Journal, July 13-18, 2010
The past few days have once again slipped by without me doing any journaling. I am thankful though that I have a camera and even more thankful that I have friends who don't seem to mind when I copy and post their journal entries. Here then is some of mine and a lot of theirs.
Wednesday, July 17, 2010
Pat writes the following
Learning to be a Human BEING

Today was such an ordinary day, I couldn’t quite think of what I was going to journal about. Really “accomplished” nothing today, except spending time with the kids at Hermano Pedro. And as I prayed about this, I realize how I’m still striving to DO rather than surrendering to BEING. Can this possibly be God’s will for my life, just being? Can it really be this simple?
I’m beginning to realize that though I may not be able to show tangible events as “proof” of my service, that much is happening inside of me, and hopefully inside of those I touch each day. I really struggled over whether or not to go to language school in Costa Rica, to become more “equipped” to serve here, but understand now that this initial time is part of my equipping.
Each day I learn more about being a “missionary” from Dick and Chris and Donna and others who have served here for years. I’m grateful they share their wisdom with me, and know I am a better person because of their friendship. (“Missionary” is in quotes, because I’m still trying to figure out what that means. How is what I am doing here different from what I was called to do at Westside? As Dick pointed out to me today, aren’t we all called to share and be Jesus to each other, no matter where we live?)
I don’t know that I’ve ever felt so strongly the call to let my hands and arms be the hands and arms of Jesus. As I prayed over her, I saw her face and body relax. Did she understand my words? Probably not. But I believe she experienced the touch of the Holy Spirit in her spirit. I’m learning that I’m not called just to minister to physical, intellectual, and emotional needs of the kids, but also to their spiritual needs. I really don’t think that there is such a thing as being “spiritually handicapped” unless it is something we do to ourselves by clinging to our intellect and abilities, rather than just yielding to the touch of God. I find myself almost automatically starting to pray over each child as I say “hello” or wish them “good night.” They are teaching me much about inviting Jesus into all my encounters.
I also profoundly experience the truth of Jesus’ words, “whatever you have done to the least of these, you have done to me.” Today as I held and “fed” Paty, I had the strong impression that in some way I was holding Jesus as I never had before. She was being Jesus to me as much as I was being Jesus to her. I was once again overwhelmed and humbled by the privilege of serving Him in the kids. He is “blessing my socks off” each day that I’m here.

Written by Pat
Visiting With Old Friends
The trip down was pretty uneventful, and it seemed like in no time at all we were at their home. (Really, I think it took about 2½ hours, but with the trips we’ve made lately, that’s not long.) The kids were home when we arrive, and they quickly called their parents who were working in the field nearby.

Claudia, the youngest girl, has grown up quite a bit since I saw her last. I don’t think she hardly put down the Care Bear I brought her. She looks much healthier now than she did even a year ago.
Herlindo, the “middle” son, is quite the character. He’s sharp as a tack, but has a definite mind of his own.

I really got a kick out of Dovan, the baby, who at age two also knows how to assert himself! I’d brought him a small ball, and if anyone touched it, he’d scream bloody murder! He did play futbol (soccer) with Dick for a while, though.
Dick and Marcos managed to repair Ronny's chair by replacing the wheel bearings. This was the real purpose of our trip, but, as Dick says, you can’t just make a quick stop at this home. This is a family who loves to visit and is always so gracious to us when we do. To thank Dick and Marcos for fixing the chair, Momma gave them each sacks of limes to take home.
After the repairs were done, Dick took and printed some pictures for the family. I’m always amazed at what a big deal this is. These pictures I took of him doing this show just how much the family enjoyed this activity.
Soon it was time to go, as Dick needed to get back to Chimaltenango to take his teenagers to youth group this evening. We took a different road back, and discovered that it was covered in water in many places. This is dangerously deceptive, as what seems like a shallow puddle can turn out to be a 2 foot deep pothole filled with water.

Written by Dick

After the game 6 of the boys went with me to the village where Maria lives.

My boys and some of the village kids quickly got another soccer game going. This one was not played on a manicured field but the kids still had a great time.

even had a water hazard.

It was a good thing I took a head count when I left home. Otherwise I may not have noticed that there were about a dozen extra kids in and on my car when it was time to leave.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Only 3 kids came along with me to church this morning. That is an all time low but some were sick, others were grounded and a few went to another church with some friends.

In traditional Guatemalan fashion Olga got her face shoved into one of the cakes after blowing out the candles. I used to think that getting a spanking on your birthday was bad but this one takes the cake.

I had a big crew for supper tonight and even though I had run out of hamburger the entire crew voted for spaghetti. It's not that my spaghetti is all that good it is just that the only other choice was corn flakes. I must admit though I still prefer hamburger in my spaghetti better than chopped up hot-dogs.
Well it is getting late so I think that I will take a few Tums and then head off to bed.
Yours in Christ: Dick
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