Journal, October 17-23, 2009

Four of the kids that hang out at my house were among those that were chosen to represent Chimaltenango in a soccer championship that was held in San Lucas today. Five of the kids that did not play and my self went to watch them play a teem from Antigua. They played a good game that went into overtime but the lost by one point. They were a bit disappointed that they did not win but still considered it an honer that they had been chosen for the teem.

Hope that you enjoy what they write.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Rachel Blake Wrote

Our 2 1/2 hour trip to Sacapulas ended up to be almost 5 hours. A mudslide hindered our progress for a time, and after we cleared that obstacle, heavy fog set in as we traversed the hairpin turns, and steep graded mountain road. I was one of 9 riding with Cris Mooney at the wheel, and I always felt that he was driving safely in spite of the tough road conditions. We stopped mid-way for fuel and these girls in traditional dress were selling colorful baskets.
Monday, October 19, 2009

Rachel Wrote
God can use long as they have an available heart, and use you in ways that might be unexpected. Meet Mike Foy, an orthodontist by trade who has used his talents on missions trips, but decided this time he wanted to do something "different". Here is a picture of Mike with a gentleman he helped to "seat". The man's family were thrilled with this particular chair because the footrests elevate, and he needs this for his illness. Cunen....many in need, the first time the Mooneys have distributed chairs here. One of their ministry partners, Marcos who is wheelchair bound and helped to start BMI, was born in this town and was proud to have brought 40 chairs and 3 sets of crutches to his people. Here is one who is shown at her home. I gave up the "LambChop" puppet I carried with me from the Springs (Thanks Dawn) to Alexander, one of our 3 children recipients because he lit up when he saw the lamb. Hopefully one day, he to will know the Lamb of God. He was seated in a Hope Haven chair, one that is manufactured here in Guatemala, by disabled workers since there were no JAF chairs that were just right for him.

40 Wheelchairs were distributed, 3 recipients accepted Christ and 30 children prayed with Pastor Don and Donna Mooney to accept Christ after they were told the Gospel story via the evangelism bracelets.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
More from Rachel

Stefanie Kellemeyn, who is on her first Wheels trip and is a pediatric nurse in Colorado Springs, does some nursing on the roadside. Harrison, a physical therapy student received some bug bites and……why does that require a tongue depressor?

Our group of 18 has 3 sub-teams, and also Prayer Partners, consisting of two people. Here is part of our group paired with their partners and getting ready for a "Prayer Circle", a time of prayer and celebration before a distribution. Yesterday
Mary just blew me away.... She always has a ready smile and loves to "love on" people. This pre-school teacher has a way of making people feel welcome and valued, a true example of Jesus mandate in Luke 14.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Dick wrote

This Joni and Friends teem has been incredible. Each member of their teem has pitched right in and done everything from making pancakes for the people that come in to receive wheelchairs, to seating and fitting some fairly complicated cases.

Thanks Teem,
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Today we had our third and final wheelchair distribution of the week. Here are some pictures.

Rachel wrote

We all serve the Lord in different ways. He can use us if we make ourselves available to him. Trevor Needham never thought that making pancakes would be a way to serve the Lord. But he proved indispensable this week. He and Christie Ramshur spent many hours making pancakes and serving the families at the distribution, as well as team members.
Friday, October 23, 2009
By Dick
Today we were able to take the Joni and Friends teem that has been with us all week through the orphanage at Hermano Pedro.

Need I say More?

Yours in Christ: Dick
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