Journal, April 5-8, 2010

Pat Duff has brought 3 students, Brianna, Laura and Cameron down to Guatemala for a one week mission trip. Brianna has been journaling and since I have been spending a good part of my time with this group I figured that I would once again take a break from doing any journaling of my own and post some of her journals.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Even though I posted my last journal entry on April 4 I have decided to back track a bit and post a few of Brianna's earlier journal entries as well and several of her current ones. I think that you will find all of them well worth reading.
Guatemala Count Down
Guatemala is VERY soon... only 3 more days and then the team boards the plane and we will be on our way! We fly to Dallas/Fort Worth and have a fairly long layover there, which will be kind of fun! I know everyone on the team but it will be awesome to just bond with the group and get to hang out before we make it to Guatemala. Once we are in Guatemala we will get a good nights rest (hopefully) then start out Friday by getting our money exchanged and phone set up then we will make our way to Hermano Pedro in the morning then Jackson House in the afternoon. We spend everyday (minus Easter) at either the Jackson House or Hermano Pedro. I am so glad!

I already am thinking about how blessed I am. The fact that I am sitting in my own bedroom on my own Mac-Book typing this with my pet dog laying next to me shows how blessed I am. I am warm and dry. I have a comfortable bed and a closet full of clothes. I have nothing to complain about yet day in and day out I find things wrong instead of looking at the good. I wonder what other people who have nothing would think if they heard me complaining or saw the greed in my heart... If they had a quarter of what I had they would be so grateful!
"Jesus take my heart and clean it inside and out. Take away my greed! Make me like you!"
Blessings until next time,
Monday, March 29, 2010
Countdown Complete
The countdown to my trip is finished. One more sleep and I will be on my way to Guatemala or Guacamole as 151 calls it. As the time draws nearer my nerves grow bigger. This is my first time out of the country alone. I have been out of the country one other time and that was to the Bahamas so I don't think that one really counts! Even though I am nervous I am ten times that excited!! I can't wait to be there, to love on the kids and be Jesus to them for a week of their lives! I can't wait to have them permanently in my heart and on my mind! To think of them often and pray from them even more often.

I still have quite a bit to do before I go so I will leave you with this:
Curt Dodd says, "As often as you think of them pray for them" So I ask that as often as you think of me pray for me. This next 7 days is going to be hard. I know God is going to stretch me and grow me and use me!
Hola!! Como estas?!
I wish I could say I knew more Spanish than that but I don't.
Today was AWESOME! Guatemala is nothing like I expected it to be! I was actually expecting it to be way worse than it actually is. It is fairly modern here, in Antigua and everyone is so friendly! The family we are staying with are especially nice. Mari cooks so much food and though I am not a fan of all of it. I am sure if I liked the ingredients it would taste great! I also tried refried beans today (I know you are shocked!! I am too!) After breakfast we got ready and went out to Hermano Pedro. Most of the kids were outside watching the processions (more on those later) so we went inside to see the "naughty" kids who didn't get to go out to watch the processions. If you ask me the "naughty" ones were the lucky ones! It was so much fun to get to play with the kids. There was a little boy who's name was Estardo. We took him out of his wheel chair to play on one of the play sets they had and none of us (not even Pat) knew he could walk! He was walking all over the place! He loved walking too! When you would pick him up he would scream really really really loud until you put him down. I however, got to pick him up (he really liked me). I would pick him up and we would spin and he would just giggle and giggle, then when I would put him down he would get his bearing and ask to do it again. A lot of the kids are non-verbal but they have their own ways of communicating! It is so awesome to be with them and see their personalities. After we left Hermano Pedro Pat was telling us how well we did with the kids, she said most teams don't get right in there as well as we did! I was glad to hear that. We really did get right in and play with the kids.

Well, I better be getting off here now! I will write more tomorrow and try to post some pictures of the kids!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
It seems like that happens a lot here, one minute I am waking up and the next it is time for bed. Even though the time passes quickly though my days are full of love, adventure and LOTS OF FUN!! I am so sad that tomorrow is our last day with the kids and in Antigua at all. I really do love it here. Me and Laura are planning on coming back for the summer or at least part of the summer next year and we can't wait! The kids at Hermano Pedro truly have found their places in my heart (just like I guessed). They are all so different and have their own personalities yet they are all so much a like in many ways. They all need love and affection. They LOVE attention! It seriously amazes me that just by walking up to a kid and smiling at them brightens their faces. They smile and giggle sometimes and though most of them are non-verbal they even respond if not in words in their own ways.

