Journal, November 6-11, 2009

Another side of Guatemala
by Daryl Fulp

From there we drove to another home that is about three miles away, as the crow flies, but involved nearly an hour’s drive. There we visited with Julio, a little guy that Dick had found some time ago severely malnourished in a hammock behind the family’s house.
He convinced the family to allow him to take Julio to Hermano Pedro for treatment where he was fattened up and then returned home. With the help of a sponsor, Dick is providing food for the family on a regular basis in order to assure that Julio does not return to his former state. The father is a hard worker who is currently without work and is awaiting the coming sugar cane harvest which will provide him with employment for the season.
We were able to deliver groceries to this family, including the lunch we had packed for ourselves. We decided that we could do without in light of the need we were seeing. Julio was such a wonderful little guy and Kathlin, Rachel, and Bev had a wonderful time holding and playing with him and the little ones.
As we were preparing to leave it was discovered that the rear passenger tire of Dick’s Land Cruiser was flat. It was raining and muddy and we prepared ourselves to get very messy changing the tire. However, a group of men from the village stepped forward and did most of the work. One of them even laid down in the mud to position the jack properly. When all the work was done, Dick and I had dirty hands, but the men who helped were filthy. As we left, Dick told us what a blessing that flat tire was. When he first came to the village to help Julio the men in the village told the family not to trust him. They said if they allowed Dick to take Julio they would never see him alive again. But now, through the relationship he has built with the family and the help he has offered, he is trusted by those same men. It was both wonderful and humbling to see their eagerness to assist Dick in return for the help he has so freely offered.
After we left, we air dried for a little while with the windows rolled down and then stopped for lunch at a roadside burger stand. All the guys ate a cheeseburger, but the women opted out. I think they were a little concerned about food-borne illnesses. The rumbling in my stomach makes me wonder if they were right!
From there we went to the home of Henri, a little guy with cerebral palsy. When Wanda and I came to Guatemala in September we brought along a wheelchair that was donated by our friends the Riffels. We had left it at Hermano Pedro for Dick to use as he chose. As it turns out, Henri was the perfect candidate for the chair, so our team had the privilege of delivering the chair and assisting with the fitting. What a joy it was to see Henri sitting up straight and unassisted in his new chair!
Once again our team was overwhelmed by children as we worked on the chair. More candy was passed out and a good time was had by all, especially Bev who was in grandma heaven!
Our last stop was at the home of a young man named David. David is preparing to graduate after a long and difficult road. He was disabled from birth by spina bifida and his mother fought for his education.
Mother would carry David to school each day on her back, across a stream, to deliver him to school. However, the teachers would leave him in the corner of the room and not work with him. In fact, he was often teased and made fun of by the teachers. Finally his mother withdrew him from school after third grade and he remained unschooled for several years. Through sponsorship Bethel Ministries, whom dick works with, was able to arrange for a tutor and eventually to get him back in school. On Monday this fine young man will graduate and move on. It was a privilege to meet him and the mother that fought so hard for her son’s education.
I am sure by now that you understand how difficult it is to put a day like this into words. While this blog cannot do it justice, I pray that I have at least given you a glimpse of the impact this day has had on me and the team. Thanks, Dick, for providing us with a great day of ministry and memories!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Today I spent my entire day here in Chimaltenango. Once again part of my day was spent putting my car back together. The last trip did in a tire on my car that was just a little over a week old. If your read yesterday's journal you would know that it was the best $100 that I ever spent. Funny how we can some times question why God allows what we consider bad things happen in our lives only to later discover that God used them for something good. I guess that I have to read Romans 8:28 more often.
At around 1:00 Pm I went over to Chino's house. Chino was having a graduation party. There were lots of people at his house to celibate and over all it was a happy occasion but both Chino and his mother started to cry when Chino expressed his wish that his father could have been at the graduation. Several years ago Chino's father left to find work in the States . The family is praying that he will come back home by Christmas. The trouble is they have been praying that same prayer for 6 years now.
I gave some thought about going to Hermano Pedro orphanage after the graduation party but I knew that my kids here at home needed some of my time as well. Besides that I knew that, at least for today, my bases were covered. Not that there are ever too many volunteers there for all of the kids, but my friend Daryl Fulp and the groups that he brings along with him when he comes here from the States does a wonderful job when they are here. Many well meaning groups come into the orphanage and most make a gallant effort of entertaining the kids. Granted Darryl and his groups love to entertain them as well but they have learned that there is something that has to go along with the entertainment and that is loving on the kids. I guess puppets and clowns are OK but what these kids need the most is a real person. A person that is willing to hold them , to play with them, to laugh with them, to cry with them. A person that is willing to let each one of these precious children know that he or she is a real person. These children need people that are willing to show them the kind of love that our Heavenly Father gave to us when he sent his only Son here to earth to be a real person that was willing to die for us.
The following is what Daryl wrote in today's journal.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
It Keeps Getting Harder
I am sitting in the Guatemala City airport after having said goodbye to the kids and adults at Hermano Pedro yet again. It seems like saying goodbye should get easier, but it doesn’t. In fact, this was harder than ever before.
This is the off-season for tourists and volunteers at HP. The number of people who come in to help with the kids is at the lowest point of the year, so I wonder how often these kids are spoken to, caressed, held, and loved. And when they are, will the person doing it know what each child needs.
Will they know that Estuardo is soothed by having someone mimic the creative noises he makes with his mouth? Will they know that Diego loves to be pushed backward in his wheelchair? Will they know that Leslie is comforted by softly clapping? Will they know that Ervin acts out when he feels abandoned but is a sweet little guy when he knows he is loved? Will they know that Louis loves a gentle breeze on his face and hates loud noises?
The answer to all the questions is, “Likely not.” They cannot know these things because they will probably not know the children. (Just yesterday I had to explain to a group of volunteers that Gloria was nearly deaf and needed to feel the vibrations from their chest and that Leslie was blind and needed their touch instead of their hand puppet.) And this highlights the problem. These children are a part of an institution, not a family.
Within a loving family, a child is known. Their likes, loves, hates, and fears are known by the family that loves them. And that knowledge is used to create a place of safety and joy. And that is why our family is so desperate to get to Guatemala and create a home for these children based on family. So, I return home once again to continue our furious preparations that will enable our move. And as I do, I pray that our house sells quickly, fund raising goes smoothly, and that we reach our new home soon. Children are waiting.
Daryl, his wife Wanda and their 10 children are selling everything that they own so that they can move here to Guatemala to serve full time.
Click here to see Daryl's web page.
Yours in Christ: Dick

