Journal, April 15-20, 2010

This week we have a teem of adults here from my home church back in Washington State. Their leader Mike Campfield is keeping a daily journal while they are here so I am going to take advantage of that by posting what Mike wrote along with a few things that I wrote.
We Have Arrived
Written by Mike

(Then again perhaps I should be doing my own Journaling. I thought about deleting that last sentence but am praying that those that read it already know Mike and are aware that not all pastors are 100% truthful.)
Written by Dick
Today as Calin and I were heading towards the coast to deliver a power scooter we had to come to a sudden stop to avoid hitting the car in front of us that stopped at an intersection that he had the right away on. Unfortunately the pick up truck that was following us did not stop as quickly as we did and rear-ended me. Since other traffic was bearing down on us I decided to pull ahead to a wide spot on the road and motioned for the driver of the pickup truck to do the same. Judging by the force of the impact I was sure that substantial damage had been done to my car. The driver of the pick up truck started to pull off behind me but then swung back onto the rode and kept going. I quickly caught up with him and motioned for him to pull over. He did not seem all that interested in doing so. Perhaps the fact that there were about 10 adults in his truck and there were only 2 people in my car had something to do with this. Here in Guatemala It would perhaps have been wiser had I simply given in and let him go but being American and knowing that I was in the right kept me from doing the wise thing. I was not about to let common sense rule, so I kept forcing the issue and finally convinced him that I was willing to exchange a little paint if he did not want to stop and at least talk things over. Would you believe that right across the road from where we stopped there just happened to be 2 police men. Now I know that normally call these things Godincidences but after talking over what had just happened with the police men I am not all that sure that it was. Every one held their tempers (even me) but the police sided with the driver of the pick up truck and told me that I should not have stopped at that intersection since I had the right away. The fact that I had no choice unless I ran over the car in front of me seemed to make little difference. The Driver of the pickup truck told me that he would have stopped quicker but a semi truck was bearing down on him and had he stopped any quicker the passengers that were in the back of his truck would have been in far worse shape than our vehicles.

One thing that I have learned from this is that I have to drive even faster so that I do not get rear-ended by any more cars!

About and hour later Calin and I stopped off and gave Owen his new power scooter. Three years ago Owen was riding his motor cycle home from his last day of university. That night he was suppose to go to his graduation ceremony but Owen was run off from the road by a buss and his head struck a tree. Owen suffered brain damage and his life was changed forever. Later this evening as I sat in a 4 hour long traffic jam that had been caused by a head on collision between a car and a semi I realized how fortunate I was. Please continue to pray for our safety and for a lot more wisdom.
Yours in Christ: Dick
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Wheels from God
Written by Mike

Our group jumped in and after a few minutes and acted as though they have done it all their lives. Of course there are numerous stories each person could share but the final story is a greater appreciation of the ministry going on through Dick and Chris.
The drive back was beautiful and the BBQ chicken, fresh green beans, potatoes, homemade tortilla and juice hit the spot.

Sunday, April 18, 2010
God says Good morning
Written by Mike

It is so great to know that the God we serve is BIG and to be able to worship with another culture is a treat. The many hugs and kisses during the greeting was fun to be a part of. The love displayed to our group was great. After Chris Mooney's daughter-in-law Alyssa shared how the perfect Love of God takes away our fears we ended the service with prayer and worship.

At the orphanage we were reminded how truly blessed we are to have the health we have. Seeing the smiles the children had on their faces as we took them out of their cribs was rewarding. Walking past the others that we couldn't attend to for our time there was difficult. The group "jumped" right in and loved up on the kids.
Monday, April 19, 2010

Written by Mike

After a full day of painting we took bags of food to six families. Of course seeing the living conditions of these families quickly slapped us in the face of how much we have and reminded us how great the needs are of so many in this area as well as many places in the world.
Groups that come down often build houses - same as the one we are building - and the homes we visited were those who have received the blessing of a new "house" by Bethel Ministries. One in particular stands out for our group.

Ruth works LONG hours in her house working as a seamstress. She can NOT leave her home as her materials and sewing equipment are expensive. IF she does leave, her mother has to watch the house. Unfortunately her mother lives 20 minute drive but she has to walk as she has no transportation.
We pray the Lord will be with Ruth and the Holy Spirit will speak to her daily. We do thank Him for allowing us the opportunity to be a part of this Divine Appointment.

The groups will switch on Wednesday and look forward to completing the painting and house project!

Dick wrote
Since there were 2 new kids at the orphanage that were in need of wheelchairs I decided to break away from the group today and go there. When I arrived I was pleased to see that they had most of the kids out in the court yard but I was not happy to see that even though they did not have Ervin locked in his crib like they do most of the time he and his wheelchair were tied to a pole. I quickly decided that even though I had a lot of work to do today I was going to take him out to the park and to lunch.
I did not get straight to work becasuse today the therapists actually decided to use the swimming pool to do therapy. One more adult meant that one more kid was able to get into the pool. Six kids isn't much considering there are 240 full time residents but I figured that it was better than five.

When I got out of the pool I finally went to work. The first little boy that I put into a wheelchair is a new resident at Hermano Pedro. He has CP but seems quite healthy. He is still quite frightened and not at all sure what is going on but wormed up to me quickly and by the time I had him fitted into his new wheelchair we were the best of friends.

When we got back to the orphanage I went up to the Malnutrition ward to see an 11 year old boy that I had only briefly met when he arrived last week. When he arrived at Hermano Pedro he was very malnourished and his breathing seemed labored. Since he was so week I had decided that I would wait a week or 2 until I place him in a wheelchair. He seemed quite frightened and even though I was not going to give him a wheelchair that day I had thought about staying with him for an hour or 2 just so that he would not feel so all alone, but I had so many other things to do that I simply patted him on the head and promised that I would be back in a few days with a wheelchair for him.

so that we can see Life with a clearer view again.”
Yours in Christ: Dick
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Written by Mike

With zip lining our faith was in the equipment that held us up and provided security we needed. God provides the equipment to hold us and we have faith to know that He IS in control.
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