Here are some more pictures from my trip just so I don't leave you hanging to much!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Thanks Brianna! Now it is Pat Duff to the rescue. Wow! I love having these American mission teems come and visit, especially when they offer to do my journaling for me.
Pat Wrote,
Today we went with Dick Rutgers out to one of the villages near the coast to pick up Julio’s mom to visit him in the malnutrition ward of Hermano Pedro. I’ve been to this part of the country before, but was interested to see what Laura, Brianna and Cameron would think of the experience.

Much of the drive is on highway, though the highway experience in Guatemala is much different from the US. I think Dick only has about 2 new cracks in his dashboard from where I grabbed on when things got exciting. The back roads, however, continue to be my favorite (especially since I’m not the one driving) and I loved it as we drove past miles and miles of sugar cane, seldom meeting another vehicle.

Julio has returned recently to the malnutrition ward at Hermano Pedro after a short trial time at home, during which he lost a significant amount of weight. He quickly has regained weight, and Dick has many concerns about what will happen the next time he returns home. I talked with Momma about her plans for Julio, and she seems determined to bring him home again. You can see in her eyes how much she cares for him and misses him. What is uncertain is if she will be able to provide sufficient care for Julio to stay alive and well if he comes home again. Dick promises, though, that Julio’s condition will be closely monitored, and support will be provided to make sure he continues to stay well.

On the way back to Antigua, the young folks seemed unusually quiet. While they were worn out from the trip and the heat, they had much more on their minds. They had just experienced first-hand what it means to be poor, and now the “poor” had names and faces for them to take home in their hearts. This is hard for me, and I’ve been here so often before. I’m really proud of how they handled this experience. They faced overwhelming feelings during this trip, but this never interfered with their ability to reach out with compassion to those we visited.
Hermano Pedro was our first stop in Antigua. We got Momma registered to spend the night at Casa de Fe (a free hostel run by Faith in Practice for parents of children receiving care at Hermano Pedro), and then took her up to see Julio. My teenagers didn’t mind a bit that Maria could not go into malnutrition, and they would have to “sacrifice” their time to watch her. The kids downstairs in the ward at Hermano Pedro really seemed to enjoy having a baby around for a while, and were remarkably gentle with her.
After dropping Momma off at Casa de Fe, we walked the short distance home. Dick suddenly didn’t either look or feel very well, and we decided we would take care of getting Momma back to Hermano Pedro in the morning. I think maybe our kids didn’t feel so well, either, though they were just experiencing the side effects of staying up WAY too late at night. They crashed immediately after returning home, and Mari and I weren’t able to wake them even for dinner. I do have some cute pictures of this, but value Cameron, Laura and Brianna’s friendship too much to post them!
Mari and I were able to spend a nice, quiet evening eating supper by ourselves in the kitchen and just catching up on each others lives. As we chatted it seemed any stress from the day faded away, and I went to bed completely relaxed. I look forward to many more of these evenings with her after I moved down in June.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
After their full night’s sleep, Brianna, Cameron and Laura were up early this morning and were pleasantly surprised by Mari’s delicious pancakes for breakfast. They were pretty hungry after missing supper last night! We left about 8:30 to pick up Momma at Casa de Fe, and stopped at one of my favorite cafes to get her some breakfast.

Mom went up to see Julio and we played with the kids at Hermano Pedro. We’d brought a variety of balls today, and I was pleased to see that we had some way almost all of the children could participate if we went to them individually. For the first time today I saw Heidi make a deliberate and purposeful movement as she played with a punch ball. Nothing could be as cute, however, as Ervin leading Brianna around by a ball on an elastic band which was attached to her wrist. He was crawling as she walked behind him, and it was clear who was in charge (and it wasn’t Brianna!).
Since Dick still wasn’t feeling well, he asked if I could ride with him as he took Momma home. (Before any of you send sympathy cards or flowers I want you to know that it was just a 24 hour thing and that I am once again feeling like I am not a day over 63. Dick) The group wanted to stay at Hermano Pedro, rather than making another 4-5 hour hot trip to the coast, and I hesitantly agreed to go without them. I knew Hermano Pedro was an extremely safe place to leave them, and that they were all responsible young adults, but I felt a little bit like a mother abandoning her babes as we walked out the door.
We made the trip down in what seemed like no time at all. This drive gave Dick and me some time to catch up with each other, as the last few months have been so busy for both of us that we’ve seldom talked or even emailed. We were soon dropping off Mom, and, because I was the “woman” had the privilege of receiving her hugs and kisses of gratitude. It make any discomfort or inconvenience of the trip well worth it.

Patricia Duff
Thanks Pat, and thanks teem.
Yours in Christ, Dick
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