Journal, October 3-8, 2009

I know that my last journal entry was on October 2 and that I am suddenly jumping to October 8 but before filling you in on some of the things that took place this week I want to make you aware of what has been happening with Florinda, the little girl that Roland Elf and myself brought in to Hermano Pedro a few months ago. I have been on the road recruiting for camp a lot lately so it has been difficult for me to keep as close of an eye on some of the kids that we have had a hand in getting into the malnutrition ward of Hermano Pedro as I would like to.

Here are parts of some e-mails that Roland has sent me during the past several days.
Sept 25, 2009
Hi Dick,

Florinda update: I had another long conversation with the sister of Florinda and I think it will work fine tomorrow. They has said to her that her and her mother has to be at Social work HP at 9 o’clock so that they will leave their village early tomorrow. She said that they has said that they leave to the national hospital at 9 or at 10 o’clock from Hermano Pedro to travel the national hospital I also explained to her sister that Florinda just has to be a the national hospital a short time to have that Edema in her right knee cured and when she will return to Hermano Pedro ward, she is going to explain this to her mother to avoid that her mother take Florinda home, that would be a disaster, the reason for that she started to think so , is that the national hospitals has bad fame, and she is afraid that Florinda instead of being better will be sicker,....but also the social worker said yesterday that they will explain, I got very very nervous because of this, but her sister understood what I said and this risk is gone now, she will explain to her mother.
Sept 29, 2009
Hi Dick,
Here is a little update about Florinda.

I have today talked to the woman at Social work at HP and she explained the situation. And I also talked to Xiomara. Hopefully tomorrow there will be an answer from the doctor at national hospital if it is necessary an operation of Florinda’s knee that is swollen of edema. Or if it is possible at the moment. The social worker said that is not possible that Florinda’s mother can take away Florinda and bring her back to HP without an agreement between HP and the hospital, the risk is that if she tries to do that the result can be that Florinda can’t return to any of these places. She said that Florinda has to be there now, but if the mother is patient and let them do the treatments, including injections that they are giving Florinda for some reason. Florinda can come back to HP. The social worker said that the mother and her elder sister need to be at the hospital all the time taking care of Florinda all the time, which can be a long time, maybe weeks. Until she can come back to HP.
September 30, 2009
Hi Dick,
I was over half a day at the hospital with little Florinda, her mother and sister. I hold her for a moment and I gave her massage and she became calm for a moment. You can see that Florinda continue to suffer of pain, one moment she is calm and the other she starts to cry.

October 6 2009:
Hi Dick,
Emergency situation

Please keep this precious child in your prayers. Pray also for wisdom on our part. It would perhaps be easiest to say we did our best and that it is time to let go but even though mother made a decision that we warned her not to make she is pleading for help. Roland told me that during a telephone conversation that he had with Florinda's mom last night he could hear Florinda screaming and crying in the background.
Saturday, October 3 - Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A lot has been going on during the past 5 days, so much in fact that I have had no time to write about it. I thought about thinking back and detailing everything that happened in chronological order but have neither the time or the memory to do that. Here than is a hodgepodge of some of the things that have gone during the past several days.

Some of us just don’t have film.

I hope that it didn't rain that night.

, ,,, On Tuesday Chris, John, John's 3 Daughters and myself
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.Brought some water filters to a village.

We will be monitoring them closely before giving out any more. They are a new design and are smaller than a soup can. If they are half as good as the company that makes them claims they are they may be much better than anything that we have seen used in the past.

Most homes do not even have outhouses because allowing human waist to lye on the ground is better than having it go into a hole that is often times lower than the water table.

Each time that I have visited in the past I have been told that father was out working. It was not until today that we discovered that several months ago he walked out on his wife and 8 children. I have seen my share of poverty in the 10 years that I have been in Guatemala but this situation is one of the worst that I have run across.

One of the highlights of my day was being able to give wheelchairs and walkers to 2 little boys that I just happened to run across while recruiting for camp a few weeks ago.
Seeing Mario and myself talking to a man that was in a wheelchair the mothers of both of these children approached us asking if we knew where they could receive help for their sons neither of whom could walk. As it turned out we just happened to have a wheelchair distribution scheduled in their town a few weeks later.
Thursday, October 8, 2009, 9:06 PM
I did it! I finally got caught up on my journal! You may be wondering what I did most of the day. My first sentence pretty much sums up a lot of what I did today. (I finally got caught up on my journal!) That and getting my car back into shape for my next outing which is planned for tomorrow.

Yours in Christ: Dick
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