Journal, June 11-15, 2010

At the top of most of my Journal entries I post pictures that I have taken of some of the beautiful children that I work with here in Guatemala. Here is another picture of a beautiful child.
in the same way that you see them."
The LORD said to Samuel,
"Do not consider his appearance .........
The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.
Man looks at the outward appearance,
but the LORD looks at the heart."
Friday, June 11, 2010

These 4 pictures in today's post are not paintings of what the inside of my stomach is feeling like. Believe it or not they are untouched photographs of Pacaya the volcano here in Guatemala that erupted 2 weeks ago. The majority of the pictures that I post are taken by me but as much as I would like to take credit for these I have to admit that I did not take them. They were taken by Nick Weaver who works with Orphan Resource International.

Thanks Nick
Yours in Christ: Dick
Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm feeling better today. I hung out with the kids most of the day. Four of my boys had a big soccer game in San Lucas. They took a buss with the rest of their teem but 13 of us took my car there to watch the game. This was their last game of the season and a big one. Chimaltenango and Antigua were playing for first place after beating out 8 other towns during the past few months. It was a close one but my kids won by one goal. Tonight I took the kids that played out for supper to celebrate.

Yours in Christ: Dick
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Church, and then the kids and I took 2 visitors from England and 3 from the States through Hermano Pedro orphanage. Nearly every kid was in bed when we arrived shortly after 1 PM but we made short work of that.

Not only did this group love on the Orphanage kids but they had a great time with my kids as well.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I headed for home at around 3 PM because I had promised my kids that I would spend some time with them before going back out on the road for a week.

.........(Silly me. Nice try, but it didn't work!)
It still baffles me as to why my kids tell me that I am being cruel to them if I ask them to walk to the store for a dozen eggs when it is drizzling out but have no problem playing soccer in a downpour.

A while back I was asked how I could do any missionary work when there were always so many kids around. My answer to that is not only do I try to involve my kids in this ministry but that God is showing me more and more that a big part of my ministry is being there for my kids. Yes there will always be Calin days when I walk into a room and find one of my kids stealing from my cupboards, but there are are also the Miguel days when I walk into a room and find one of them on his knees praying with the others. I feel so blessed that God has allowed me to be part of these kids lives.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Thursday, June 15, 2010, 11:18 AM

I ask that you pray for this trip that it may be just the first of several trips where we can go to these people and demonstrate God's love in action. We will be as careful as possible but are aware that there are dangers. We know that bad things can happen to good people, but we also know that God said "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." (Mark 16:15) So we are going. Ever since coming to Guatemala I have known that I was exactly where God wanted me to be so what better place could I possibly be?
Yours in Christ: Dick
Dick, thanks for the continual updates, I love reading about what you are doing. I can't wait until Trina and I get there in September. Hopefully we'll be able to spend a little time with you.
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