Journal, March 5-10, 2010

My Friend Daryl has once again graciously offered to write today's journal entry for me. OK let me fess up. I actually stole this off from his web page becauseI simply did not have the time to write a journal entry today.
Fighting for food

For lunch we took a group of the older teens and two young ladies out to eat at Pollo Campero. Stomachs were filled with food and paper airplanes made from place mats filled the air. We had so much fun with this group!

My buddy, Elmer, and I put on our special hats and struck a gangsta pose together while Dick hit us with spit wads. In other words, the adults were worse than the kids!
Here is what I cam up with.For a $1 donation you can win dinner for 2 at Camperos. (Actually it is a 2 piece chicken dinner for one but for a small charge they will bring you an extra plate so that you can split it between yourself and a friend. All yuo have to do is be the first to correctly identify the mystery person in this photo. The only hint that I will give is that this person was one of the members of the group that went to Camperos today. If you can not identify this person you can always try for the booby prize which is an autographed picture of today's mystery guest. The booby prize winner need not identify our mystery guest but must correctly identify what part of that person's anatomy is pictured here.
Daryl wrote,
We returned to HP at 2:00 pm to find almost all the kids back in their cribs. We held another jail break, liberating most of the children into the courtyard where we spent the rest of the afternoon.
Things went well until supper. As usual, the nurses brought out food for us to feed to the children. We all fed the kids assigned to us and the nurses came back around to brush the children’s teeth. At that point, various members of our team began to point out different children who had not received food. After discussing it with everyone we determined that six children had been skipped. When we pointed this out to the nurses, they tried to argue that they had received food, but we were sure they had not. We stuck to our guns and insisted that they be fed. Eventually they relented and food was brought out. However, they had already cleaned up after dinner, so those remaining only received bread mixed in warm milk. But for our team’s alertness and intervention, six children would have gone to bed hungry tonight. Why? Because of a failure to create a simple checklist that would assure that all the kids receive a meal. I confess that this angered me. How many other nights do they miss feeding some of these little guys? And how long will it be until someone cares enough to change things?

On a side note, Byron’s head-control unit for his wheelchair shorted out today. This young man is a wonderfully active guy thanks to the mobility provided by his chair, but until it is repaired he loses that mobility. Dick is working to repair it, but is not sure he has the necessary parts. A new unit is expensive and would not work as well for Byron’s needs. Would you please pray with us that Dick will be able to scrape together the parts necessary to get him back on the road quickly?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Ever have one of those days when you wake up and everything smells like roses but then it turns out smelling more like the fertilizer that makes them grow? Things started out fairly relaxing. The kids that spent the night and a few others that showed up at my door at around 7 AM and I had breakfast and the loaded p my Land Cruiser and drove over to San Lucas to watch 3 of my kids play soccer. Other then 2 kids that collided and had to be taken to the hospital the game went quite well. No concussions but both boys received stitches. (Neither of the boys that got hurt were kids that hang out at my house so at least I didn't have to be the one that took them to the hospital.)

It was 8 PM by the time that I walked into the house and I was frustrated and tired. Within a matter of what seemed like seconds I was bombarded by kids that seemed to all be in need of something. Two needed band-aids Three of them showed me that their shoes were worn out. Four wanted to use my computer for home work and another half dozen simply wanted my undivided attention. For a second there I wanted to scream but then I realized how blessed I was and one by one I took the time to hear them out. I sent them home a bit earlier than usual though and five minutes after the last one said goodbye I was fast asleep.
Sunday, March 6, 2010
I would like to say that I had a good night's sleep but the troth is from bout 3:30 on I laid there thinking about Byron and Fidel. I knew that later today I would be leaving for Santiago for a few days and that unless I did something this morning they would be without their power wheelchairs for several days. At around 8 AM I was on my way to Antigua to see what I could do about getting their wheelchairs up and running. After testing out every remaining computer that we had lying around the shop that would possible fit Fidel and Byron's wheelchairs I finally came op with one that worked. At least Fidel is happy. Unfortunately Byron will have to wait until I return from Santiago later in the week. Even then I am unsure just what to do because it looks like we do not have the parts to get his wheelchair going in stock.

Yours in Christ: Dick

Today was our first day of a 2 day wheelchair distribution here in Santiago. Well over half of the more than thirty people that showed up for wheelchairs today were children that required a lot of specialty fitting. Although up until now most of the therapy students that are here with us have not had much hands on experience in working with wheelchairs they were all eager to learn and caught on quickly.

Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

That is why I do everything I can to make these kids as comfortable and to give them the mobility that a power wheelchair provides. Unlike the young man from Guatemala city that I brought a power wheelchair to last month, Domingo still has enough hand use that he will not require a head controlled wheelchair. We did not have any power wheelchairs with us today so we made Domingo as comfortable as possible by placing him in a manual wheelchair but I made Domingo a promise that I will return within a month and give him a power wheelchair. Not only will this give him the independence of being able to move around on his own but it will also allow him to be able to continue to go to school.

Near the end of our day I met a young man named Sebastian. Just like Domingo, Sebastian also has Muscular dystrophy. 4 years ago when we had a distribution in this same town we had given Sebastian a manual wheelchair. At that time he still had enough strength in his arms to move around on his own. Since that time Sebastian's condition has worsened so it looked like I would be bringing in 2 power chairs next month.
When it rains it pours. As I was finishing up measuring Sebastian for a power wheelchair his mother told one of our students that she had a younger son who also had muscular dystrophy and wondered if we could see him. Mom told us that her and her husband are separated and that the younger son lived with his dad. Within 5 minutes 2 of the therapy students, 2 people that knew the family and myself were in my car and heading to where Sebastian's brother lived.

Tomorrow I plan on heading back home to Chimaltenango. It has been a good trip. The accommodations have been some of the nicest that I have ever been in here in Guatemala and the group of students that we have been working with have been great, but it will be good to be back. I miss my kids. I also want to get to work on getting Byron’s power wheelchair going again. I know how much he misses his freedom.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Dick, Thank you for setting us up to get your posts. May God give you more and more favor in Guatemala with the work you are doing. As you give out I pray that the Lord refills you over and over again so that you have a strength that is beyond anything natural. May your rest be sweet and your home and children be overflowing with the peace of God!!! Thank you for loving the children and reaching out to them!! L Romnes
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