Journal, April 7-13, 2010

Actually it is not Wednesday April 7. It is Tuesday, April 13. I am 7 days behind on my Journaling. Since there are no teems here for a few days and no one has stepped forward to do my journaling for me I think that this one is going to be really condensed. Don't worry though because if you prefer the long winded journals all you need to do is scroll down a bit and click onto some of my archives that you will find in the left hand column.
I did manage to take a few pictures so I will at least post them along with a few brief descriptions of what has been going the past few days.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thanks to Bethel Ministries and Hope Haven international we were able to get the exact wheelchairs that they needed and got all three kids fitted.

Today we drove down to Mazatlan where we did a large wheelchair distribution.

that this is the
right wheelchair
for me?"
Not only were over 80 people given Wheelchairs, canes or walkers, but over a dozen people gave their lives to Christ.

Friday, April 9, 2010
Once again my day was spent in Antigua.

No day at the orphanage is fully complete unless you take at least a few of the kids out to lunch.

A few weeks ago a friend of mine introduced me to a beggar girl who lives with her grandmother in a small room behind one of the stores in Antigua. Even though she has never been able to walk, she has never owned a wheelchair,

After attending all 3 games I went home and relaxed for about an hour.
Then some friends from the States came down. We all went to Burger King for supper, then we all rented a soccer field and played more soccer.

Sunday, April 11, 2010
After church Saul, Jeorge and I headed off to Xela with a truck load of wheelchairs and wheelchair parts. The 3 of us plan on spending the next 3 days repairing and replacing outgrown and broken wheelchairs at an orphanage here in Xela.
Monday, April 12, 2010

We woke up to a truck that would not start but managed to talk a half dozen men that were walking by to help us push start it. Before reaching the orphanage we stopped off at a battery shop and with the use of some of their test equipment we located and fixed the problem.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today was pretty much a repeat of Monday with the exception that the truck did not break down. We are getting a lot accomplished but there is no way that we will be finished with getting everything done by tomorrow afternoon as was originally the plan. There is a teem coming in from the States on Thursday so we do have to get back home by tomorrow night so it looks like we will have to com back and finish up another day.

Before closing I would like to share a few paragraphs from Briana's last journal entry. Briana is the 19 year old girl who's journals I posted while she was here last week. I think that Briana may have caught something when she was here last week. It is my prayer that it is contagious and that others that she comes in contact with will catch it as well.
Here is what Briana wrote.

I truly was blessed to be able to go to Guatemala. I never imagined it would be as awesome as it was. I knew it would be a huge blessing and I would come away a different person but I never expected to be this different. A lot has changed in such a short time. Tonight I went on a mother daughter date with my mom and she asked me if I had the overseas missionary bug. Turns out I do. I would love to spend more time with the kids at Hermano Pedro and more time with the families on the coast, or even helping out at the clinic on the coast or just doing anything I could to help anywhere. As well as global missions though I would like to do some Omaha missions as well until I can make my way to Guatemala again. I am not sure where I want to help out at but I would like to help somewhere. Laura and I are also planning on going back to Guatemala next summer (2011) for a longer time. Cameron might come too. We were planning on going the whole summer but I momentarily spaced the fact that my best friends wedding is the end of June and seeing as I am in it I should probably be there =) So I am praying about going after the wedding until school would start. If you are reading this and would like to pray for me that would be great. I need prayer on where God wants me. I have a lot of decisions to make as far as school and my life go. I never imagined


"I have discovered that many people go on mission trips with thoughts of God using them to bless and change the world, but return home having discovered that they were blessed because God used the world to change them."
Yours in Christ: Dick
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