After lunch Fernando and I headed over to Hermano Pedro and had some fun with the orphanage kids. Sonia, Veronica, David and Moises,were out in the courtyard. The other 50 or more kids from their section were in bed for the day.

While the kids were playing soccer I went up to the malnutrition ward and checked in on a few new arrivals. I got to know a few of these kids when we gave them new wheelchairs a few days ago. At that time Walter, a new little boy caught my attention. I had guessed that he was around 6 years old but my guess was off by 5 years. Walter is 11. He has to be one of the saddest looking kids that I have ever met. As skinny as he is

When I got home I received a call from Jason. He wanted to know if I could come over to his home and have dinner with him and his family in celebration of his 14th birthday. The 10 kids that were in my house were not all that fond of my leaving but I said that I would open the place back up when I returned and even promised that I would give them supper.

Yours in Christ: Dick
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ever feel like you have been conned? I can distinctly remember talking to the kids last night and promising 2 and only 2 of them that I would be letting them come along with me to Democratica this morning.

My reason for the hour and a half drive to Democratica was to have a meeting with Edna a social worker and the Mayor's wife. I called Edna a half hour before we arrived and she told me to just wait for her outside of the clinic because she was going to be a few minutes late. About an hour later one of the workers from the clinic came out and told me that Edna was not going to be there today but that the malnourished kids that I had come to see were there and that the doctor would show them to me. When the doctor and I walked into the small room where the children were we were both shocked to see that most of the kids there looked relatively healthy.

When we got back home I took an hour long kid break and then we all gathered up on a soccer field that I had rented. I actually played an entire game with out getting hurt (to badly).

Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1 Peter 5:7
Yours in Christ: Dick
Wednesday, November 11 , 2009

This morning we got my refrigerator back from the repair shop. I am not exactly sure what they did to get it running but there are now a few extra wires coming out of the back of it so I told the kids that hey have to be careful not to get a shock when they try to dry wet clothing on the coils on the back of the fridge. At least it is working and actually seems to be running quieter than it ever did. That isn't saying much though because now it sounds like a Honda instead of a Harley.

Our first visit was to a home where another priest had been staying. I had visited him a few weeks ago to measure him for a wheelchair. This man who was 35 years younger than Father Bernardo had suffered a stroke that left him nearly paralyzed.

Our next stop was at the home of Cesar. Cesar is the man the Father Bernardo introduced me to About a year ago. At that time 3 doctors had told Cesar that his infected leg would have to be amputated. Father Bernardo does not know much about medicine but he felt that the doctors were giving up on Cesar to quickly. A visit by an American doctor that I borough in to see Cesar confirmed Father Bernardo's suspicions and thanks to a strong stomach and the treatment that the doctor showed me how to do Cesar's leg has been saved. A few months ago the infection flared up again but once we resumed treatment Cesar's leg has once again improved. I will never forget coming back form our firs visit to Cesar's house with Father Bernardo. He told me that he loved what doing this kind of work and that he wanted to work with me. I enjoyed Father Bernardo but felt that I better let him know that even though I spent a lot of time at Hermano Pedro orphanage I was not Roman Catholic. Father Bernardo looked up and informed me that he was not Evangelical but Roman Catholic. Then he said, "Enough theological discussion. Now lets go out and do God's work." Father Bernardo has taught me a lot. No he has not turned me towards Catholicism nor will he sway my beliefs, but he has taught me that we do not have to agree on everything in order to work together.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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