for a few days or until they turn 21.
Preferably the latter.

Next I went back into the house and did a pantomime indicating that I wanted the music turned down and no more than 2 rap songs (Again the word songs is being used loosely) being played at once. For a few minutes there it actually got quiet enough that I almost put my hearing aids back in but some how the volume mysteriously got louder when I turned my back to go and see what we (still using the word we) would make for supper. I asked the kids if they were hungry. (I know, Stupid question) and what they wanted for supper and all but a few of them voted on spaghetti. Since we had not had spaghetti since night before last I thought it was a good choice, besides that we were running low on corn flakes. Funny thing happened next, It may have been from all of the yelling and pounding or perhaps from the loud music but I still can't figure out why they all heard me perfectly when I asked them if they were hungry and when I asked what they wanted to eat but some how they all went deaf when I asked them to help me make supper. I did manage to get the attention of some of them though when I shut off their music by disconnecting the router to the internet, and after some not so gentle coaxing 5 out of 10 of them got up to help me. I said something about wanting the other 5 to help but I must have been mumbling because they did not move. I then cleared my throat and this time I was clearly understood.

they step on your toes....
When they grow up,
they step on your heart.
On Friday evening I got home just in time to take my kids to youth group which is held every Friday evening at the church that we attend in Antigua. While the kids were at youth group I went over to Camperos to visit with some friends and after youth group the kids all walked over to Camperos to meet me for supper. When they arrived I asked them what they had done at youth group and most of them responded. However 2 of my boys Susan and Maria (The names have been changed to protect the guilty) sat there like they did not have a clew. I did not think much of it at the time because these were 2 of the same boys that had spaced out when I asked them to help with supper the night before. However I did a lot more thinking about it when I received an anonymous (Actually I know who it was that called but I know that he would not like me making up a name for him so he will remain anonymous) phone call a few minutes later. Seems that anonymous had proof that 2 of my boys, Susan and Maria (not their real names) had skipped out of youth group and gone to the park. I did not say anything until I got home but then questioned each of them separately. J...., I mean Susan came clean but K...., (allies Maria) stuck to a poorly fabricated story until I re questioned him the following day. I let him know that I was never going to force him to go to youth group but did expect him that go if he came along with me to Antigua for that purpose, and as far as the lying goes I told him that there would be consequences.

Rule # 303 New cars no matter how strong, will get dents and scratches if you use them as a break dancing platform.

Rule # 304 (This one is directed at my boys) Do not lye about not using some one's car as a break dance platform until you delete the pictures from their camera.

Today is Sunday and things have gone much better. Oh yes I still woke up thinking about trying to find some one who wanted a few kids until they grew up. Fact is I was going to offer to pay some one dearly to do so but after church the boys and I went to Hermano Pedro (At their request) to love on the kids that are there. All I can say is wow. My boys have a way of showing Christ's love to the kids that are at the orphanage that I have not seen in many people.

Fact is today Su..., I mean Jason told me that he would love to get into some type of Christian ministry that involves working with children in an orphanage.
Children don't make life easier....just better...
Yours in Christ: Dick
I was sharing some of this blog post with my husband, Brant, and he said to tell you "hang in there Dick, Jesus is coming." I am so inspired by your ministry to these boys and the kids at hermano pedro- you truly are a father to the fatherless in many ways. We're praying for you.
~Trisha Baron
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