovered that this is not the first time that Alex has used my phone to transfer money to his brother's phone while pretending to be calling his mother about something. It seems that some of these kids think that it is OK to seal from you if you have more than they do. I some how have to convey to them not only that they can not take things from someone simply because that person has more than they do but also that they are betraying a trust and a friendship by doing so. I told Alex and Chino that I would be over at their house tomorrow afternoon to talk to them and their mother to discuss what the consequences of this theft would be. I also told Alex that I wanted him to be at my door at 7:00 am so that he could return the 100 Q that I gave him for his schooling at about the same time that he was stealing the other 100 Q from me. A short time later Chino transferred the unused portion of the money back over to my phone. I am still going to require Alex to return the money that I gave him for his schooling though. I also told him that tomorrow we will discuss weather or not we will continue to sponsor him in his schooling.

Well I am going to head off to bed now. I have an idea that it will be a sleepless night though. Please pray that I make the right decisions in dealing with this situation. I know that discontinuing Alex's sponsorship would be harsh punishment but I am considering doing that, at least for a month or two. I love these kids but they have to learn that they can not take things that do not belong to them.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Not nearly enough sleep last night worrying about Alex but if I stopped doing things every time one of these kids broke my hart I would be at a stand still. My friend Mike had planned on spending the entire day with me today. We were going to first visit Mark Richard and Hope Haven's Wheelchair factory and then visit the orphanage but Mike's planned activities ended right after the visit to the wheelchair factory. Seems that some thing he ate last night didn't agree with him. Since Mike had supper at my house I am afraid that doesn't say much for either my cooking or the kid's dish washing. At any rate I brought Mike back to his hotel shortly before noon. Mike is thankful that, unlike my house, this hotel has inside plumbing.

Sometimes one lap is scarcely enough.

Today they were celebrating the anniversary of Hermano Pedro and unlike many of their celebrations the kids were not put in their cribs but were included in the festivities. It was neat to see so many of the adults holding and playing with the kids. Since the kids in the part of the orphanage where I usually hang out at had so much going on today Miguel, Cesar and I decided to spend most of our afternoon up in the malnutrition ward. Actually kids are not allowed to visit the malnutrition ward but I talked the nurses into letting me take several of the healthier kids out into a fenced off area that is located just out side of the malnutrition ward. Later they allowed the boys and myself to take a few of them down to where all of the festivities were taking place.

Shortly after getting back home I went over to Lezett's house. Lezette, who is the daughter of Chris and Donna, and her husband Minor live right next to me. She is an excellent interpreter and tonight I needed one. Last night I had phone Alex and Chino's mom and told her what her son's had done but tonight I wanted to go to her place and talk to her so that an appropriate punishment could be agreed upon by both of us. She told me that last nights phone call had devastated her and her first reaction was to make her sons stay in the house for the rest of their lives. She know though that trying to keep them from getting into trouble by locking them in the house would not work but it was agreed upon that they would not be allowed to come over for a month and then only if mother knew exactly where they were. She shared with us that alex sowed true remorse for what he had done and that he got so upset over his actions that he actually threw up. He told me that he was sorry and that he would make it up to me in any way possible. I told him that I believed him and forgave him but that he would still have to be punished for his actions. Not only will he and Chino have to pay back the amount that they were unable to put back onto my phone but am trying to come up with some type of community service job for them.
It seems like when it rains it pours because when I got home tonight one of my older boys discovered a file on one of the computers that is used for school work that contained some pictures that we immediately destroyed. It looks like tomorrow night Jason and possibly his parents will be getting a visit from me. I haven't yet decided weather to do that visit before or after seeing Fernando's uncle who has owed me money for several years now. I would leave that one alone if it were just an unpaid loan but there is a lot more to it than that.

"Children don't make life easier....just better..."
Yours in Christ: Dick
Friday, September 18, 2009
This morning Mike, Mario, Cesar and I Headed down towards the coast. Cesar is still out of school but since Cesar's dad can not get any time off from either of his 2 jobs, Mario told me that he will go along with me to talk with Cesar’s principal. It seemed odd that Cesar is being kicked out of school simply because he was sick during exam week but Mario told me that the same thing happened to a child of a friend of his a few years ago. Mario helped his friend’s child get back into school and is hoping that he can do the same for Cesar.

Well it is getting late. (Truth is it is Saturday afternoon. I have fallen behind on my journal writing.) So I am going to say “Goodnight” or at least “Good afternoon”
Yours in Christ: Dick
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